Back to Search ResultsRegional, Rural and Remote Home Care Workforce Support Program
Closed: 6th of January 2025 - 2:00 pm
Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Further Information:
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to focus on building the home care workforce in regional, rural, and remote locations (Modified Monash Model (MMM) 3 to 7 areas) where workforce shortages are the most acute by providing funding for an additional 4,000 Personal Care Workers (PCWs) to be engaged in these regions.
The grant opportunity will also support aged care providers to build their capacity to expand their own local workforce as well as assist PCWs to develop the necessary skills and training required to work in the sector.
The Department anticipates delivery of the Program in several regions of acute workforce need. Eligible applicants are expected to nominate a Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) region, or regions, within MMM 3 to 7 areas to deliver the program. Applicants may apply to deliver grant activities in more than one region.
While this grant opportunity focuses on the aged care workforce, the disability support and veterans’ workforces may also benefit where providers also deliver these services.
To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:
- Indigenous Corporation (registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006)
- Company
- Corporate Commonwealth Entity
- Non-Corporate Commonwealth Statutory Authority
- Corporate State or Territory Entity
- Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
- Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
- Local Government
- Cooperative
- Statutory Entity, or
- Partnership
Applications from consortia are acceptable, providing there is a lead organisation that is solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities and is an eligible entity as per the list above. Only the lead organisation can submit the application form and enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth.
To be eligible you must have an entity type that is listed above, and be one of the below listed organisation types:
- Commonwealth approved/registered home care service provider.
- Commonwealth Home Support Program provider (including Sector Support and Development sub-program providers).
- aged care peak/industry body.
- recruitment agency, employment service provider and Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider.
- Registered Training Organisation who currently offers nationally recognised care training and receive State/Territory government funding.
- a Union representing workers in the care and support economy.
- Group Training Organisation who currently provides aged care training.
- Community Development Program provider.
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation or
- consultancy/business advice firm who currently provides advice to the care and support sectors.
Last Updated: 26th of November 2024