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Digital Games Seed Development Program

Grant Closes: 24th of February 2025 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $30,000 Run By: Screen NSW Further Information: https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/funding-support/digital-games-seed-development-program

Targeted at emerging and small-medium enterprise digital game creators, the fund will provide a grant of up to $30,000 for early-stage game development.

The funds could also be used to cover scoping technical requirements of a games project, exploring commercial, creative and market potential, as well as pitch materials.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Support NSW game creators to advance early concept original digital games IPs to reach the next stage of development
  • Assist successful applicants to prepare their project to raise additional finance for full-scale development
  • Encourage sustainable growth for the NSW games sector and a diverse pipeline of game talent in NSW.

All applicants need to fulfil the following criteria:

  • If an individual, the applicant must be a NSW resident (i.e., lived and operated in NSW for at least six months immediately before the application)
  • If a company, the applicant must be incorporated in Australia and taken to be registered in NSW, have their central management and control in Australia and carry out business in Australia
  • Applicants must have an ABN
  • Applicants must not be full-time secondary or tertiary students; or employing students who are currently studying games, or a field related to games. Part-time students are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applicants who are an employee of a Federal or state or territory government screen agency are not eligible to apply
  • An applicant cannot be a licensee of a service under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) or a related body corporate of such a licensee (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth))
  • Applicants must have the right to carry out the project, for example, own or have the licenses of any relevant copyright. If the application is based on a third-party underlying work, applicants must have an appropriate option agreement.  Applicants must be able to demonstrate they have the necessary rights if required by providing chain of title documents.
  • Applicants must have a project team member with a key creative credit on at least one game that has been released to the general public e.g. Steam, itch.io
  • There can be only one application for a particular game. If more than one NSW developer is working on the project, a joint application for the game will need to be made.

Eligible games must be:

  • Intended for public release
  • At concept or early-stage development
  • Completely digital.

Eligible games for funding include:

  • Games for entertainment and serious games
  • Games for any platform including console, desktop, tablet, mobile, VR/AR
  • Multi-player and single-player games.


Last Updated: 28th of January 2025
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