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Youth Empowerment Program

ClosedGrant Closed: 28th of January 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $300,000 to $1 Million Run By: Attorney-General's Department Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=9fcd80f7-4ce1-4b8b-9747-26ce79b7229f

The Youth Empowerment Program will provide funding of $28.377 million to organisations for programs for youth aged 10 to 17 who are engaged in, or at-risk of becoming engaged in, criminal and/or anti-social behaviour. It is expected that activities will be aimed at the participation of young people at-risk aged between 10 to17 to reduce the incidence of low-level engagement in criminal activity and decrease recidivism rates.

The objectives of the grant opportunity are to:

  • provide alternative pathways for young people who are at risk of being engaged in criminal and/or anti-social behaviour
  • enable young people at-risk to break patterns of recidivism and cyclical engagement in criminal activity
  • help young people at-risk to develop life skills to prevent them from becoming entrenched in the criminal justice system, to promote inclusion, build community resilience and strengthen family support structures.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are:

  • improved engagement of young people at-risk in education, work ready programs and the community more generally
  • decrease anti-social behaviour or engagement in criminal activity and an increase in positive community and family engagement
  • reduce the incidence of low-level engagement in criminal activity by young offenders and decrease recidivism rates among the same cohort.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution

And are one of the following entities:

  • an incorporated association
  • an incorporated not-for-profit organisation.

You will also be required to provide a letter from your board or governing committee (or CEO if there is no board or committee) that confirms that your organisation delivers or has delivered programs that engage young people at-risk of engaging in crime or anti-social behaviour.

Partner with other organisations - Joint applications are acceptable, provided you have a lead organisation who is the main driver of the project and is eligible to apply.

Last Updated: 22nd of December 2024
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