Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential

Business Grants

Please note that while we update our lists of available grants regularly, this is not a comprehensive list and closing dates and details should be verified using the links provided as they are subject to change by the providers without notice.

If you have been affected by Coronavirus, details on the announced assistance is available on our dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Assistance page.

If you have been affected by the ongoing drought or the recent bushfires, a list of available grants and assitance is available on our dedicated Drought Assistance and Bushfire Assistance pages.

Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund Grant Closes: 6th of August 2024 - 3:00 pm Value: $10,000 to $50,000 Run By: Creative Australia Further Information: https://creative.gov.au/investment-and-development/first-nations-arts-and-culture/flourish-first-nations-textile-design-fashion/

The Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund provides grants from $10,000 to $50,000 to build sustainable businesses and support economic, cultural, and social development opportunities. The opportunity is open to First Nations individuals, groups and organisations (including Art Centres) working in the textile design and fashion sector.

Grants can be used to support innovation, production, capacity building, marketing, professional development, seed funding and/or increasing digital visibility.

Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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Skills Development Fund Grant Closes: 8th of August 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $80,000 Run By: Screen Australia Further Information: https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/funding-and-support/industry-development/initiatives/skills-development-fund

The Skills Development Fund supports production companies, game development studios and screen businesses to provide skills development through structured work-based learning.

This involves:

  • the development of a detailed Skills Development Plan that:
    • addresses the key skills needs of “below-the-line crew” (“Crew”) and Gamemakers on a given production/s, games project or more broadly the national screen sector; and
    • supports diversity, equity and inclusion;


  • an appointed individual from within the company or an external consultant in the role of Skills Development Officer, to oversee the delivery and implementation of the Plan.

Funding of up to $80,000 is available to deliver an applicant’s Skills Development Plan. The fund is open to significant productions or projects across all formats and genres. Game development studios are eligible, as are film and TV production companies and screen businesses servicing the Australian screen sector. A co-contribution from the applicant is strongly recommended.

Multiple rounds for this grant will be available over the 2024 to 2025 period, see the grant web page for full details.

Last Updated: 17th of June 2024
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Kickstarter Challenge 2024 Grant Closes: 16th of August 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: $60,000 equity-free prize pool, mentoring sessions, media training and more Run By: Enterprising ME Further Information: https://enterprising-women.com.au/

The Kickstarter Challenge gives five finalists the opportunity to take centre stage and pitch their new business idea for the chance to secure a share of $60,000 in equity-free funding. Finalists will also score a paid trip to the nation’s capital and support for the journey ahead with mentoring sessions, media training and more.

2024 categories

  • Health, Wellbeing and The Care Economy
  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Community Impact
  • Fintech or Ecommerce
  • Popular Vote

The total value of the equity-free cash prize money is $60,000 AUD which will be shared amongst the Competition Finalists as follows:
(a) The Competition winner (Winner) will receive $30,000 AUD;
(b) Each finalist (Finalist) will receive $7,500 AUD.
(c) One (1) return flight to the Grand Final in Canberra (if they reside outside the ACT);
(d) Accommodation for the duration of the Grand Final;
(e) Media and PR training and social media support in the lead-up to the Grand Final;
(f) Grand Final presentation support from professional graphic designers;
(g) Mentorship opportunities;
(h) A chance to meet key decision-makers to help develop their business idea; and
(i) The opportunity to feature on an episode of Secrets of a Self Starter podcast.

Last Updated: 30th of April 2024
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Aged Care Capital Assistance Program Residential–based Aged Care Services Grant Closes: 29th of August 2024 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $200 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=18d42fc9-2c08-48bf-808e-d210ad61eb68

The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program provides aged care infrastructure grants aimed at maintaining or increasing access to quality aged care services in thin market settings for people:

  • from First Nations communities
  • living in regional, rural, and remote areas
  • who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
  • with other complex and diverse needs, including dementia.
  • improve viability and sustainability of service offerings.

For this grant opportunity up to $200 million is available to support activities that will:

  • deliver more mainstream residential care beds i.e., new residential care services and/or expansion of existing residential care services (excluding Multi-purpose Services (MPS) and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFACP) services)
  • upgrade, or refurbish existing residential-based aged care services (including mainstream, MPS and NATSIFACP services)  

in the following locations:

  • regional centres to very remote communities: Modified Monash Model - MM2 to 7
  • metropolitan areas (MM1) for projects specifically targeting care to First Nations people.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Skills Development Fund Grant Closes: 7th of November 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $80,000 Run By: Screen Australia Further Information: https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/funding-and-support/industry-development/initiatives/skills-development-fund

The Skills Development Fund supports production companies, game development studios and screen businesses to provide skills development through structured work-based learning.

This involves:

  • the development of a detailed Skills Development Plan that:
    • addresses the key skills needs of “below-the-line crew” (“Crew”) and Gamemakers on a given production/s, games project or more broadly the national screen sector; and
    • supports diversity, equity and inclusion;


  • an appointed individual from within the company or an external consultant in the role of Skills Development Officer, to oversee the delivery and implementation of the Plan.

Funding of up to $80,000 is available to deliver an applicant’s Skills Development Plan. The fund is open to significant productions or projects across all formats and genres. Game development studios are eligible, as are film and TV production companies and screen businesses servicing the Australian screen sector. A co-contribution from the applicant is strongly recommended.

Multiple rounds for this grant will be available over the 2024 to 2025 period, see the grant web page for full details.

Last Updated: 17th of June 2024
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Rural Procedural Grants Program Grant Closes: 31st of December 2024 (extended) Value: Up to $20,000 Run By: Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Further Information: https://www.acrrm.org.au/support/grants/rpgp

Rural GPs providing unsupervised anaesthetics, obstetrics, surgery and/or emergency medicine may be eligible for the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) to help maintain and update your skills.

The Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) provides financial assistance to GPs who provide procedural and/or emergency medicine services in unsupervised settings in rural and remote areas. This government funding supports GPs with access to relevant educational activities to maintain or update their procedural and/or emergency medicine skills.

Procedural GPs can receive up to $20,000 per financial year, and GPs providing hospital-based emergency services can receive up to $6000 per financial year. Additional funding of $6000 per financial year is available for eligible GPs providing emergency mental health services.

Last Updated: 24th of January 2024
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Skills Development Fund Grant Closes: 13th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $80,000 Run By: Screen Australia Further Information: https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/funding-and-support/industry-development/initiatives/skills-development-fund

The Skills Development Fund supports production companies, game development studios and screen businesses to provide skills development through structured work-based learning.

This involves:

  • the development of a detailed Skills Development Plan that:
    • addresses the key skills needs of “below-the-line crew” (“Crew”) and Gamemakers on a given production/s, games project or more broadly the national screen sector; and
    • supports diversity, equity and inclusion;


  • an appointed individual from within the company or an external consultant in the role of Skills Development Officer, to oversee the delivery and implementation of the Plan.

Funding of up to $80,000 is available to deliver an applicant’s Skills Development Plan. The fund is open to significant productions or projects across all formats and genres. Game development studios are eligible, as are film and TV production companies and screen businesses servicing the Australian screen sector. A co-contribution from the applicant is strongly recommended.

Multiple rounds for this grant will be available over the 2024 to 2025 period, see the grant web page for full details.

Last Updated: 17th of June 2024
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MVP Ventures 2024-2025 Grant Closes: 28th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $25,000 to $50,000 Run By: Investment NSW Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/mvp-ventures-2024-2025

The MVP Ventures Program supports startups and innovative SMEs in the product lifecycle between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities, through grants to drive the commercialisation of highly innovative and new products.

The objective of the Program is to:

  • support businesses throughout the pre-market development and commercialisation pathway of their innovative products in NSW
  • attract and retain commercialisation activities in NSW

The Program targets new products within Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 3 – 9 to help them move along the TRL scale and enable them to attract large-scale private investment. 

To be eligible, your business must:

  • have an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be non-tax exempt
  • be Headquartered in NSW
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • be a company incorporated in Australia
  • hold intellectual property (IP) or rights to commercialise
  • have an Aggregated Turnover that is no more than A$1 million for each of the three financial years prior to the lodgement of your application, and
  • have no more than a total of 20 FTE (including Founders).

To be eligible, your project must:

  • be related to the pre-market development and commercialisation pathway of your product
  • involve progressing your product or process along the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale between 3 and 9
  • be aligned to and marketed within one of the following NSW Government Industry Development Framework priority industries
  • have secured a minimum 50% cash contribution (no in-kind) for the project
  • be completed within 12 months of funding, minimum project period is 3 months
  • undertake funded activities in NSW
  • demonstrate why sufficient funding for the entire project cannot be accessed from alternative sources and that the project would not proceed in NSW without government support
  • include only eligible expenditure.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Australian Lending Right Schemes (ELR/PLR) Program Opened: 1st of April 2024 Closes: 31st of March 2025 - 11:45 pm Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://www.arts.gov.au/funding-and-support/australian-lending-right-schemes-elrplr

Public Lending Right (PLR) and Educational Lending Right (ELR) are Australian Government programs that compensate Australian creators and publishers in recognition of income lost through free multiple use of their books in public and educational lending libraries. These programs support the enrichment of Australian culture by encouraging the growth and development of Australian writing.

A creator or a publisher must register and submit title claims within five years from the year of publication. Books are surveyed in a sample of either public lending libraries (PLR) or school, TAFE and university libraries (ELR).

Eligible creators are:

  • authors, editors, illustrators, translators and compilers
  • Australian citizens, wherever they reside, or non-citizens who normally reside in Australia (eligibility ceases if residency in Australia ceases)
  • those who receive on-going royalties from the sale of their book.

Eligible publishers are:

  • companies whose business consists wholly or substantially of the publication of books and who regularly publish in Australia—'regularly publish' is defined as at least once in the preceding three year period
  • non-profit organisations that publish to further their aims or objectives
  • self-publishing creators.
Last Updated: 30th of April 2024
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Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant - 2024-25 Grant Closes: 30th of June 2025 - 12:00 am Value: $10,000 to $40,000 Run By: NSW Government Department of Education Further Information: https://education.nsw.gov.au/skills-nsw/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples/elsa-dixon-aboriginal-employment-grant

The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant (EDAEG) adopts a number of strategies to develop and support Aboriginal people through the creation of training and employment opportunities. Promoting diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce, the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant subsidises the salary, development and support costs of Aboriginal employees in public service agencies and local government authorities.

Grant elements

  • School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships – $10,000 one off payment to support school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • Post School Element – up to $30,000 (Part-time or Full-time Employment Status) to support the continuation of employment for a learner who successfully completed a High School Certificate (HSC, Year 12) requirements from the year 2022 to the present day.
  • Aboriginal Adult Apprenticeships and Traineeships (AAAT) – up to $40,000 to support the creation of employment of an apprenticeship or traineeship. Learners must be a minimum 21 years of age to be eligible.
  • Permanent Ongoing Employment – up to $40,000 to support the creation of permanent employment.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Regional Filming Fund - 2024-25 Grant Closes: 30th of June 2025 - 11:00 pm Value: Up to $175,000 Run By: Screen NSW Further Information: https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/funding-support/regional-filming-fund

The Regional Filming Fund offsets costs associated with shooting in regional areas of NSW. Regional NSW is defined as all areas in NSW outside the Sydney Metro area.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Increase economic activity in regional NSW, by encouraging NSW screen productions to film outside of metropolitan areas
  • Enable regional NSW to benefit from the growth of film and television production in the State

Applicants must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

The production must film on location in Regional NSW for a minimum of five shooting days
in a single Local Government Area (LGA)
Please find the LGA map here.

  • At least one of the Key Creatives must be NSW-based
  • The production company must be registered in NSW and have its principal place of business in NSW unless the production has an eligible NSW Spend of at least $5 million
  • The production must film on location in Regional NSW for a minimum of five shooting days
  • At least 50% of the total budget must be expended in NSW
  • Productions must be fully financed at the time of application, with the exception of contributions being sought from Screen NSW and other state, federal or international agencies (Note: they will only consider an application where those agencies have confirmed their contribution or if the application has been submitted to a funding round running concurrently with the Screen NSW round.)
  • Productions that have been shortlisted for Screen Australia’s Documentary Production
  • Producer Program or Multi-Platform Drama Fund may apply
  • Feature films must have distribution in place
  • Television drama, narrative comedy and factual/documentary programs must have a financial commitment from a broadcaster, subscription service or distributor.
Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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Bin Trim Equipment Rebates Program Grant Opened: 17th of November 2023 Closes: 30th of June 2027 - 12:00 pm Value: Up to $50,000 Run By: Environment Protection Authority Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/bin-trim-equipment-rebates-program

Reopening of the Bin Trim Equipment Rebates Program for eligible NSW businesses, councils, and organisations. $6 million has been allocated to continue the initiative for three years until 30 June 2027, or until all funding is used.

Rebates up to $50,000 are being offered to cover up to 50% of the cost of small-scale, on-site equipment or technology that avoids, reduces, reuses, or recycles waste. The initiative is aimed at supporting businesses to transition to a circular economy.

Some examples of equipment and technologies that may be funded include but are not limited to:

  • balers
  • briquette presses
  • bulk bag stands and bulk bags
  • cardboard perforator
  • commercial worm farms
  • compactors
  • glass crushers
  • granulators
  • organics rapid decomposition units (where output is sent to a licenced composting facility)
  • plastic injection moulders
  • shredders
  • smart scales and other food waste monitoring equipment
  • source separation bins, wheelie bins, skip bins and other bin equipment – with bin signs and stickers
  • trolleys to transport waste and maximise waste separation and diversion.

Businesses applying for the Rebates Program must:

  • have a commercial and industrial (C&I) waste service at a site in NSW
  • have a valid ABN and employ one or more full time employees in NSW, and
  • send C&I waste to landfill in NSW.

Businesses can include entities that are registered charities, not-for-profits, public entities (including schools and hospitals), and government organisations.

Last Updated: 24th of March 2024
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AgBiz Drought Loans Program Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $500,000 Run By: Australian Government Regional Investment Corporation Further Information: https://www.ric.gov.au/agbiz-drought

You can only apply for concessional this loan if your small business is currently or has been supplying goods or services relating to primary production to farm businesses in an affected area. This loan is not available to farm businesses.

The loan is for ten years and has no fees, 2 years interest free, 3 years interest only and 5 years principal and interest.

It may be used for:

  • refinance your debt
  • pay suppliers
  • pay for operating expenses
  • pay salaries, wages and rent
Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant Grant Closes: Ongoing rounds through the year Value: Up to $140,000 Run By: Impact Investing Australia Further Information: https://impactinvestmentready.com.au/

The Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant provides impact businesses and mission-driven organisations with grants of up to $140,000 for business, financial, legal and other capacity building support from providers to secure investment.

Growth Grants were created in recognition of the potential for impact investing to change the way Australia addresses social issues and the important role that access to capital can play in delivering better outcomes for people and communities. They support enterprises that are high growth, can deliver positive social outcomes and have the potential to secure capital investment.

Last Updated: 23rd of October 2020
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Newsagents Assistance Fund Grant Closes: Unspecified Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: NSW Fair Trading Further Information: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/trades-and-businesses/business-essentials/newsagents

The Newsagents Assistance Fund assists eligible agents to update their NSW Lotteries retail image and fit-out to align with the NSW Lotteries brand.

The Newsagents Assistance Fund is available to NSW Lotteries Agents that were active on 30 January 2015

Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Australian Government's Youth Jobs PaTH Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $11,000 Run By: Australian Government Job Active Further Information: https://jobactive.gov.au/path

Trial a young person to find out if they're the right fit for your business and get $1000 to help cover the costs of the trial. During the trial, you don't pay the young person. Instead, the Australian Government gives them $200 a fortnight on top of their income support and covers their insurance.

Businesses can also receive up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) through a Youth Bonus wage subsidy if they hire an eligible young person between 15 and 24 years of age.

The young person must:

  • be a fully eligible participant, commenced with a jobactive or Transition to Work provider
  • have received employment services from a provider (jobactive, Transition to Work, Disability Employment Services or Community Development Programme provider) continuously for the last six months
  • have mutual obligation requirements at the time they commence in the wage subsidised job
  • not been in a pre-existing employment relation with you in the previous six months
  • not be an immediate family member.
Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Drought Loans Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $2 Million Run By: Australian Government Regional Investment Corporation Further Information: https://www.ric.gov.au/farmers/drought

Concessional loan to help farm businesses in the agriculture, horticulture, pastoral, apiculture, or aquaculture industryto prepare for, manage through, and recover from drought.

The loan is for ten years and has no fees, 2 years interest free, 3 years interest only and 5 years principal and interest.

It may be used for:

  • refinance your debt
  • pay for operating expenses or capital
  • access new debt for operating expenses and capital
Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Farm Investment Loans Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $2 Million Run By: Australian Government Regional Investment Corporation Further Information: https://www.ric.gov.au/farm-investment

You can apply for this loan if you solely or mainly sell products into supply chains that are interstate or outside Australia, or plan to in the future.

It may be used for:

  • improve long-term strength, resilience and profitability
  • diversify your markets
  • ​refinance existing debt
  • prepare for, manage through or recover from drought
  • access new debt for operating expenses and capital
Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Get Connected Listing for Tourism Businesses Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Website Listing Run By: Destination NSW Further Information: https://www.destinationnsw.com.au/tourism/industry-opportunities/connect-your-tourism-product/get-connected

Get Connected is Destination NSW’s website membership program. Simple and easy to use Get Connected membership is free and is open to all tourism operators within New South Wales.

With Get Connected, Destination NSW gives you the opportunity to showcase your tourism products on Destination NSW’s consumer websites FREE of charge and tap into over 1.7 million potential customers a month, both domestic and international - that’s 21.4 million people a year who are looking for tourism products.

Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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Advancing Renewables Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Unspecified Run By: Australian Government: Australian Renewable Energy Agency Further Information: https://arena.gov.au/funding/programs/advancing-renewables-program/

ARENA’s Advancing Renewables Program supports a broad range of development, demonstration and pre-commercial deployment projects that can deliver affordable and reliable renewable energy for Australian families and businesses.

The program’s objective is to fund activities that contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:

  • reduction in the cost of renewable energy
  • increase in the value delivered by renewable energy
  • improvement in technology readiness and commercial readiness of renewable energy
  • reduction in or removal of barriers to renewable energy uptake
  • increased skills, capacity and knowledge relevant to renewable energy

This fund is open to applications for all activities identified in the ARENA Investment Plan, except the competitive rounds. Applications for the competitive activities are accepted during competitive rounds.

Last Updated: 15th of October 2020
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An Australian Government Initiative