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Infrastructure Grants

Please note that while we update our lists of available grants regularly, this is not a comprehensive list and closing dates and details should be verified using the links provided as they are subject to change by the providers without notice.

Community Building Partnership 2025 Grant Opened: 28th of January 2025 Closes: 21st of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $10,000 to $100,000 Run By: NSW Government Communities and Justice Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/community-building-partnership-2025

This program awards grants for community infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.

To be eligible to apply for funding:

  • Applicants must be one of the following:
    • NSW association or non-distributing co-operatives registered with NSW Fair Trading
    • Local Aboriginal Land Councils or Indigenous corporations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
    • NSW local councils and their Section 355 committees operating under the Local Government Act 1993. Local councils or their Section 355 committees are required to provide matched funding to the CBP grant amount awarded.
    • Not-for-profit entities incorporated under an Act of Parliament
    • Trusts that are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
    • Public companies limited by guarantee.
  • Applicants that received a grant through the CBP 2021 and CBP 2022 rounds must have acquitted their CBP 2021 and CBP 2022 projects by 21 February 2025, unless they have an active and approved extension in place to complete the project.
  • Organisations listed on the ACNC Register must have a current and up-to-date record. Any organisation that has not met ongoing obligations to the ACNC will have funding withheld if the project is successful. Any outstanding issues must be resolved by the date Funding Agreements are due, or the grant offer may be withdrawn.
  • An organisation eligible to apply for funding must apply under its own legal name and ABN (if applicable).

CBP will consider funding requests between $10,000 and $100,000 for projects in NSW involving:

  • capital works including construction of new community infrastructure as well as refurbishment, repair and maintenance of existing community infrastructure. Capital works are: improvements to the land or building, or freestanding equipment that will be fixed or installed to the land or building.
  • the purchase of freestanding equipment. Freestanding equipment is: equipment that does not require installation. This also includes vehicles and vessels that do not require registration e.g. tractors, utility task vehicles (UTV) or side-by-side ATVs, dragon boats, golf buggies, dinghies, powerboats or sailing boats less than 5.5 m long or with an engine less than 4.0 kw.
  • the purchase of vehicle(s). Vehicles are: cars, buses, trucks, trailers, motorised rescue vehicles including boats and any modifications to existing vehicles.
Last Updated: 22nd of December 2024
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EV Destination Charging Grants - Round 3 Grant Closes: 28th of March 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: Variable amount dependent on application Run By: NSW Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/ev-destination-charging-grants-round-3

This grant is providing co-funding to eligible private EV Charge Point Operators (CPOs) to own and operate lower powered direct current (DC) public EV fast chargers at council and business-owned tourism sites across regional NSW.

The NSW Government's objectives of the grants are to: 

  • overcome range anxiety and help to create a world-class EV charging network
  • support destinations across regional NSW to be EV-ready
  • support the growth of the NSW visitor economy and the ability to cater for an increasing number of EV drivers
  • support the development of EV-friendly road trips across regional NSW


Grant funding for round 3 will be available to Charge Point Operators (CPOs) that must:

  • be either: 
    • an entity incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 
    • a state-owned corporation or subsidiary of an Australian state or territory owned corporation 
  • provide a current ABN for their organisation and any other partner organisations in the application 
  • hold the following insurances: 
    • $20 million public liability 
    • Workers' compensation
Last Updated: 8th of January 2025
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Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program Grant Closes: 27th of June 2025 (subject to available funding) Run By: Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Further Information: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/water/policy/programs/open/rrwip

The Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program (the RRWIP)  builds on and replaces the Off-farm Efficiency Program and is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to recover water for the environment. It aims to provide a more flexible approach for investment than in previous efficiency measures programs for achieving the 450 GL water recovery target.

The RRWIP invests in a range of projects and arrangements to improve and modernise water delivery infrastructure to reduce water loss in the Murray–Darling Basin. 

Improving water use and water management efficiency will provide long term benefits to irrigators by improving infrastructure and help Basin communities adapt to climate change, manage the impact of greater variation in water availability and reliability and support the ongoing viability of production into the future.

On 7 June 2024, the Minister for Environment and Water approved an extension of time for elements of the program. The below information includes the revised timeframes. 

For RRWIP Streams A-C that have full and complete project proposals:

  • applications will be assessed when received.
  • no further applications will be accepted after 28 March 2025 (subject to available funding).

For Stream D applications to fund feasibility studies, project preliminaries or proposal developments:

  • applications will be assessed when received.
  • no further applications will be accepted after 30 August 2024.
  • successful applications must be finalised by 28 March 2025.
Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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EV Fleets Incentive Kick-start Funding Grant Closes: 30th of June 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $5,000 to $130,000 Run By: NSW Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/ev-fleets-incentive-kick-start-funding

The electric vehicle (EV) fleets incentive (the incentive) is a payment scheme that helps eligible organisations procure battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and optional smart chargers. Funding is designed to cover part of purchase price and operating cost gap between a BEV and an equivalent internal combustion engine vehicle.

The Kick-start funding option provides a simple application process for organisations looking to procure 10 or fewer BEVs and optional smart chargers. A fixed incentive is provided for different types of vehicles, as outlined below:

  • Passenger vehicles and SUVs: $5,000 per vehicle and $1,200 per optional smart charging port
  • LCVs up to 4.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM), excluding light trucks: $5,000 per vehicle and and $1,200 per optional smart charging port
  • Light trucks up to 4.5 tonnes GVM: $10,000 per vehicle and and $3,000 per optional smart charging port
Last Updated: 12th of August 2024
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Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program Grant Closes: 19th of December 2025 or until expended Value: $1 Million to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government: Australian Renewable Energy Agency Further Information: https://arena.gov.au/funding/regional-australia-microgrid-pilots-ramp/

The Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program (the Program) aims to support pilot projects for microgrids in Regional Australia that:

  • Have demonstrated Project viability through a Feasibility Study.
  • Include the deployment of equipment and technology solutions that enable the coordinated use of distributed renewable energy technologies and the microgrid demonstration.
  • Demonstrate improved resilience and reliability of microgrids in regional areas; and
  • Demonstrate capability of resolving one or more of the remaining barriers to final investment and full deployment of microgrid solutions.

For the purposes of the Program the term microgrid is used to include the following technical configurations:

  • Embedded Microgrid: An electricity supply arrangement that coordinates and optimises the use of connected, locationally proximate distributed energy resources (DER) to provide secure and reliable electricity within the microgrid and is able to provide value to the major grid. This could include energy market participation, provision of system flexibility, systems services and deferral of network investment.
  • Standalone Power Systems (SAPS): An electricity supply arrangement that can demonstrate temporary or permanent operation when not physically connected to a major grid. SAPS encompasses supply to single and multiple customers. Where:
    • customers, currently connected to a major grid, can move to a SAPS, or
    • a SAPS is installed rather than a new grid connection.
  • Remote Isolated Microgrid: An electricity supply arrangement that already operates as an isolated SAPS and will continue to do so. These systems are often in very remote locations and managed by State Government owned corporations.
Last Updated: 6th of September 2023
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Safe and Secure Water Program Grant Closes: Ongoing until expended Value: No minimum or maximum, $1 Billion total pool Run By: NSW Government Further Information: http://www.industry.nsw.gov.au/water/plans-programs/infrastructure-programs/safe-and-secure-water-program

The Safe and Secure Water Program (SSWP) is a $1 billion regional infrastructure co-funding program established in 2017 under the NSW Government’s Restart NSW Fund.

The SSWP will co-fund eligible water and sewerage projects that deliver economic growth in regional NSW through improvements to public health, water security, environmental outcomes and/or social benefits.

Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Black Spot Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/about/local-initiatives/black-spot-program

Road crashes are a major cost to Australians every year. Black Spot projects target those road locations where crashes are occurring. By funding measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at dangerous locations, the programme reduces the risk of crashes. Programmes of this sort are very effective, saving the community many times the cost of the relatively minor road improvements that are implemented

The Black Spot Programme makes an important contribution in reducing the national road toll under the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan.

The Australian Government has committed $500 million to the Black Spot Programme from 2014-15 to 2018-19, which includes an additional $200 million over two years from 2015-16 under the Infrastructure Growth Package to improve road safety across the nation.

The Government has announced changes to the programme’s eligibility criteria for 2015-16 and 2016-17 aimed at assisting local communities to compete for this additional funding over the next two years.

Under the new criteria, the minimum Benefit Cost Ratio for proposals has been reduced from 2:1 to 1:1. In addition, the minimum crash history of sites has been reduced from 3 to 2 casualty crashes over five years or 0.13 casualty crashes per kilometre per year over 5 years.

The criteria has also been amended to allow more funding for the proactive treatment of unsafe roads. Consultative Panels will able to allocate up to 40% of funding to sites on the basis of a road safety audit.

The Government has also guaranteed that at least 50 per cent of funding provided over the next two years will be dedicated to fixing roads in regional Australia.

Last Updated: 1st of June 2023
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Major Project Status Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Government Support Run By: Major Projects Facilitation Agency Further Information: https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/major-project-status

Major Project Status is the Australian Government’s recognition of the national significance of a project – for economic growth, employment or for regional Australia.

If your project gets Major Project Status, you’ll get extra support from the Major Projects Facilitation Agency (MPFA). This includes help with coordination and facilitation of Commonwealth Government approvals. Your project may need a range of approvals such as environmental, biosecurity or foreign investment approvals.

Most projects have Major Project Status for 3 years.

If approved, you will get:

  • A single entry point for Commonwealth Government approvals
  • Project support and coordination
  • Help with state and territory approvals

To be eligible, the project must have an estimated investment of more than $50 million and meet the following criteria:

  1. The project is of strategic significance to Australia
  2. The project requires Commonwealth Government approvals or involvement
  3. The project has sufficient financial resources and is commercially viable
Last Updated: 19th of May 2021
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Bridges Renewal Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/resources/brp-hvspp/index.aspx

The Bridges Renewal Program is an Australian Government initiative to fund the upgrade and replacement of bridges to enhance access for local communities and facilitate higher productivity vehicle access.

Up until now, these programs invited applications separately through specified, time-limited funding rounds. The Australian Government will now consider projects on an ongoing basis with applications accepted all year round to provide increased flexibility and permit projects to be submitted when they will most benefit Australia’s bridges and heavy vehicle infrastructure.

Last Updated: 9th of November 2022
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Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/resources/brp-hvspp/index.aspx

The Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP) is an Australian Government initiative to fund infrastructure projects that improve the productivity and safety outcomes of heavy vehicle operations across Australia.
Up until now, these programs invited applications separately through specified, time-limited funding rounds. The Australian Government will now consider projects on an ongoing basis with applications accepted all year round to provide increased flexibility and permit projects to be submitted when they will most benefit Australia’s bridges and heavy vehicle infrastructure.

Last Updated: 9th of November 2022
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Regional Roads REPAIR Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Undisclosed Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/partners-suppliers/lgr/grant-programs/regional-roads-repair-program.html

The REPAIR Program provides funds to assist councils in carrying out larger rehabilitation and development works on regional roads. The aim of the REPAIR Program is to minimise the long term maintenance costs of these roads in line with their function and usage.

Under the REPAIR Program, councils can apply for a 50 per cent contribution from the State Government for specific works. Works must be completed by 30 June in the financial year in which funds were provided.

Works must contribute to at least one of the following:

  • Economic development
  • Integrity of communities
  • Road network efficiency
  • Regional tourism
  • Road safety

The REPAIR Program targets the following types of work in order of priority:

Rural areas

  • Road pavement rehabilitation
  • Sealing shoulders / widening
  • Bridge repairs and replacement
  • Provision of initial seals that contribute to minimising long-term maintenance costs

Urban areas

  • Road pavement rehabilitation and travel lanes
  • Bridge repairs and replacement
  • Development of travel lanes
Last Updated: 17th of January 2022
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Traffic Route Lighting Subsidy Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Undisclosed Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/partners-suppliers/traffic-management/local-councils/traffic-route-lighting.html

The Traffic Route Lighting Subsidy Scheme (TRLSS) is a scheme administered by Roads and Maritime Services whereby councils may apply for a subsidy for providing a higher level of lighting than might normally be provided on certain major routes, with the aim of decreasing night time road crashes. The amount of the subsidy depends on the number of certain types of inventory installed as detailed by each council.

Last Updated: 9th of November 2022
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Boating Infrastructure Emergency Repair Pool (BIERP) Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $500,000 Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/nsw-boating-now/#BoatingInfrastructureEmergencyRepairPool(BIERP)

The BIERP provides a funding mechanism for repair or replacement of recreational boating infrastructure that is lost or damaged in natural events such as storms and floods and extends assistance to events such as acts of vandalism, theft or accidental damage.

Funding requests for emergency repairs can be received at any time by completing and submitting the relevant application form and supporting documentation.

Repair or replacement of publicly owned recreational boating facilities may be eligible for funding under the BIERP. These facilities include recreational jetties and wharves, boat ramps, pontoons, pump out facilities, slipways, storage facilities, parking areas and some supporting amenities, provided that the asset owner has appropriately insured and
maintained the asset. Funding for boating infrastructure that is owned by a registered club or voluntary organisation may also be considered, provided that the facility significantly benefits boaters and is publicly accessible.

Last Updated: 18th of January 2022
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Local Government Road Safety Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Unspecified Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/partners-suppliers/lgr/grant-programs/local-government-road-safety-program.html

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) works in partnership with local councils to co-fund Safety Officer (RSO) positions and contribute funding to LGRSP projects targeting road safety issues at a local level.
The objectives of the LGRSP are:

  • Raise the profile of road safety within local government areas (LGAs)
  • Create a road safety culture within the local community
  • Consult with internal council stakeholders, in particular through the Local Traffic Committee and relevant local businesses, other government agencies and community organisations, which is integral to the delivery of effective road safety initiatives.
  • Deliver regional, state and national road safety initiatives within the local context
  • Develop, implement and evaluate evidence-based projects aimed at influencing behaviour to improve road safety in local communities
  • Promote, encourage and support the adoption the ‘Safe System’ approach to road safety and integrate this within the strategic planning framework for local councils i.e work with engineers to promote safe system initiatives and treatments
  • Facilitate the involvement of local businesses, other government agencies and community groups/clubs in community road safety

Co-funding is available for approved councils to:

  • Employ an RSO (see Section 6) whose tasks will include applying for road safety project funding (up to the amount approved by TfNSW)
  • Support road safety projects (see Section 5) to address identified road safety issues in the LGA (up to the amount approved by TfNSW).

The Local Government Road Safety Program provides:

  • Professional support for local councils to address local road safety issues
  • Funding to support a dedicated behavioural road safety role to your LGA
  • Project funding for behavioural and safer system road safety projects

Councils choosing not to employ an RSO can apply for road safety project funding of up to 50 per cent of the cost of the project. This could include a HR component for the cost of personnel to plan and deliver the project. 

Last Updated: 20th of April 2022
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Off-farm Efficiency Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Unspecified Run By: NSW Deptartment of Planning & Environment - Water Further Information: https://water.dpie.nsw.gov.au/our-work/water-infrastructure-nsw/grants-and-funding/off-farm-efficiency-program

The Australian Government and the governments of NSW, South Australia, Queensland and ACT have agreed to extend the 30 June 2024 delivery deadline to return the 450 GL of water to the environment under the Murray Darling Basin Plan to 31 December 2027.

The Australian Government’s Off-farm Efficiency Program is a $1.54 billion initiative to upgrade water infrastructure to reduce water losses and increase water available for the environment. The program has three streams including $1.33 billion for state-led projects (open) and $150 million for grants provided direct to applicants (now closed). A further $60 million is available for on-farm projects, however NSW Government will not progress applications under this stream.

Projects funded under the program will provide long-term benefits through improved water infrastructure and reduced water losses. Water users and the community will also benefit from increased water reliability and the creation of job opportunities.

The program aims to:

  • improve and modernise water delivery systems and reduce water losses to increase the volume of available water for the environment, irrigation, urban and industrial networks, irrigators and communities
  • drive employment and create infrastructure opportunities for local communities through funding arrangements for suitable projects
  • deliver on the NSW Government’s commitment to the Murray Darling Basin Plan to contribute to the return of 450 GL to the environment by June 2024.

The program is open to individuals and entities in the irrigation, urban and manufacturing sectors across the Murray Darling Basin for projects that will achieve water efficiencies and return water to the environment.

The following types of projects are eligible to apply for funding under the program:

  • Irrigation networks: installing new, or upgrading existing, irrigation infrastructure and technology in water delivery networks to supply water to irrigators, including permanently decommissioning inefficient or underused sections of a water delivery network
  • Industrial or mining: constructing, replacing, upgrading, installing, improving, or refurbishing industrial water uses, including reducing leakage, for the purpose of using water for producing goods and services
  • Urban: constructing, replacing, upgrading, installing, improving, or refurbishing urban water supply arrangements, including reducing leakage for the purpose of urban water supply
  • Stock and domestic: improving stock and domestic water supply on one or more properties for the purpose of watering stock and supplying water for human use.

Feasibility funding is available to help identify early project opportunities to reduce water losses and increase water available for the environment in the Murray-Darling Basin. This can include investigations into improving infrastructure, confirming water losses and savings, informing the potential costs of construction, and supporting formal discussions with stakeholders.

Some on-property projects are eligible such as the installation or replacement of pipes, tanks and troughs for stock and domestic systems These are considered ‘off-farm’ activities as stock and domestic water entitlements are not tradeable and do not impact the water market. Individuals or organisations proposing on-property stock and domestic projects to improve water delivery and reduce water losses are encouraged to contact winsw.programs@dpie.nsw.gov.au for more information.

Last Updated: 24th of March 2024
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Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Delivery - Stream 2 Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: $5 Million to $50 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=50011bdd-b69c-416a-af64-c84a60afdd69

The Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program seeks to deliver transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing their economies and serving their communities.

The program will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region.

This grant opportunity is part of the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

The Precinct Delivery grant opportunity provides funding to deliver one or more elements of a precinct. This could include enabling public infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), open spaces between elements, or a particular building/s that is the catalyst for, or complements, other investment within a precinct.

For Stream Two, the project is considered to be one or more elements of a precinct. This grant opportunity will provide funding for the delivery of projects, rather than entire precincts. This contrasts with Stream One, where the project is considered to be the planning and development of the whole precinct.

Partnerships are essential to the program, which has a focus on bringing together all interested parties to collaboratively plan or deliver precinct proposals. These partnerships are intended to be conglomerates of relevant entities as well as other local stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • State and Territory government
  • Local government
  • Regional universities
  • Not-for-profit entities
  • First Nations groups
  • Regional Development Australia committees
  • Community organisations
  • Private enterprise
  • Australian government agencies that have policy/program interests or responsibilities.
Last Updated: 30th of August 2023
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Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Development and Planning Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: $500,000 to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=83c95a78-0cf0-47ba-9cbd-d3a2a54f1a61

The Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program seeks to deliver transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing their economies and serving their communities.

The program will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region.

This grant opportunity is part of the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

The Precinct Development and Planning grant opportunity provides opportunities to develop a precinct idea through to investment-ready stage. The rationale for Stream One is to recognise that financial constraints can inhibit great concepts being explored further and developed into realistic, well-designed and planned projects.

For Stream One, the project is considered to be a plan for the entire precinct, even if you are only considering future investment in one element of the precinct. This contrasts with Stream Two, where the project is one or more elements of a precinct.

The objective of the grant opportunity is to activate partnerships to jointly deliver precinct plans.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:

  • establish partnerships comprised of relevant government entities, community organisations and businesses that have a shared vision for a regional precinct
  • deliver precinct plans that are tailored to their local contexts and based on community feedback and engagement
  • support precinct plans to become investment ready.

Partnerships are essential to the program, which has a focus on bringing together all interested parties to collaboratively plan or deliver precinct proposals. These partnerships are intended to be conglomerates of relevant entities as well as other local stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • State and Territory government
  • Local government
  • Regional universities
  • Not-for-profit entities
  • First Nations groups
  • Regional Development Australia committees
  • Community organisations
  • Private enterprise
  • Australian government agencies that have policy/program interests or responsibilities.
Last Updated: 30th of August 2023
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Emergency relief for regional town water supplies Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Unspecified Run By: NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Further Information: https://water.dpie.nsw.gov.au/our-work/local-water-utilities/support-and-advice/emergency-relief

When regional town and village supplies are threatened by circumstances that could not be reasonably planned for, such as an extreme dry period or extreme water quality event, the NSW Government can help local water utilities to ensure critical human water needs are met. The Water Utilities branch within NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment can provide technical assistance and advice to local water utilities, and support when applying for financial assistance from the government.

The government can help local water utilities by providing technical and/or financial assistance to assist in managing depleted or at risk supplies, including help to implement emergency capital works or to cart water to towns, depending on the particular situation.

Where the source of supply is at very high or imminent risk of failure or has failed as the result of an extreme event, undertaking emergency capital works may be the recommended course of action. Works can include constructing emergency bore supplies, creating a temporary or permanent connection to another water source or water supply scheme, temporary emergency capital works or developing new emergency water sources.

Last Updated: 24th of March 2024
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