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Conservation Partners Grant

Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $15,000 Run By: NSW Government Biodiversity Conservation Trust Further Information: https://www.bct.nsw.gov.au/cards/apply-conservation-partners-grant

Conservation partners grants provide financial assistance to landholders in managing their conservation area, allowing them to improve the biodiversity value of their properties.

Landholders with an agreement with the BCT who do not receive annual conservation management payments can generally apply at any time for a conservation partners grant.

Landholders participating in the Humane Society International’s (HSI) Wildlife Land Trust are also eligible for grants from the BCT.

You can apply for a grant from the BCT if you have one of the following NSW private land conservation agreements:

  • unfunded conservation agreement
  • trust agreement
  • registered property agreement
  • wildlife refuge or wildlife refuge agreement
  • participation in the Humane Society International’s (HSI) Wildlife Land Trust program.

The following activities are eligible:

  • assisted regeneration and weed control (as part of assisted regeneration strategy)
  • fencing to secure conservation area, control grazing from livestock, to enable restoration of native vegetation
  • introduced pest animal control
  • revegetation (including supplementary planting)
  • habitat restoration—such as installation of nest boxes and artificial hollows, or additional ground cover layer and habitat structure
  • Saving our Species management actions
  • other maintenance—such as repairs to existing feature required to maintain conservation values
  • native vegetation restoration planning to guide assisted regeneration or revegetation
  • project / grant management by third party(s)

In some cases we may arrange to visit you on your property to assess eligibility and proceed with your application. During these visits, you can ask the BCT staff member any questions you have about your agreement and the activities you want to undertake.

There are three levels of funding available:

  1. Up to $15,000 per year for up to three years for landholders with in-perpetuity conservation agreements, Trust Agreements, Registered Property Agreements.
  2. Up to $8,000 per year for up to three years for landholders with a term Registered Property Agreement.
  3. Up to $2,000 per year for up to three years for landholders with a wildlife refuge or wildlife refuge agreement or who are members of Wildlife Land Trust.

Applications will be funded if they are eligible, complete and meet the assessment criteria, and if the BCT has available funding. Works already completed or funded from another source will not be eligible for a grant.

Last Updated: 12th of October 2022
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