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Arts and Cultural Funding Program - 4 Year Multi-year Funding

ClosedGrant Closed: 2nd of December 2024 - 11:00 pm Value: $100,000 to $600,000 Run By: Create NSW Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/4-year-multi-year-funding

The 4-Year Multi-year program aims to strengthen the creative ecosystem in NSW and drive positive outcomes for NSW citizens. Funding will support small to medium organisations including Local Government Authorities that have clear collaborative models and strong financial partnerships.

The first iteration of this funding program will provide funding for three years to align with Creative Australia’s multi-year program dates. This will assist organisations in the future to economise the effort it takes to apply to both programs.

Successful applicants will be expected to deliver on at least one of the following ACFP priorities:

  • First Nations stories and communities
  • Western Sydney and/or regional NSW
  • Next generation of creatives and audiences
  • Broad and inclusive communities and content
  • Accessibility and equity

 To be eligible to apply, an applicant must be one of the following:

  • an independent not-for-profit organisation located in NSW with the primary purpose of providing arts and cultural activities
  • a Service Organisation located in NSW (including Regional Arts Development Organisations)
  • a Local Government Authority located in NSW (separate business units of LGAs can apply).

To be eligible to apply, an applicant must demonstrate all the items below:

  • be based in NSW unless approved by Director Arts, Create NSW*.
  • be a not-for-profit arts and cultural organisation, service organisation or LGA with a primary purpose of arts and cultural activity
  • have an ABN (Individual business units and entities of local government authorities, such as art galleries or performing arts centres, are eligible to submit applications on their own behalf if they have their own ABN. If the business unit or entity does not have its own ABN, the application must be submitted by the LGA on behalf of the business unit)
  • have operated as a legally constituted entity for a minimum of two years at time of application
  • be able to demonstrate delivery of arts, cultural or creative programs or services for a minimum of two consecutive years (as demonstrated in Strategic Plan), at time of application
  • be able to address and deliver on at least one of the ACFP strategic priorities
  • include an independent financial contribution and not request funding for the total cost of an organisations program
  • have annual turn-over in the applicant’s most recent financial year (2023/24 or 2023) greater than $100,000 (including Create NSW grant/s but excluding Create Infrastructure and COVID funding).
  • if working with First Nations artists and/or communities, confirm you adhere to Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) policies and procedures and Create NSW Aboriginal Cultural Protocols
Last Updated: 16th of November 2024
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