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Community Led Resilience & Recovery Projects

ClosedGrant Closed: 11th of January 2021 - 12:00 pm Value: Minimum of $1,000 Total pool of $250,000 Run By: Walcha Council Further Information: https://www.walcha.nsw.gov.au/community/community-led-resilience-recovery-projects-grants-available.aspx

The  Australian  and  State  Governments  have  partnered  to  release  Phase  2  of  the  Bushfire  Recovery  and Resilience Fund. Stream 1 of this fund provides a total of $250,000 to Walcha Council for Council and Community led projects that help their community over come the social and physical impact of the bushfires. 

Council  has  allocated  a  significant  portion  of  this  funding  to  be  available  to  community  groups  and  organisations  to  apply  for.  The  objective  of  this  funding  is  to  deliver  flexible,  small-scale  grants  to  locally led community recovery activities.  This funding is intended to be flexible in order to meet recovery needs of local communities.

Projects will need to contribute to fulfill one or more of the following Disaster Recovery Outcomes: 

  1. The needs of vulnerable groups are addressed in disaster recovery
  2. The community is aware of the disaster recovery processes
  3. The community can express its changing disaster recovery needs
  4. Community members are aware of the risks of future disasters
  5. The community has improved capacity and capability to respond to future disasters
  6. Business and not-for-profits have in place adequate mitigation practices for risks and threats
  7. Government,   private   sector,   civil   society   and   organisations   are   engaged   in   plans   for   preparedness and management of the recovery.

All approved projects must be delivered by 30 June 2022.

Last Updated: 30th of November 2020
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