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Community Child Care Fund - Open Competitive Round

ClosedGrant Closed: 22nd of February 2021 - 11:00 am Value: $2,000 to $200,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=8989473e-10ca-47b3-a6ae-f384c7c3108b

The objective of the CCCF, which is part of the Child Care Safety Net, is to support child care services to address barriers to child care participation, particularly targeting disadvantaged and vulnerable families and communities.

The objective of this grant opportunity is to support the longer-term sustainability of eligible ECEC services operating in, or servicing, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, particularly those in regional, rural and remote areas.

This grant opportunity will provide funding under three categories, called program ‘elements’. Each element intends to fund a specific type of activity. The elements are (in order of grant funding priority):

  • Sustainability Support ($2,000 to $200,000) - helping eligible child care services operating in areas of limited supply improve the viability and sustainability of their service.
  • Community Support ($5,000 to $100,000) - helping eligible child care services to work with other organisations and families to identify and address community level barriers to child care participation. The engagement must ultimately result in increased child care participation.
  • Capital Support ($50,000 to $150,000) - helping eligible child care services by contributing towards the cost of modifying, renovating, extending or building child care facilities (‘capital works’). These capital works must result in more child care places in areas where there is unmet demand.

You may apply for one or more element per service, however only one application per element per service is allowed. There is a separate application form for each element.

To be eligible for this grant opportunity, at the date of application lodgement,you must be:

  • a CCS approved operator of an approved ECEC service


  • located in, or servicing families from a CCCF priority area OR
  • servicing regional, remote or very remote areas OR
  • providing specialised child care services to a vulnerable or disadvantaged sector of its community OR
  • the operator of the service previously funded under the CCCF Round 1 or 2 Open Competitive processes(to which the application relates)
Last Updated: 18th of January 2021
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