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Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund - 2024 Grant Closed: 16th of February 2025 Value: Up to $500,000 Run By: NSW Department of Primary Industries Further Information: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/dpi/fishing/aboriginal-fishing/aftf

The Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund (AFTF) provides grants and loans for the enhancement, maintenance and protection of Aboriginal cultural fishing as well as for Aboriginal communities to develop businesses associated with fisheries resources throughout NSW.

The AFTF looks to fund a wide range of projects across both coastal and inland regions in NSW, which promote Aboriginal cultural fishing or provide fishing related economic opportunities for Aboriginal people.

To be eligible applicants must be:

  1. An Aboriginal person, or
  2. An Aboriginal entity, which includes a family/clan or community organisation, or an Aboriginal owned and run business, or
  3. Someone acting on behalf of an Aboriginal entity.

The AFTF is looking to fund a wide range of projects including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Cultural fishing workshops
  • Cultural fishing access
  • Signage covering local cultural fishing connection
  • Stocking of culturally significant fish species
  • Fish habitat / invasive species management
  • Business administration and technical training
  • Broader capacity building
  • Commercial fishing operations
  • Aquaculture ventures
  • Charter fishing, cultural tourism or the post-harvest sector investment
  • Research into cultural harvest or impacts on cultural fishing/resources
Last Updated: 8th of January 2025
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Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program (ACDGP) 2024-25 Round Grant Closes: 17th of February 2025 - 4:00 pm Value: $10,000 to $60,000 Run By: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=d3e2bb9f-5e00-456b-86cb-faace579eb4f

The ACDGP supports international projects that tell Australian stories, amplify First Nations voices, deepen bilateral partnerships and build cultural understanding and connections overseas.

The ACDGP 2024-25 Round seeks to advance Australia’s interests through activities that foster mutual understanding, build trust and increase Australia’s ability to influence.

The objectives of the grant opportunity are to:

  • support collaborative and innovative projects that tell Australian stories and amplify First Nations voices overseas;
  • influence perceptions of Australia abroad by building cultural understanding and connections;
  • build international people-to-people and / or institutional partnerships;
  • support a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific; and
  • align with Australia’s Cultural Policy ‘Revive’ as set out in the pillars: First Nations First; a Place for Every Story; Centrality of the Artist; and Engaging the Audience.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are:

  • increased collaboration and partnerships between Australian and international organisations/individuals in the arts and cultural sectors;
  • increased Australian capacity to effectively engage with overseas partners, especially in the arts and cultural sectors; and
  • enhanced reputation and influence for Australia internationally.

To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) 
  • be a permanent resident of Australia
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • not have any outstanding reports, acquittals or serious breaches relating to any Australian Government funding. A serious breach is one that has resulted, or warrants, the termination of an agreement.

and be one of the following entity types:

  • a company incorporated in Australia
  • a company incorporated by guarantee
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust
  • an incorporated association
  • a partnership
  • a joint (consortia) application with a lead organisation
  • a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation
  • an individual who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • an Australian local government body
  • an Australian state or territory government body
  • an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships Grant Program Grant Closes: 18th of February 2025 Value: Up to $500,000 Run By: NSW Government Communities and Justice Further Information: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/service-providers/grants/grants-open/nsw-primary-prevention-multi-year-partnerships-grant-program.html

This grant program is aimed at organisations or partnerships that are already undertaking primary prevention of family, domestic, and sexual violence in local, place-based settings. This grant is designed to support community-led, three-year initiatives with clear and actionable delivery plans across metro, rural, and regional NSW that engage a range of different communities and marginalised cohorts.

All applicants are required to meet the following eligibility criteria:

be an eligible legal entity located in NSW, including:

  • Local government organisations, including:
    • NSW local councils operating under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act)
    • Joint Organisations (s400O of the LG Act)
    • County Councils (s383 of the LG Act)
    • Regional Organisations of Councils (which are voluntary groupings of councils).
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) – these Applicants will be required to provide documentation to support their ACCO status
  • Incorporated organisation registered and approved as a not-for-profit body by NSW Fair Trading. Not-for-profit organisations will be considered eligible, if they are:
    • incorporated organisations that are registered and approved as not-for-profit bodies by NSW Fair Trading
    • not-for profit companies limited by guarantee, registered in NSW (must have ACNC registration and/or DGR status)
    • Indigenous Corporations (must be registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations)
    • NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils
    • religious organisations operating in NSW
    • NSW non-government organisations established under their own Act of Parliament.
  • be able to enter into a grant funding agreement with Department of Communities and Justice
  • have an Australian bank account
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • have appropriate insurance; this must include but is not limited to a minimum of $10 million Public Liability Insurance
  • address the NSW National Redress Scheme sanctions (included in this template),
Last Updated: 22nd of December 2024
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2025 NAIDOC Local Grants Opportunity Grant Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 3:00 pm Value: Up to $25,000 Run By: National Indigenous Australians Agency Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=77a22a8e-6fb5-4fb3-8626-f0cf973d8435

This grant opportunity provides funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC Week activities across Australia. 

Non-Indigenous organisations are strongly encouraged to work with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in planning activities / events.


Both First Nations and non-Indigenous legal entities may apply for NAIDOC Local Grants funding. NIAA will apply the following funding preference priorities:

  1. organisations with at least 51% First Nations ownership and at least 51% First Nations control, then
  2. organisations with at least 50% First Nations ownership, control or management, then
  3. non-First Nations organisations:
    1. applying on behalf of a First Nations organisation in a consortium arrangement (where the non-First Nations organisation is the lead organisation); then
    2. that have not previously received NAIDOC funding; then
    3. with a Reconciliation Action Plan.
Last Updated: 10th of January 2025
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Discovery Indigenous for funding commencing in 2026 Grant Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $30,000 to $2.5 Million Run By: Australian Research Council Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=a45b16b6-565a-42fe-9df0-fe7a9e4f53cb

The Discovery Indigenous scheme provides grant funding to support research projects led by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researcher.

The Discovery Indigenous scheme objectives are to: 

• support the retention of excellent Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers in higher education institutions to expand research capacity in Australia; 

• support excellent pure basic, strategic basic and applied research and research training, across all disciplines excluding clinical and other medical research, by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers as individuals and as teams;

• enhance the scale and focus of research in Australian Government priority areas and create economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and

• support national and international research collaboration.

The intended outcomes of the Discovery Indigenous scheme are:

• an expanded knowledge base and research capacity in Australia; and

• economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia


An application may only be submitted through the Research Office of an Eligible Organisation listed in the Grant Guidelines. The application must nominate at least one Chief Investigator (CI) or Discovery Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Award (DAATSIA) candidate. The first-named CI must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researcher and will be the Project Leader.

To be eligible to apply as a DAATSIA candidate, the individual nominated must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researcher; and must not be nominated for more than one DAATSIA in any grant opportunity.

To be eligible to apply as a CI, DAATSIA candidate or Partner Investigator (PI), the individual nominated must as at the grant opportunity closing date: have met their obligations regarding previously funded projects, including submission to the ARC of satisfactory final reports.

At the grant commencement date a CI or DAATSIA candidate must be an employee for at least 20 per cent of full time equivalent (0.2 FTE) at an Eligible Organisation; or be a holder of an honorary academic appointment at an Eligible Organisation and not employed at an other organisation for more than 0.2 FTE.

A CI or DAATSIA candidate can be concurrently funded through the Discovery Program for a maximum of: two projects as a CI; or one ARC Fellowship and one project as a CI; or one ARC Fellowship or project if the individual is also a Director on an active ARC Centre of Excellence or a Special Research Initiative project. Limits will be calculated at the closing time for submission of applications, and may be re-calculated as other grant opportunity announcements are made. A DAATSIA recipient cannot begin another ARC Fellowship until the DAATSIA is complete.

To be eligible to apply as a PI the individual nominated must not meet the eligibility criteria for a CI as at the grant commencement date or during the project activity period.

For other eligibility requirements refer to the Grant Guidelines.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

A project may be applied for and awarded funding for up to five consecutive years.

Last Updated: 26th of November 2024
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Supporting People with Cancer Round 16 Grant Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $40,000 to $120,000 Run By: Cancer Australia Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=5c935a9e-f942-4366-8d75-574ee411d383

Supporting People with Cancer (SPWC) is an annual grant program that funds projects aimed at reducing the impact of cancer and providing better support for people affected by cancer.

The aim of the opportunity is to improve the outcomes and experiences for all Australians affected by cancer, particularly for those groups whose health outcomes are poorest, in alignment with the Plan.

The objective of the opportunity is to fund community-led, evidence-based projects that address the strategic objectives and actions outlined in the Plan, including projects that:

  • Build equity across the cancer control spectrum by:
    • supporting one or more of the priority population groups identified in the Plan and/or
    • supporting improvements in outcomes for people whose cancer outcomes are inequitable, for example, people impacted by rare or less common cancers or cancers with poorer outcomes
  • Have national applicability and can be able to be applied locally

The intended outcomes of the opportunity are to:

  • address inequities and priorities across the whole cancer journey
  • improve availability of co-designed, tailored information and care for consumers
  • deliver cancer prevention and health promotion activities


Two categories of organisations are eligible to receive a grant where they meet the following eligibility criteria.

Category 1: Community organisation

To be eligible you must:

  • be a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation, and
  • demonstrate ongoing and culturally acceptable connections with community, including one or more priority population groups or people whose cancer outcomes are inequitable.

Category 2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation

To be eligible you must: 

  • be a registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander charity or not-for-profit organisation, or
  • be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, and
  • demonstrate ongoing and culturally acceptable connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Last Updated: 21st of December 2024
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Regional Economic Development and Community Investment Program Grant Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $250,000 to $5 Million Run By: NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/regional-economic-development-and-community-investment-program

The Regional Economic Development and Community Investment Program is open to initiatives that promote regional economic development and support employment creation and retention.

The $50 million program is funded under the Regional Development Trust and will support initiatives that promote regional economic development and contribute to job creation and retention aligned with the Trust’s key focus areas:

  • Aboriginal economic development and enterprise
  • Community connection and capacity building
  • Improving regional service delivery
  • Sustainable regional industries.

Within each key focus area, applications may be submitted for:

  • infrastructure projects
  • services and program delivery.

Eligible applicants must be one of the following entities:

  • a company incorporated in Australia
  • an incorporated association or co-operative  
  • a Local Government organisation (Committees under section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) must apply via the relevant council) 
  • a NSW Joint Organisation of Councils or a Regional Organisation of Councils
  • a Regional Development Australia Committee 
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
  • a Local Aboriginal Land Council
  • the Lord Howe Island Board or an Unincorporated Far West Group including RDA Far West (in their capacity as service providers for eligible locations not covered by a local government entity)
  • an Australian university.  

Eligible applicants must be able to provide evidence to demonstrate they:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • are financially solvent and not subject to any ongoing legal proceedings
  • have at least $20 million public liability insurance or are willing to secure the insurance before entering into a funding deed if the application is successful.

Projects must be located in one of the 95 regional NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs), the Unincorporated Far West region or on Lord Howe Island. (See Appendix A of the guidelines for a detailed list of eligible locations). Projects located in the Sydney metropolitan area are ineligible. 

Projects can be located on publicly owned land or on private land where there is a clear public benefit. If the applicant is not the owner of the land (or infrastructure) where the project will be located, landowner’s consent and/or access agreements will be required as part of the application.

Last Updated: 21st of December 2024
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Strong and Resilient Communities Activity – Inclusive Communities (SARC – IC) Round 4 Grants Grant Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 9:00 pm Value: Up to $360,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Social Services Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=4b1a76a5-9c25-41dc-b3eb-f3d6464db4d5

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply to deliver projects under the Families and Communities Program: Strong and Resilient Communities Activity – Inclusive Communities (SARC – IC) Round 4 Grants from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027.

SARC – IC grants will support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities by providing funding that supports:

  • Young people aged 12 to 18 years who are disengaged, or at risk of disengaging, from education to reconnect with their community, school, training and/or employment.
  • People with disability to participate in the community, and work towards becoming or remaining independent and engaged in the economy and/or society.
  • Women who experience, or are at risk of experiencing, isolation, or discrimination to participate in the community and/or economy and increase their self-agency.
  • People who are unemployed to increase participation in their community and/or increase their capacity to engage in employment, training, or existing employment services.


To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:

  • Company 
  • Cooperative
  • Incorporated Association
  • Indigenous Corporation
  • Local Government 
  • Statutory Entity
  • Trust 
Last Updated: 20th of December 2024
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Community Building Partnership 2025 Grant Opened: 28th of January 2025 Closes: 21st of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $10,000 to $100,000 Run By: NSW Government Communities and Justice Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/community-building-partnership-2025

This program awards grants for community infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.

To be eligible to apply for funding:

  • Applicants must be one of the following:
    • NSW association or non-distributing co-operatives registered with NSW Fair Trading
    • Local Aboriginal Land Councils or Indigenous corporations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
    • NSW local councils and their Section 355 committees operating under the Local Government Act 1993. Local councils or their Section 355 committees are required to provide matched funding to the CBP grant amount awarded.
    • Not-for-profit entities incorporated under an Act of Parliament
    • Trusts that are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
    • Public companies limited by guarantee.
  • Applicants that received a grant through the CBP 2021 and CBP 2022 rounds must have acquitted their CBP 2021 and CBP 2022 projects by 21 February 2025, unless they have an active and approved extension in place to complete the project.
  • Organisations listed on the ACNC Register must have a current and up-to-date record. Any organisation that has not met ongoing obligations to the ACNC will have funding withheld if the project is successful. Any outstanding issues must be resolved by the date Funding Agreements are due, or the grant offer may be withdrawn.
  • An organisation eligible to apply for funding must apply under its own legal name and ABN (if applicable).

CBP will consider funding requests between $10,000 and $100,000 for projects in NSW involving:

  • capital works including construction of new community infrastructure as well as refurbishment, repair and maintenance of existing community infrastructure. Capital works are: improvements to the land or building, or freestanding equipment that will be fixed or installed to the land or building.
  • the purchase of freestanding equipment. Freestanding equipment is: equipment that does not require installation. This also includes vehicles and vessels that do not require registration e.g. tractors, utility task vehicles (UTV) or side-by-side ATVs, dragon boats, golf buggies, dinghies, powerboats or sailing boats less than 5.5 m long or with an engine less than 4.0 kw.
  • the purchase of vehicle(s). Vehicles are: cars, buses, trucks, trailers, motorised rescue vehicles including boats and any modifications to existing vehicles.
Last Updated: 22nd of December 2024
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First Nations Heritage Grants - Round 2 Grant Closes: 21st of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $25,000 to $250,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=fd51fcee-e153-40a3-a238-bf41ab8f8515

Round 2 of the First Nations Heritage Grants program provides funding for projects that are aimed at:

  • identifying new Indigenous heritage values at existing World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places
  • preparing submissions for the addition of Indigenous heritage values to existing World Heritage and National Heritage listings
  • increasing protection of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place
  • improving management of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN), unless you are not entitled to an ABN.

And are one of the following entities:

  • an entity, incorporated in Australia (this includes Indigenous land management organisations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations)
  • a registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land council
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
  • an incorporated Regional Development Australia Committee
  • a publicly funded research organisation (PFRO) as defined in section 14 grant opportunity guidelines
  • an individual
  • a partnership
  • an Australian local government agency or body as defined in section 14 grant opportunity guidelines
  • an Australian state/territory Government agency or body.

You must also:

  • be a First Nations individual, group or organisation that is also the owner/manager of a listed place described in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines, or
  • be a First Nations individual, group or organisation that is not the owner/manager of the listed place and have evidence of the support of the listed place owner/manager for your project described in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines, or
  • be a non-First Nations owner/manager of the listed place described in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines, and have evidence of the involvement and support of relevant First Nations communities for the implementation of your project, or
  • be a third party and:
    • have evidence of the involvement and support of relevant First Nations communities for the implementation of your project, and
    • have evidence of the support of the listed place owner/manager for your project described in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines.
Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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Early Childhood Development - Round 2 - 2025 Grant Opened: 3rd of February 2025 Closes: 21st of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $100,000 to unspecified maximum over multiple years Run By: The Ian Potter Foundation Further Information: https://www.ianpotter.org.au/what-we-support/program-areas/early-childhood-development/

The Early Childhood Development program seeks to improve learning and development outcomes for children through innovative programs and sector initiatives in early childhood (0–8 years old), in particular, programs that recognise and foster parental engagement in their children’s learning and development.  

In  Round 2, 2025, Early Childhood Development will focus on initiatives that empower parents and caregivers to better access the resources and education required to support children.

Funding objective: 

  • To empower parents and caregivers to better access the resources and education required to support children.

This can encompass:

  • innovative projects that target disadvantaged communities that seek to improve child development outcomes and have potential for scale. 
  • projects to scale and consolidate successful evidence programs to a point of sustainability. 

Application Process (2-stage)

Grant requests for this program area are considered via a two-stage Expression of Interest process. 

Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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Care Leavers, Stolen Generations and First Nations Forgotten Australians Aged Care Awareness and Education Campaign Grant Closes: 24th of February 2025 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $250,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=f555c833-558c-4084-95b0-1b9a6bce567a

This grant opportunity will provide up to $2,000,000.00 (GST exclusive) over four financial years from 2024-25 to 2027-28 across two funding streams to develop and deliver awareness and education campaigns about Care Leavers, Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians to aged care providers. 

Stream 1 funding will seek to address the needs of Australian born non-indigenous Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. This group will be referred to as Care Leavers. 

Stream 2 will address Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians who were removed from their families and communities and placed in out of home care. 

These activities are intended to increase the aged care sectors capacity to provide culturally safe, person-centred, trauma aware and healing informed aged care to Care Leavers, Stolen Generations survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians who were removed from their families and communities as children and placed in out of home care. 

The successful organisation/s will work with Care Leavers, Stolen Generation survivors and First Nations Forgotten Australians, representative bodies, experts in trauma informed practice, and the wider aged care sector to identify and address deficits in the provision of appropriate aged care for people with this lived experience. Successful organisation/s will be required to undertake an initial gap analysis and use findings to inform the development of campaigns so that they build upon and complement existing resources, frameworks, and networks. The grant will also support the development of new material to address identified awareness and education gaps. The development and design of any new material generated to meet the campaign objectives must be co-designed with relevant stakeholders. 


To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types: 

  • Indigenous Corporation (registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006)
  • Company 
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Entity 
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
  • Local Government
  • Incorporated Association
  • Statutory Entity 
  • Partnership
  • Unincorporated Association. 

For Stream 2: Stolen Generations and First Nations Forgotten Australians applications will be accepted from a single organisation or two or more organisations that form a partnership/consortium. The single organisation must meet one of the following definitions and the partnership/consortium must include at least one organisation that meets one of the following definitions: 

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation – delivers services that build the strength and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people and is:
    • incorporated under relevant legislation and not-for-profit
    • controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
    • connected to the community, or communities, in which they deliver the services
    • governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body. 
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation (other than an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation) – business, charity, not-for-profit organisation, incorporated under Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, that has at least 51% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ownership and/or directorship and is operated for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and
  • they have experience working with First Nations stakeholders and communities (see Assessment Criterion 2) and
  • are one of the entity types listed above within section 4.1. 
Last Updated: 20th of December 2024
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Digital Games Seed Development Program Grant Closes: 24th of February 2025 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $30,000 Run By: Screen NSW Further Information: https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/funding-support/digital-games-seed-development-program

Targeted at emerging and small-medium enterprise digital game creators, the fund will provide a grant of up to $30,000 for early-stage game development.

The funds could also be used to cover scoping technical requirements of a games project, exploring commercial, creative and market potential, as well as pitch materials.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Support NSW game creators to advance early concept original digital games IPs to reach the next stage of development
  • Assist successful applicants to prepare their project to raise additional finance for full-scale development
  • Encourage sustainable growth for the NSW games sector and a diverse pipeline of game talent in NSW.

All applicants need to fulfil the following criteria:

  • If an individual, the applicant must be a NSW resident (i.e., lived and operated in NSW for at least six months immediately before the application)
  • If a company, the applicant must be incorporated in Australia and taken to be registered in NSW, have their central management and control in Australia and carry out business in Australia
  • Applicants must have an ABN
  • Applicants must not be full-time secondary or tertiary students; or employing students who are currently studying games, or a field related to games. Part-time students are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applicants who are an employee of a Federal or state or territory government screen agency are not eligible to apply
  • An applicant cannot be a licensee of a service under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) or a related body corporate of such a licensee (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth))
  • Applicants must have the right to carry out the project, for example, own or have the licenses of any relevant copyright. If the application is based on a third-party underlying work, applicants must have an appropriate option agreement.  Applicants must be able to demonstrate they have the necessary rights if required by providing chain of title documents.
  • Applicants must have a project team member with a key creative credit on at least one game that has been released to the general public e.g. Steam, itch.io
  • There can be only one application for a particular game. If more than one NSW developer is working on the project, a joint application for the game will need to be made.

Eligible games must be:

  • Intended for public release
  • At concept or early-stage development
  • Completely digital.

Eligible games for funding include:

  • Games for entertainment and serious games
  • Games for any platform including console, desktop, tablet, mobile, VR/AR
  • Multi-player and single-player games.


Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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Support At Home and new Aged Care Act Transition Support 2024-2025 Grant Closes: 25th of February 2025 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=298b9bec-fc66-49c3-9fe1-d77e1459a5bc

As part of the Australian Government’s reform of the aged care system, the Support at Home (SaH) program will replace the Home Care Packages Program (HCP) from 1 July 2025. HCP providers will require changes to their IT systems to meet new obligations for claiming payments for services delivered and reporting under the SaH program and the Aged Care Act 2024.

This grant opportunity will be open to HCP and CHSP providers, providing one-off funding of $10,000 in the 2024-25 financial year towards the cost of IT system upgrades to meet the obligations under SaH, the CHSP and the Aged Care Act 2024.

To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types: 

  • Indigenous Corporation (registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006) 
  • Company 
  • Corporate State or Territory Entity 
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Entity 
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority 
  • Local Government 
  • Cooperative 
  • Incorporated Association 
  • Unincorporated Association 
  • Statutory Entity 

If you are applying as a Trustee on behalf of a Trust, the Trustee must have an eligible entity type as listed above.

Applications can only be accepted from the below aged care provider types: 

  • existing approved providers of HCP (must provide your current aged care Approved Provider ID, which you may also know as your NAPS ID or GMPS ID). 
  • existing CHSP providers who have an executed grant agreement with the Commonwealth, as represented by the Department of Health and Aged Care, to deliver CHSP services that is due to expire on 30 June 2025 (must provide your current CHSP funding agreement ID). 
Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program 2025-2028 Grant Closes: 25th of February 2025 - 9:00 pm Run By: Attorney-General's Department Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=a5d312c4-b8f6-4fb7-9ed6-e6db1dadf798

The program aligns with the Government’s commitments under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, which sets out 4 Priority Reforms and 17 socioeconomic outcomes that aim to improve the lives of First Nations people. In particular, the program contributes to Outcome 15: ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people maintain a distinctive cultural, spiritual, physical and economic relationship with their land and waters’ and its targets.

The program seeks to increase native title anthropology capacity by supporting anthropologists planning to work or already working in the native title system. Increased capacity will facilitate native title parties having access to qualified and experienced anthropologists to support native title claims resolution, effectively manage native title, and engage in post-determination and compensation efforts. This work supports the recognition and protection of native title for First Nations people.


To be eligible, you must be one of the following entity types:

  • Company
  • Cooperative
  • Corporate Commonwealth Entity
  • Corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Incorporated Association
  • Indigenous Corporation
  • Local Government Entity
  • Non-corporate Commonwealth Statutory Authority
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
  • Partnership
  • Person
  • Sole Trader
  • Statutory Entity.
Last Updated: 8th of January 2025
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An Australian Government Initiative