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Food and Wine 2003 - 2008

Website - www.foodandwine.net.au

Current brochure is available from the food and wine website.

The Board’s food and wine project has recently moved to a new era with the development of a new promotional brochure to market the New England – North West region’s food and wine.

Over sixty (60) firms and individuals within the industry have made a commitment to the brochure with a financial contribution through advertising with updated content. The Project is also being supported by the Board through a grant from the Department of State and Regional Development and the Regional Tourism Organisation. For the first time, accommodation with a direct link to the food and wine industry will be featured in the brochure.

The launch date for the publication is expected to be August 2007. It will then be available through the region’s tourist information centres or electronically through the Board’s web sites. Adjacent regional tourism centres will also be targeted.

Based on industry participation in the new brochure, the Board and it’s partners will be encouraging the development of tours throughout the region on varying time requirements. This will be important in keeping potential tourists with an interest in food and wine in this region for at least one to two extra nights.

Food and Wine Display NSW Parliament House Dining Room
As a further marketing opportunity, the Board has been invited by the NSW Department of State and Regional Development and the NSW Department of Primary Industry to participate in a promotion of the region’s food and wine products in an event to be held in the Parliamentary dining room in the first half of 2008.The function will be attended by representatives from all leading Sydney food and wine media and industry agencies/outlets. This will allow for the first time, the exposure of the expanding regional food and wine products to the large Sydney market.

Industry Activities
The Board plans in the next year to introduce industry based workshops throughout the region to assist firms and individuals to develop policies and ideas to deal with marketing issues, networking and regional branding.Expert presenters will be contracted to coordinate theses events. Inquiries in relation to these initiatives should be directed to the Board.

Project History
A project officer was employed by the Board to engage with the regional food and wine industry. Funding for the project was provided by the Department of State and Regional Development and the Department of Transport and Regional Services. The program was established on the success of the previous New England North West Viticulture Strategy, released in July 2003, and the then employment of a viticulture project officer. Through the employment of a Food and Wine project officer, the various segments of the industry have been identified and initiatives established to develop and expand individual businesses and products.

A database was developed to ensure all members of the industry are listed for consultation in regard to initiatives and events relating to the program. This has allowed many previously unidentified industry participants as well as relevant government, food media, community stakeholders and interested Board members to be added to the database.

A website was developed to promote the food and wine industry as well as the many firms and individuals involved. It has an appropriate links page combining members' and product details as well as combining the latest industry news and media contacts.

Newsletters was developed to bring people within and outside the industry together and provide information on the latest achievements for companies and individuals throughout the region. The target market is the industry itself, Government departments and agencies, tourism, education institutions, community organisations and businesses located outside the region with an interest in the industry.

The Food and Wine project officer was involved in assisting the industry through active involvement with food and wine shows, local industry and networking events, as well as close liaison with the Agribusiness Development Manager of the Department. Events with which the Food and Wine project officer has been involved include Moree on a Plate, Nosh on the Namoi, Picnic at Hanging Rock and the Board's own regional Food & Wine Event in Tamworth. In all cases the officer has provided input in terms of promotional activities, committee membership and event management information. The project also hosted the Southern New England Vignerons Association annual meeting as well as regular monthly committee meetings.

An informative brochure "Vineyards & Wineries of the New England - North West" was produced to assist local residents and visitors locate the various wineries and sample their products. The information contained within the brochure has been well received by both the industry and the tourism authorities and is a further indication that in the long term, the food and wine industry will be well placed to diversify the region's economy.

Wine Trail Map

Following the approval of a $100,000 grant from the Department of State and Regional Development the final stage of the project will commence in October 2006. Included will be networking, regional branding, marketing and skills development initiatives.

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