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Recreational Fishing Trusts - Small Grants

ClosedGrant Closed: 29th of June 2022 Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: NSW Department of Primary Industries Further Information: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/recreational-fishing-fee/licence-fees-at-work/apply-for-funds

When fishing in NSW waters, both freshwater and saltwater, recreational fishers are required to pay the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee. All money raised by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee is placed into the Recreational Fishing Trusts and spent on improving recreational fishing in NSW.

Anyone can apply for funding from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, including fishing clubs and organisations, universities, councils, community groups, individuals and so on. Joint applications are also encouraged.

In the past, the Trusts have provided funding for a wide range of projects, including:

  • recreational fishing education such as fishing workshops and clinics including teaching kids and adults how to fish and fishing for therapy, Fishcare volunteers, schools education, fishing advisory, increasing participation in recreational fishing & other fishing club events to promote fishing
  • fishing access and facilities - fishing amenities such as platforms, cleaning tables, kayak launching platforms, access upgrades, fishing safety infrastructure, fishing line bins & other angler facilities, enhancement of fishing access, recreational fishing havens
  • recreational fishing enhancement - fish aggregating devices, artificial reefs, fish stocking
  • research on fish and recreational fishing - fishing surveys, biology of popular recreational species, angler catch projects, effectiveness of stocking
  • aquatic habitat rehabilitation and protection - grants to remove barriers to fish migration, replanting & protecting river bank vegetation, restoring water flows, etc.
  • enforcement of fishing rules - fisheries officers

Matching funding is not a requirement, however, other contributions towards the project will improve the value for money of the project. Include details of other contributions to the project including any voluntary labour and project management time as an ‘in-kind’ contribution (this includes hands on volunteer work, project management, administration, reporting, donations etc.).

Last Updated: 19th of June 2022
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