Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential


‘Live.Train.Work’ Careers Expo to be held in Armidale

Date: Thursday 9th August, 2012
Venue: Lazenby Hall, annexe and Library at UNE
Entry: Free for everyone

• Careers Forums 10am -3pm open to secondary school and tertiary students
• Stalls open from 10am -5pm (with a break from 3-3:30pm)
• Stalls open to the public, UNE students and parents from 11-2pm and from 3:30-5pm
• BBQ lunch and drinks available from 11:30-2pm (all proceeds to Armidale Pipe Band)
• After hours information sessions 4-5pm (bookings compulsory) Please see below.

Careers forums:
Student careers forums where students elect to attend specialised career areas where they will hear from 3-4 people working in that industry being interviewed by peers and university students. School students are able to ask questions at the end of the 25 minute sessions. These will be run in a similar fashion to previous forums in Armidale and schools have found it gives students some direction, motivation and purpose for with their school work and subject choices.

Other forums:
Students can also elect to attend forums to find out about university (what is in it for you, support, applying, what to expect), TAFE courses, apprenticeship and traineeship options, and work preparation (volunteering, resume writing, interview skills, casual work).

Careers stalls where students and parents can talk to current employers, industry representatives and training organisations. Lunch time and after-hours access to parents, the public and students who miss out from 11-2pm and 3:30-5:00pm

After hours sessions:

  1. 4pm - Uni – what is in it for you or your child. Thinking of a career change? Do you want to know how to apply and what support you can access?
  2. 4pm - Resume writing, interview skills, volunteering & casual work - the experts tell us how
  3. 4:30pm - TAFE, TVET & SBAT - All the many pathways into your career and further studies
  4. 4:30pm – Supporting your student and looking after yourself during study, keeping balance and perspective (Bruce Winter is from HNE Health and is a parent who has been there before. Bruce works between Hunter New England Health and local schools in the area of mental health education and support. A graduate of Armidale CAE he brings to the role an extensive teaching background in both public and independent schools.)

To book these sessions please email rdani@rdani.org.au with your name, contact details, which sessions you will be attending and how many people you are bringing by 6pm Friday 3rd August.

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