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Emerging Industries Capacity Building Travel Grants

ClosedGrant Closed: 22nd of March 2023 - 12:00 pm Value: $2,500 to $5,000 Run By: AgriFutures Further Information: https://agrifutures.com.au/funding-opportunity/agrifutures-emerging-industries-capacity-building-travel-grants/

This grant will provide individuals within Australia’s emerging industries with the opportunity to carry out self-guided peer-to-peer capacity building activities to further their knowledge and skills and further the growth of their emerging industry.

Grant funds will be provided to successful applicants to cover travel costs and associated expenses of the planned activities.

The grant aims to provide emerging industries stakeholders with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge, upskill and broaden networks.

Examples of peer-to-peer capacity building activities can include:

  • Tours (domestic & international) to investigate potential supply chains.
  • Visiting farms of producers in the same or different industries.
  • Attendance at an organised conference or event and associated workshops/tours

The intended outcome, of individual projects and the overall grant program, is to contribute to growth within Australia’s new and emerging agricultural industries through capacity development of industry stakeholders.

The Emerging Industries Program will provide grant funds to cover travel costs and associated expenses of the planned capacity building activities.

Applicants cannot propose to solely attend a conference, additional activities must be included.

Last Updated: 12th of March 2023
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