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Recycling Modernisation Fund

ClosedGrant Closed: 28th of February 2022 Value: $10,000 to $1 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Further Information: https://www.awe.gov.au/environment/protection/waste/how-we-manage-waste/recycling-modernisation-fund/supporting-waste-infrastructure-regional-remote

Managing waste in regional and remote locations presents a range of additional challenges including isolation through seasonal weather changes and a lack of connection to major roads or towns. These challenges mean that regional and remote areas often lack kerbside waste collection and access to recycling and remanufacturing centres.

A key target of the 2019 National Waste Policy Action Plan  is to achieve an 80 per cent average resource recovery rate from all waste streams following the waste hierarchy by 2030. The National Action Plan recognises that to achieve this target, regional and remote areas require better access to waste management and processing capabilities.

To help reach this target, the Australian Government will co-fund additional projects under RMF that increase the sorting, processing, and manufacturing or remanufacturing capacity of regional and remote locations. Co-investment for these projects will be delivered through the National Partnership on Recycling Infrastructure (NPRI) and existing terms and conditions for funding under the NPRI will continue to apply for these projects.

Last Updated: 14th of February 2022
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