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National Shed Development Programme - Round 25

ClosedGrant Closed: 12th of March 2023 Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: Australian Men's Shed Association Further Information: https://mensshed.org/nsdp/

The NSDP is a competitive grants programme and applications are open to all Men’s Sheds across Australia regardless of location or AMSA membership.

The NSDP provides direct financial assistance to address the health and wellbeing of the shed members within the shed environment; support health education for shed members, deliver appropriate activities and programmes, improve facilities and the sustainability of Men’s Sheds across Australia.

To reflect Government policy, priority is given to:

  • those Sheds in areas of greatest need e.g. regional, rural and remote and those that engage and meet the needs of members from the designated Priority Groups
  • applications requesting events/improvements/equipment with a strong health, wellbeing or safety emphasis, in acknowledgement of the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of sheds in the recovery period (and beyond).
  • IT equipment and training to facilitate connectivity.
  • Defibrillators

Individual Men’s Sheds in Australia can apply for a range of financial support across the following five funding categories:

  1. Health and Wellbeing and Events-up to a maximum of $8000-assistance with costs incurred for the delivery of men’s health screening programmes, activities that advance health and well-being of their male members, costs to attend health focussed events and education programmes, planning and delivery of regional Men’s Health events, health and safety equipment and resources
  2. Shed Improvements up to a maximum of $8000– funding to be used for improvements, modifications or refurbishment to an existing building or space to allow for the operation of the Men’s Shed. PLEASE NOTE: the building of a new Men’s Shed is not supported under this Programme.
  3. Tools and Equipment – $5,000 maximum -the priority focus in Category Three is providing financial support to new Men’s Sheds (less than 2 years old) and those Men’s Sheds that can who can clearly demonstrate a high need.
  4. Mental health and wellbeing and events – $8000 maximum-assistance with costs incurred for the delivery of men’s Mental health activities that advance health and well-being of their male members, costs to attend events and education programmes, planning and delivery of regional Men’s Mental Health events, equipment and resources.
  5. Automated External Defibrillators – $2,250 maximum- Men’s Sheds are eligible for funding to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator, where either: the Shed does not currently have a working defibrillator on its premises; or it has a defibrillator that was purchased prior to 2016 (hence is older than 6 years).
Last Updated: 12th of February 2023
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