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Arts and Cultural Assets Program (ECAP Arts)

ClosedGrant Closed: 22nd of May 2023 - 2:00 pm Value: Unspecified Run By: NSW Government Further Information: https://www.create.nsw.gov.au/funding-and-support/arts-and-culture-assets-program-ecap-arts/

The Australian and NSW governments are committed to providing ongoing support for communities impacted by the 2022 severe weather and flood events that had a significant impact on communities, including the arts and cultural sector.

Damaged community infrastructure has an impact on individuals, groups and independent organisations that rely on arts and cultural infrastructure to conduct their businesses, as well as on the community that access and participate in the arts.

The Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package – Arts and Cultural Assets Program (ECAP Arts) will support the medium-long term recovery of the arts and cultural sector by providing funding for the restoration, replacement and betterment of directly damaged arts and cultural infrastructure most impacted by the severe weather and flood events of February and June 2022. The funding supports arts and cultural organisations to rebuild and recover and while at the same time provide arts and cultural experiences that are crucial to community wellbeing.

Arts and cultural organisations (including service organisations), local councils, not-for profit organisations and Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADOs) are eligible to apply.

Funding requests must be a minimum of $5,000, with no maximum upper limit.

This grants is only available to Local Government Areas that have been identified as priority due to impacts from the severe weather and flooding events of February and June 2022 (events 1012 and 1025). In the Northern Inland, this includes:

  • Glen Innes Severn
  • Tenterfield Shire

Funding is available for:

  • Capital works directly related to damage from severe weather and flood events in February and June 2022 (AGRN 1012 and/or AGRN 1025) that have not been covered through other government funding and/or insurance claims
  • Restoration, replacement, and betterment works directly related to flood damage, including works to make the damaged infrastructure more resilient to future disasters
  • Leasing and fit out of a temporary facility to ensure creative activity can continue whilst the permanent facility is being restored
  • Planning and design works that are included as part of the physical restoration, replacement and betterment works
Last Updated: 12th of April 2023
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