Back to Search ResultsRegional Economic Development and Community Investment Program
Closes: 20th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm
Value: $250,000 to $5 Million
Run By: NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Further Information:
The Regional Economic Development and Community Investment Program is open to initiatives that promote regional economic development and support employment creation and retention.
The $50 million program is funded under the Regional Development Trust and will support initiatives that promote regional economic development and contribute to job creation and retention aligned with the Trust’s key focus areas:
- Aboriginal economic development and enterprise
- Community connection and capacity building
- Improving regional service delivery
- Sustainable regional industries.
Within each key focus area, applications may be submitted for:
- infrastructure projects
- services and program delivery.
Eligible applicants must be one of the following entities:
- a company incorporated in Australia
- an incorporated association or co-operative
- a Local Government organisation (Committees under section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) must apply via the relevant council)
- a NSW Joint Organisation of Councils or a Regional Organisation of Councils
- a Regional Development Australia Committee
- an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council
- the Lord Howe Island Board or an Unincorporated Far West Group including RDA Far West (in their capacity as service providers for eligible locations not covered by a local government entity)
- an Australian university.
Eligible applicants must be able to provide evidence to demonstrate they:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- are financially solvent and not subject to any ongoing legal proceedings
- have at least $20 million public liability insurance or are willing to secure the insurance before entering into a funding deed if the application is successful.
Projects must be located in one of the 95 regional NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs), the Unincorporated Far West region or on Lord Howe Island. (See Appendix A of the guidelines for a detailed list of eligible locations). Projects located in the Sydney metropolitan area are ineligible.
Projects can be located on publicly owned land or on private land where there is a clear public benefit. If the applicant is not the owner of the land (or infrastructure) where the project will be located, landowner’s consent and/or access agreements will be required as part of the application.
Last Updated: 21st of December 2024