Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential

Grant Writing and Grant Application Assistance

Completing an application for a grant can be an overwhelming process.

We can help you write your application as well as help create and source supporting documentation and data. We have a wide range of experience and a high approval rate for the grant applications we help develop.

Thanks to the support we receive from the Australian Government, our services are subsidised and affordable for large and small businesses and the public sector alike. We also offer our services pro-bono for community groups to approved applicants.

In addition to our grant writing support we also maintain a searchable database of current grants and funding opportunities for the Northern Inland. We also provide two free grants newsletters each month with a summary of the current grants, which is distributed to over 3,000 subscribers each month.


“RDANI assisted our business with the development of a complex funding application, including the development of financial reports and forecasting for future business growth. Their knowledge base is exceptionally broad. I would recommend RDANI and their services to anyone seeking funding.”

Steve Field
Director, Field’s Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd, Uralla NSW


Examples of the grant application we have written and assisted



Northern Lights Program

Grant: Community Energy Efficency Progam (2013)
Client: Consotia of 7 Northern Inland Councils.

Successful Grant for $576,000

Seven councils in the Northern Inland region benefited from the installation of new energy efficient LED street lighting, under the Northern Lights Project which was coordinated by Regional Development Australia Northern Inland and funded by the Australian Government.

Participating Councils save over $400,000 per year, through the largest rollout of energy efficient LED street lighting in regional NSW. Over 5,000 lights were replaced by Essential Energy as part of the project. Savings were achieved both in energy costs, and on light maintenance costs due to an anticipated longer life than the old mercury vapour and compact fluorescent globes.

Councils that were part of this project were:

  • Armidale Dumaresq Council
  • Glen Innes Severn Council
  • Guyra Shire Council
  • Gwydir Shire Council
  • Tenterfield Shire Council
  • Walcha Council

Mine Rehabilitation & Vegetation Offsets Project

Grant: Murray-Darling Regional Development Fund (2016)
Client: Fields Environmental Solutions

Improve the quality of, and provide accreditation for native seeds used in revegetation projects.

Saumarez House

Grant: Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund (2017)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $1.8 Million

This project includes the repurposing and development of the homestead heritage listed farm and homestead into overnight accommodation and historical agriculture tourism.

Dumaresq Dam

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Located 10km west of Armidale, Dumaresq dam is a popular recreational area with 590,000 visitors each year. This project would see the development of an environmentally friendly regional ecotourism precinct wildlife sanctuary that hosts active and passive recreational, sporting and educational activities.

The proposed new Dumaresq Dam Recreational Precinct will offer:

  • Upgraded facilities for overnight camping and the option of cabins for longer stays for families, school groups or business team building groups.
  • A viewing platform for observing water birds.
  • A new playground.
  • A jetty for fishing and water sports.
  • A choice of walking trails with interpretive signage and a range of exercise options including mountain biking to and beyond the boundary.
  • A natural amphitheatre and outdoor stage will offer a venue for informal gatherings, events and entertainment.
  • A small café and floating jetty will provide hire facilities and refreshments for visitors and campers.

Armidale Regional Airport Industrial Precinct

Grant: Growing Local Economies Fund Round 2 (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $6.5 Million

The proposal included development of 24 new industrial lots, mechanisms for encouraging business investment, economic diversification, employment and highway access. The development builds on existing investment into the site.

Unique features to this application were:

  • Analysis into overnight stay accommodation occupancy rates for Armidale and the region
  • A range of industry revenue and cost averages to compile industry benchmarks for the datasheet.

Armidale Regional Adventure Playground

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 2 (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $1 Million

The Armidale Regional Adventure Playground will be a significant $1M investment providing residents and visitors with state-of-the-art outdoor play space and recreational facilities for families and visitors. Located in Curtis Park, near the Visitor Information Centre, the playground is specifically designed to provide recreational activities for able-bodied persons, and a number of play items designed for people with disabilities.

Mother of Ducks Lagoon and Nature Reserve Upgrade

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 2 (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $460,000

The Mother of Ducks Lagoon and Nature Reserve Upgrade will refurbish and improve existing day and overnight facilities located on the shores of this popular attraction in Guyra. Improvements to the recreational amenity will include upgraded toilets, electric BBQs, all-weather picnic facilities and signage. The walking tracks and drainage around the lagoon will also be upgraded to facilitate access.

This will boost visitation to the reserve, and stopovers and expenditure in the township of Guyra. A 2% increase in visitation to the region would result in 12,000 more visitors, and additional expenditure of approximately $2.75M.

Tingha Skatepark Upgrade

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 2 (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $114,000

The Tingha Community Skatepark is a local recreational hub for the predominantly Indigenous youth of Tingha, a small community located one hour’s drive from Armidale. At
present, there are no shade facilities to serve the Skatepark, which impacts on its usage throughout the hotter months of the year. This project will involve the installation of two covered platform table areas next to the Skatepark, as well as a shade sail over the skating area, in order to improve the comfort and wellbeing for the young people who use this important community recreational facility.

Roundabout on Gwydir Highway and Bundarra Road Intersection

Grant: Growing Local Economies Fund (2018)
Client: Inverell Shire Council

Successful Grant for $2.2 Million

The construction of a roundabout at a cost of $5.2M on this important Gwydir Highway intersection in Inverell will provide a long-term traffic management plan and solution for the safe and efficient movement of heavy and light vehicles through the two opposing offset intersections. It will unlock economic growth opportunities for Inverell LGA by catering for future growth in heavy mass vehicle movements through the New England region and beyond, including B – Triple combinations.  It will eliminate the present unsafe movement of vehicles through two opposing offset T intersections.

A unique feature of this analysis included a longer-term traffic management plan and solution for the safe and efficient movement of heavy and light vehicles through the two opposing offset intersections.

Armidale Regional Airport Business Park Stage 1

Grant: Growing Local Economies Fund (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $6.5 Million

Drafted a grant application for Stage 1A of Armidale Regional Council’s Airport Business Park development. The proposal included development of 24 new industrial lots, mechanisms for encouraging business investment, economic diversification, employment and highway access. This included a range of industry revenue and cost averages to compile industry benchmarks for the datasheet.

Boilerhouse Discovery Space

Grant: Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund Round Two (2018)
Client: University of New England

Successful Grant for $6.1 Million

The Boilerhouse Discovery Space is an adaptive reuse project involving the remediation and repurposing of a unique, disused industrial building – the UNE Boilerhouse – as a viable community asset. This cultural destination will drive visitors to the region to experience its play-based learning spaces, and to view inspiring exhibitions, performances, public art and workshops.

Projected visitation from 40,000 day and overnight visitors will contribute over $10 million annually to the local and regional economy. Locals and tourists will be drawn to the high quality all-weather, all-day play-based learning experiences and imaginative design of the site.

The project sought funding to –

  • Construct experience spaces, the arrivals hall, café, multi-function spaces, amenities and administration areas.
  • Install internal infrastructure, including AV, fit-out and equipment; and Undertake external landscaping including discovery play gardens.

Big Sky Libraries Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream (2018)
Client: Moree Plains Shire Council

Big Sky Libraries is a progressive regional library business delivering public library services across the communities of Moree Plains Shire Council, Walgett Shire Council and Brewarrina Shire Council. In total, five libraries are directly benefited from this grant and construction of a new strategic plan. The aim of the Sky Libraries Strategic Plan 2020-2023 is to keep Big Sky Libraries on its evolutionary journey within the community and ensure its viability into the future. This will be possible through the strategic plan that will align all stakeholders to ensure its continual availability to the community and the region.

Guyra Pre School and Long Day Care Centre Expansion Project

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $800,000

This project will expand the current Preschool and Long Day Care Centre run by Armidale Reigonal Council by an additional 29 childcare places to accommodate more children of the community. The project involves construction of a purpose built child care facility to double the current childcare operation and include: 8 baby, 10 toddler and 40 preschool places.

This project will ultimately facilitate lifting the burden of day care and travel on families within the community that currently are required to seek services abroad. In addition, employment will be generated to the region and the feasible life of the centre will be extended for the community.

New England Regional Hydrotherapy Centre (NERHC)

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $2.3M

This project will provide new hydrotherapy, therapeutic gym and allied health facilities for use by approximately 60,000 residents and visitors pa. A hydrotherapy pool precinct will be constructed within the Armidale Monckton Aquatic Centre, replacing antiquated, soon to be decommissioned facilities within the Armidale Public Hospital. The investment will provide much-needed access to recuperative, pre and post operative, health, maternal & bubs, public safety and fitness amenities. It will also provide all-season learn to swim and remedial services for NDIS, workcover and other groups.

Armidale Airport Hardstand, Taxiway Extension and Refueling Facility

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Armidale airport suffers from a lack of a solid hardstands and fixed refueling facilities in the area used by private aircraft operators, and where several businesses conduct aircraft maintenance and pilot training activities.

This $2.7M public-private project will deliver those taxiway and fuel facilities allowing:

  • increased private aircraft visitation and tourism as a result of a 24 hour public aircraft refueling facility.
  • improved fire-fighting capability, as the Rural Fire Service will be able to refuel more fire-fighting aircraft in the event of a major bushfire incident.
  • reduced maintenance costs to aircraft businesses through the elimination of a major dust contamination problem.
  • an improved pilot training environment.

Dumaresq Dam

Grant: Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $3.7 Million

Located 10km west of Armidale, Dumaresq dam is a popular recreational area with 590,000 visitors each year. This project would see the development of an environmentally friendly regional ecotourism precinct wildlife sanctuary that hosts active and passive recreational, sporting and educational activities.

The proposed new Dumaresq Dam Recreational Precinct will offer:

  • Upgraded facilities for overnight camping and the option of cabins for longer stays for families, school groups or business team building groups;
  • A viewing platform for observing water birds;
  • A new playground;
  • A jetty for fishing and water sports;
  • A choice of walking trails with interpretive signage and a range of exercise options including mountain biking to and beyond the boundary;
  • A natural amphitheatre and outdoor stage will offer a venue for informal gatherings, events and entertainment;
  • A small café and floating jetty will provide hire facilities and refreshments for visitors and campers.

Armidale Regional Council Safety & Security Project

Grant: Safer Communities Fund Round 3 (2018)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $860,000

This proposal will see Armidale Regional Council install 29 new CCTV cameras around crime 'hot-spots' of Armidale and Guyra and upgrade existing outdated security monitoring room equipment. Locations for installations include Armidale CBD Mall precinct, Armidale Visitor Information Centre, the new Armidale Regional Adventure Playground at Curtis Park and Guyra CBD. Part B involves the installation of 61 new solar security lights along a popular cycleway which links The University of New England to Armidale CBD. This area is a crime hotspot. Both components aim to increase the safety of residents, visitors and university students.

Guyra Showground Kitchen Upgrade

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund – Communities Investment Stream (2018)
Client: Guyra Show Society

Successful Grant for $125,000

This project would facilitate the refurbishment of the Guyra Showground BBQ, canteen and bar pavilion to upgrade existing kitchen facilities. The existing kitchen facility lacks any permanent catering facilities to cater for events that host large volumes of visitors; which is majority of traffic observed by the Show Society. Priority items include structure repair of electrical, ceiling, drainage, paint and security shutters; whilst cooking, sinks, benchtops, cupboards and storage equipment will be replaced. This project will enable enhanced community involvement with the society.

Copeton Dam Foreshores Upgrade

Grant: Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund (2019)
Client: Inverell Shire Council

Successful Grant for $5 Million

This proposal involves a significant upgrade of the Copeton Dam Northern Foreshores, 17km South-West of Inverell. It is expected to increase visitation by 29% (20,670) additional day and overnight visitors and contribute $4.035M in additional direct local expenditure per year.

New Infrastructure includes:

  • Amenities block, hot water & sewage treatment system.
  • Covered communal kitchen and 12 picnic facilities with barbeques.
  • 2km of solar lit walking/cycling paths.
  • Floating pontoon/dock, navigation buoys and concrete boat ramp augmentation for safe parking.
  • Augmentation of electrical supply to ensure consistent power.
  • Solar lighting on internal roads with solar electricity supplied for all picnic shelters, kiosk, amenities, camp kitchen and clubhouse areas.
  • Visitor kiosk, marine-themed fenced playground with shade structure and outdoor gym equipment.
  • Secure compound and shed for storage of plant and equipment, CCTV cameras, interpretive, wayfinding, iconic entrance signage.
  • Upgrade two fish cleaning stations.
  • Bitumen pavement and carparking, install safety fencing between road and recreation areas.

New England North West Athletics Centre Of Excellence

Grant: Community Sport Infrastructure Program (2019)
Client: New England Girls School (NEGS)

This project proposes the installation of a grass athletics track in conjunction with the NEGS Sports Hub. It will be the only dedicated grass athletics track facility within a 350km radius of Armidale that is accessible to all schools, sporting groups and the general community.

Tolleys Gully Bridge Upgrade

Grant: Growing Local Economies (2019)
Client: Uralla Shire Council

Successful Grant for $1 Million

Tolleys Gully Bridge,  located on Thunderbolts Way 10km west of Uralla in Northern NSW is a narrow bridge with poor approach alignment and poses a significant safety risk to road users.  This risk will increase as the bridge is about to become gazetted as HML legal, resulting in more HML B-Double vehicles using the bridge.

This proposal is for construction of a new bridge and approaches on this important freight route over Tolleys Gully costing $1.1M.  A 71km (52 minute) freight saving will result for HML B-Doubles, and the efficiency of the freight task will be improved as HML B-Doubles and six-axle articulated trucks are substituted for smaller trucks.  It is estimated 20% of the livestock and 3% of the general freight task will be shifted to the larger trucks.  Moreover, the risk of detours due to an accident on the bridge for all road users will be reduced.

NEGS Safety and Security Project

Grant: Safer Communities Fund Round 4 (2019)
Client: New England Girls School (NEGS)

NEGS Safety and Security Infrastructure Project is a staged plan, designed to provide the staff of NEGS, students and their families with improved safety and security, through the installation of security fencing and CCTV infrastructure.

NEGS wish to continue providing students with a safe learning environment to promote their personal growth. Concurrently, NEGS aim to provide certainty for parents to ensure their child’s learning opportunities are optimised. The proposal delivers these overall outcomes aligned with their Strategic Plan 2017-2022 by installing security fencing and CCTV to act as both a deterrent and physical block against criminal acts and anti-social behaviour; particularly acts based on religion or multiculturalism.

New England North West Athletics Centre Of Excellence

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3 (2019)
Client: New England Girls School (NEGS)

NEG’s grass athletics track is part of the final components of their broader Sports Hub development investment targeted to support the New England regions sporting youth and talent.

This track will comprise of a state-of-the-art multi-lane grass track built on foundations suited for large volume athletics events. Once complete, this track will be the only dedicated grass athletics facility within a 350km radius of Armidale. This will reduce the equity issue faced by regional students by providing regional young people with the same athletics sporting opportunities as other major centres.

Hockey New England Field Upgrade

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3 (2019)
Client: Hockey New England

Successful Grant for $137,000

Hockey New England (HNE) administers hockey competitions throughout the New England region. In line with Hockey Australia and Hockey NSW, HNE principal objective is to grow participation in hockey throughout the Tablelands. By installing new field lights on the hockey fields located at Sports UNE in Armidale will provide financial and environmental impacts as well as allow the fields to be used for state championships.

Armidale Business and Innovation Space

Grant: Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3 (2019)
Client: University of New England (UNE)

Successful Grant for $1.3 Million

The project transforms the old Armidale library into a business and innovation hub for young entrepreneurs.

Whilst the initial phase of the project upgrades the interior of the building, importantly the project includes programs run by UNE's SRI in the revitalised space. These programs support innovation and further development of young peoples' ideas into startups. Ultimately this
will create employment.

The project connects prospective entrepreneurs, business and community. With co-mingling of like-minded people, the project supports the vision that 'the Armidale community is confident their region offers a vibrant social, cultural and sustainable economic future based on empowering young people.'

GAP Road Economic Precinct Southern Approach Stage 1

Grant: Growing Local Economies (2019)
Client: Liverpool Plains Shire Council

Successful Grant for $7.3 Million

Liverpool Plains Shire Council are enabling a new Economic Precinct to be developed adjacent to the Great Northern Rail Line at the town of Werris Creek. A new open access containerised freight Intermodal Terminal within the precinct that facilitates the export of primary products on rail to NSW Ports is surrounded by industrial lands for expanded business activity, however the precinct is serviced by a Council public road that is poorly aligned and presents significant ‘last mile’ issues for the competitiveness and attractiveness of the precinct for investment.

This stand-alone project costing $9.15M will eliminate road safety issues, restrictions on access and road freight inefficiencies to the precinct (the ‘last mile’ issues) by allowing heavy freight vehicles from the north and northwest of Werris Creek to access the economic precinct via the shortest and most direct route (saving a minimum of 500,000 heavy vehicle trip km/annum), overcome safety hazards at the current intersection and provide more efficient and effective access to the precinct and intermodal terminal for the benefit of local and regional businesses.

NEGS Safety and Security Project

Grant: Safer Communities Fund Round 5 (2019)
Client: New England Girls School (NEGS)

NEGS Safety and Security Infrastructure Project is part of their overall security plan designed to provide the staff, students and families of NEGS with the level of safety and security expected by them and the community. As a Not For Profit (NFP) independent school, NEGS occupies approximately 120 acres of land towards the Western side of Armidale. This extensive boundary activity places staff and students within a multitude of unique risks. This project will deliver the security fencing component of the overall Safety and Security Plan that has been guided by the preliminary Crime Prevention through Environmental Design report by the New England Police District.

Yarrie Lake Water Security Project

Grant: Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 2 (2020)
Client: Narrabri Chamber of Commerce

Successful Grant for $450,000

Yarrie Lake is located 27km West of Narrabri and 23km East of Wee Waa and is managed by the Yarrie Lake Flora and Fauna and Recreation Reserve Trust. It is a popular tourist attraction by locals with a large western catchment of travellers who use the lake for water sports such as water skiing, outdoor recreation and camping and travellers along the ‘Bore Circuit’ that links Pilliga, Burren Junction and Lightning Ridge into Southern QLD.

Due to Wee Was experiencing a prolonged period of drought, Yarrie Lake has experienced varying low water levels for many years. These conditions make the lake unsuitable for water users and undesirable for tourists. This project proposes a permanent ground water supply to maintain safe and useable water levels at the lake for environmental and recreational tourism activity and install solar power and storage infrastructure to increase energy capacity for campers and reduce operation costs for the trust.

Costa Group NBN Fibre to the Premises

Grant: Regional Connectivity Program Grant Application (2020)
Client: Costa Group

Successful Grant for $520,000

New England Rail Trail (Armidale to Glen Innes)

Grant: Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund (2020)
Client: Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils

To revitalise the Great Northern Rail Line between Armidale and Glen Innes and generate economic growth through increased tourism, Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils are proposing to build a 103km rail trail between Armidale and Glen Innes.

The trail will provide a safe recreational location for cyclists and walkers and is anticipated to attract 14,000 new overnight visitors and 15,000 new day visitor to the region who will spend in excess of $5.8M annually at local businesses.  Opportunities will arise for new businesses to establish along the trail (accommodation, cafes, bike hire), creating 26 new local jobs.  In addition it is estimated that over 37,000 locals will make use of the trail and reap the associated health benefits.  Several small communities along the route will benefit from increased visitation. 

Circular Solar Trials

Grant: Circular Solar Trails Grants Expression of Interest and Application for Progression to Stage 2 (2021)
Client: New England Solar Power

New England Solar Power (NESP) are at the front of this issue as an installer and maintenance service provider of high-quality solar services to homes and business throughout the New England region, wider NSW and Southern QLD since 1999. In consortium with UNSW SMaRT Centre and LG as a leading research organisation and a large manufacturer of solar PV panels respectively, New England Solar Power have developed a concept model of an automatic solar panel dismantling plant aimed at solving this waste issue.

Angry Bull Trails

Grant: Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (2021)
Client: RDA-NI acted as lead applicant for a consortia

Angry Bull Trails would put Tenterfield on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike (MTB) destination town. It will be the first year-round MTB destination of this size in Australia with 150+ km of varied trails for riders of all abilities, including disabled riders and trails for walkers.

New England Rail Trail Stage 1 (Glen Innes to Ben Lomond)

Grant: Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (2021)
Client: Glen Innes Servern Council

Successful Grant for $8.7 Million

To revitalise the Great Northern Rail Line between Armidale and Glen Innes and generate economic growth through increased tourism, Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils are proposing to build a 103km rail trail between Armidale and Glen Innes.

The trail will provide a safe recreational location for cyclists and walkers and is anticipated to attract 14,000 new overnight visitors and 15,000 new day visitor to the region who will spend in excess of $5.8M annually at local businesses.  Opportunities will arise for new businesses to establish along the trail (accommodation, cafes, bike hire), creating 26 new local jobs.  In addition it is estimated that over 37,000 locals will make use of the trail and reap the associated health benefits.  Several small communities along the route will benefit from increased visitation.  

Stage 1 of the project will develop 35.5km of rail trail between Glen Innes and Ben Lomond.

Australian Transport Museum

Grant: Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (2021)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

The Australian Transport Museum (ATM) will be a leading transport museum in Australia with a broad range of exhibits. It will be a living museum with exhibits changed on a regular basis. The total area of the museum building is planned to be 3,000 sqm. The ATM will be financially sustainable and grow our total tourist market for both Armidale and the New England Region.

New England Rail Trail

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund Round 5 (2021)
Client: New England Rail Trail

To revitalise the Great Northern Rail Line between Armidale and Glen Innes and generate economic growth through increased tourism, Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils are proposing to build a 103km rail trail between Armidale and Glen Innes.

The trail will provide a safe recreational location for cyclists and walkers and is anticipated to attract 14,000 new overnight visitors and 15,000 new day visitor to the region who will spend in excess of $5.8M annually at local businesses.  Opportunities will arise for new businesses to establish along the trail (accommodation, cafes, bike hire), creating 26 new local jobs.  In addition it is estimated that over 37,000 locals will make use of the trail and reap the associated health benefits.  Several small communities along the route will benefit from increased visitation. 

Angry Bull Trails

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund Round 5 (2021)
Client: Angry Bull Trails

Angry Bull Trails would put Tenterfield on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike (MTB) destination town. It will be the first year-round MTB destination of this size in Australia with 150+ km of varied trails for riders of all abilities, including disabled riders and trails for walkers.

Camp Cypress Sewerage Upgrade

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund Round 5 (2021)
Client: Warrambungle Shire Council

This project will extend the Baradine and Camp Cypress sewerage systems to reach facilities in Camp Cypress/Showground accommodation venue, connecting to the town sewerage system and enhancing Baradine’s primary tourist attraction.

Presently the facility has a septic system prone to overflowing and requiring regular pumping out onto adjacent land exposing the public and animals to free standing effluent.

The upgrade will benefit 6,000 existing Camp Cypress and Showground visitors and increase visitation levels from both existing and new clients by 25%. It will allow accommodation of trainee nurses at the site and provide for the future expansion to the number of cabins at Camp Cypress, allowing for additional visitation.

Narrabri & Wee Waa Chamber Business Development Strategy

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund Round 5 (2021)
Client: Narrabri Business Chamber

After experiencing the same decline as most regional communities, Narrabri Shire is experiencing a boom in development and opportunity due to mining activity in gas and coal. Narrabri Chamber wish to support their members and the local community by developing a Business Develop Strategy that will support local businesses through this boom.

New England Rail Trail (Black Mountain to Ben Lomond)

Grant: Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (2021)
Client: Armidale Regional Council

Successful Grant for $5.4 Million

To revitalise the Great Northern Rail Line between Armidale and Glen Innes and generate economic growth through increased tourism, Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils are proposing to build a 103km rail trail between Armidale and Glen Innes.

The trail will provide a safe recreational location for cyclists and walkers and is anticipated to attract 14,000 new overnight visitors and 15,000 new day visitor to the region who will spend in excess of $5.8M annually at local businesses.  Opportunities will arise for new businesses to establish along the trail (accommodation, cafes, bike hire), creating 26 new local jobs.  In addition it is estimated that over 37,000 locals will make use of the trail and reap the associated health benefits.  Several small communities along the route will benefit from increased visitation.  

This stage of the project will build the trail from Black Mountain to Ben Lomond, connecting to Stage 1 being constructed by Glen Innes Severn Council.

Angry Bull Trails

Grant: Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program (2021)
Client: Angry Bull Trails

Angry Bull Trails would put Tenterfield on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike (MTB) destination town. It will be the first year-round MTB destination of this size in Australia with 150+ km of varied trails for riders of all abilities, including disabled riders and trails for walkers.

Camp Cypress Sewerage Upgrade

Grant: Building Better Regions Fund Round 6 (2022)
Client: Warrambungle Shire Council

This project will extend the Baradine and Camp Cypress sewerage systems to reach facilities in Camp Cypress/Showground accommodation venue, connecting to the town sewerage system.
Presently the facility has a septic system prone to overflow and requiring regular pumping out onto adjacent land exposing the public and animals to free standing effluent.

The upgrade will benefit 6,000 existing Camp Cypress and Showground visitors and increase visitation levels from existing and new clients by 25%. It will provide accommodation for 500-700 workers on the nationally important Inland Rail Project and trainee nurses at the site, and provide for the future expansion to the number of cabins at Camp Cypress allowing for additional visitation.

Australian Transport Museum

Grant: Regional Tourism Activation Fund Round 2 (2022)
Client: Australian Transport Museum

The Australian Transport Museum (ATM) will be a leading transport museum in Australia with a broad range of exhibits. It will be a living museum with exhibits changed on a regular basis. The total area of the museum building is planned to be 3,000 sqm. The ATM will be financially sustainable and grow our total tourist market for both Armidale and the New England Region.

Angry Bull Trails

Grant: Regional Tourism Activation Fund Round 2 (2022)
Client: Angry Bull Trails

Successful Grant for $4.1 Million

Angry Bull Trails would put Tenterfield on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike (MTB) destination town. It will be the first year-round MTB destination of this size in Australia with 150+ km of varied trails for riders of all abilities, including disabled riders and trails for walkers.

Native Seed Project

Grant: NSW Business Case Grants (2022)
Client: Narrabri Chamber

Preparation of a Business Case to establish an Aboriginal-owned and operated Native Seed Business for the retail food market.

Angry Bull Mountain Bike Trails

Grant: NSW Business Case Grants (2022)
Client: Angry Bull Trails

Revise the existing business case including environmental impact studies and a new project plan to make the project 100%  shovel-ready for capital funding.

Moree Services Sporting Facilities Redevelopment and Expansion

Grant: Multisport Community Facility Fund (2022)
Client: Moree Services Club

Installation of 2 x synthetic bowling greens, 2 x multi-purpose courts (Netball, Basketball, Tennis) and upgrade of amenities block

Angry Bull Trails - Stage 2

Grant: Growing Regions Program - Round 1
Client: Angry Bull Trails

The Angry Bull Trails project places Tenterfield on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike (MTB) destination town. The project represents the first year-round MTB destination on this scale in Australia with 150 km of varied trails to suit riders of all abilities, including disabled riders and trails for walkers.

With Stage 1 of the trails already funded, this applicaiton was for Stage 2 of the development.

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