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Climate-Smart Agriculture Program - Partnerships and Innovation Grants

ClosedGrant Closed: 8th of April 2024 - 9:00 pm Value: $250,000 to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=0eb7067d-3a31-4395-9fff-d8d14ac4e66e

The Climate-Smart Agriculture Program will support Australia’s agriculture sector to drive climate-smart, sustainable growth, and protect Australia’s natural capital by funding best practice sustainable agriculture and natural resource management activities.

Partnerships and Innovation grants under the Climate-Smart Agriculture Program will be comprised of up to 2 rounds of open, competitive, grant opportunities. These Grant Opportunity Guidelines outline the detail and criteria for this round. A second grant round may occur if the full $45 million is not allocated in this round.

This grant opportunity will support large scale projects to be delivered across Australia by consortium arrangement to develop, trial and implement new and innovative tools that lead to practice change and reduce pressure on Australia’s natural resources while increasing productive and profitable agriculture industries and systems. It will provide investment to help accelerate and support the adoption of climate-smart and sustainable agricultural practices on-ground by funding
projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration and build resilience in farming systems to the impacts of climate change.

Partnerships and Innovation projects will allow new ideas to be developed, tested and shared across farms, industries and regions, to the benefit of the Australian landscape, community and economy. Industry implementation of innovative tools and practices also assists Australia to meet its obligations under international treaties including those addressing climate change, desertification and biological diversity.

Last Updated: 26th of February 2024
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