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Regional Arts Fund - Project Grants - 2023

ClosedGrant Opened: 3rd of July 2023 - 9:00 am Closed: 14th of August 2023 - 11:59 pm Value: Up to $30,000 Run By: Regional Arts NSW Further Information: https://regionalartsnsw.com.au/raf-project-grant-applications-open/

The Regional Arts Fund is an ongoing program that provides approximately $3.6 million per year to support artists and communities in regional and remote areas. The Regional Arts Fund is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression.

The objectives of the Regional Arts Fund are to support and promote participation in, and
access to, Australia's arts and culture in regional and remote Australia, and through doing so:

  1. encourage and support sustainable economic, social and cultural outcomes in regional communities;
  2. develop partnerships and networks which leverage financial and/or inkind support for regional arts projects and encourage ongoing collaboration;
  3. develop audiences and broaden community engagement with the arts;
  4. increase employment and professional development opportunities for, and raise the profile of, regional and remote artists; and
  5. support quality and viability of artistic and cultural activity.

The Project Grants Stream is for arts projects, professional development for artists and arts workers, and community capacity building projects. Projects will address the objectives of the program and will contribute to making the arts accessible to communities across Australia regardless of location, whether as participant or consumer.

Last Updated: 30th of June 2023
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