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Veteran Employment Program - Recruitment Advisory Service for Employers of Veterans

ClosedGrant Closed: 16th of August 2023 - 9:00 pm Value: Up to $800,000 Run By: Department of Veterans Affairs Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=ca652f05-6961-4f6c-98d4-a752426e49c9

The purpose of the program is to provide practical and long-lasting advice and support for employers with a view to facilitating increased veteran employment opportunities.

DVA will work with a single provider to make improved assistance available to employers for pursuing and/or enhancing veteran employment to enhance targeted veteran recruitment and retention. It is intended that this will be achieved by working collaboratively with employers to develop, review, or enhance policies and/or procedures applicable to workplaces. Resources developed through this work will contribute to a suite of culturally-appropriate products for employers to support build capability to sustain veteran employment in the longer term.

‘Veteran employment’ encompasses both veterans and partners. These may be partners of serving or ex-serving ADF members and for the purpose of this grant, the term ‘veteran employment’ relates to both veterans and partners, and applicants need to make it clear what the scope of their service would cover.

The program recognises that there are identified enablers and barriers to veteran employment, and seeks to work with employers to raise awareness of the skills and attributes of veterans (and/or Defence partners) that are highly valuable within the civilian workforce, support the review or development of enabling processes and address barriers to employment.

The program will deliver practical advisory and technical services to assist employers’ recruitment and retention strategies. In doing so, program support will reflect an understanding of different levels of military awareness across employers/employer groups, and the scope of internal resources available to employers (from small to large business size).

Support could be provided from simple advice and linkage to relevant services through to technical support including review of recruitment strategies, mapping of capabilities, review of duty statements for skills transfer, and/or review of recruitment processes.

Ex-service organisations , not-for-profit organisations, and charitable organisations are encouraged to apply.

Last Updated: 23rd of July 2023
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