Back to Search ResultsCare Leavers, Stolen Generations and First Nations Forgotten Australians Aged Care Awareness and Education Campaign
Closes: 24th of February 2025 - 2:00 pm
Value: Up to $250,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Further Information:
This grant opportunity will provide up to $2,000,000.00 (GST exclusive) over four financial years from 2024-25 to 2027-28 across two funding streams to develop and deliver awareness and education campaigns about Care Leavers, Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians to aged care providers.
Stream 1 funding will seek to address the needs of Australian born non-indigenous Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. This group will be referred to as Care Leavers.
Stream 2 will address Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians who were removed from their families and communities and placed in out of home care.
These activities are intended to increase the aged care sectors capacity to provide culturally safe, person-centred, trauma aware and healing informed aged care to Care Leavers, Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians who were removed from their families and communities as children and placed in out of home care.
The successful organisation/s will work with Care Leavers, Stolen Generation survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians, representative bodies, experts in trauma informed practice, and the wider aged care sector to identify and address deficits in the provision of appropriate aged care for people with this lived experience. Successful organisation/s will be required to undertake an initial gap analysis and use findings to inform the development of campaigns so that they build upon and complement existing resources, frameworks, and networks. The grant will also support the development of new material to address identified awareness and education gaps. The development and design of any new material generated to meet the campaign objectives must be co-designed with relevant stakeholders.
To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:
- Indigenous Corporation (registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006)
- Company
- Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
- Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
- Local Government
- Incorporated Association
- Statutory Entity
- Partnership
- Unincorporated Association.
For Stream 2: Stolen Generations and First Nations Forgotten Australians applications will be accepted from a single organisation or two or more organisations that form a partnership/consortium. The single organisation must meet one of the following definitions and the partnership/consortium must include at least one organisation that meets one of the following definitions:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation – delivers services that build the strength and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people and is:
- incorporated under relevant legislation and not-for-profit
- controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
- connected to the community, or communities, in which they deliver the services
- governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body.
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation (other than an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation) – business, charity, not-for-profit organisation, incorporated under Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, that has at least 51% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ownership and/or directorship and is operated for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and
- they have experience working with First Nations stakeholders and communities (see Assessment Criterion 2) and
- are one of the entity types listed above within section 4.1.
Last Updated: 20th of December 2024