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BRII: Workplace Relations Usability Challenge – Proof of Concept

ClosedGrant Closed: 30th of October 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $1 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=4ce03a2f-cf6b-48ad-b5f4-a546a30a91bd

The Australian Government is seeking innovative technology solutions to support engagement with modern awards. This grant opportunity will focus specifically on making it easier for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to find, navigate, and utilise modern awards.

As part of this challenge grantees are required to utilise the Fair Work Commission’s Modern Award Pay Database (MAPD) to ensure up-to-date information on modern awards minimum rates of pay, allowances, overtime and penalty rates data is integrated in the final solution. The Fair Work Commission has released an application programming interface (API) that grantees could consider using in their design solution. Grantees must use the MAPD, but they may also use data from other sources. Challenge participants must have regard to the Fair Work Commission’s MAPD Disclaimer available on the Fair Work Commission website and the MAPD API terms of use and important information statement when using these data sources.

The challenge for supporting the implementation of the Workplace Relations Usability Feasibility grant opportunity is “Using technology to improve the user experience of SMEs engaging with modern awards”.

The purpose of the Proof of Concept grants is to support you to build on your feasibility project and produce working prototypes or demonstrations of the innovative solutions that address the challenge.

Only applicants that complete a successful Feasibility project under the Business Research and Innovation Initiative - Workplace Relations Usability Challenge will be invited to submit an application for Proof of Concept funding.

Last Updated: 14th of October 2024
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