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October 2017 Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Welcome to our Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Welcome to our Funding Opportunities Newsletter where you’ll find details of selected grant submissions from around the region, which will be sent in the middle of the month, every month.

We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below.

Featured Grants

NSW Regional Conferencing Development Grants Pilot Program

Applications are now open.

The Program is designed to help stakeholders create exciting new business events for regional NSW as well as attracting existing business events to regional NSW, enriching the events with opportunities offered by iconic towns and regions while helping secure successful conferences and events for their future.

Seed funding will be offered between 4 August 2017 and 30 June 2018 (up to a maximum of $100,000) to be matched dollar-for-dollar by local communities, councils, entrepreneurs, associations, professional conference organisers etc. Small-scale infrastructure projects may be permitted but only in the context of creating a new event or attracting an existing event.

Full details and the ability to apply are available via the new Meet in Regional NSW website, www.meetinnsw.com.au

If anyone has any questions or would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Helen Parker, Manager, Regional Conferencing, Destination NSW using the following contact details:

Helen Parker
Manager, Regional Conferencing
Destination NSW
E helen.parker@dnsw.com.au
D 02 9931 1145
M 0439 303 270

$134 Million in Smart Farming Funding

The Government recognises and supports the important role Landcare plays through community and industry organisatons in protecting and improving the condition of soils, vegetation and biodiversity on-farm. The condition of these natural resources underpin the productivity and profitability of the agriculture sector and deliver community benefits. The next phase of the National Landcare Program will provide financial support for the following agriculture related programs (Note: information about the National Landcare Program, including the environment only elements and joint agriculture and environment elements, are on the nrm website):

Smart Farms Program

Applications now open for Smart Farming Partnerships grants program. This first round opened on 19 October 2017 and closes at 2:00 pm AEDT on 21 December 2017.

The Government is allocating $134 million to support the development and uptake of best practice, tools and technologies that help farmers, fishers, foresters and regional communities improve the protection, resilience and productive capacity of our soils, water and vegetation, in turn supporting successful primary industries and regional communities.

The program will focus on protecting and improving the condition of soil, vegetation and biodiversity and support agricultural systems to adapt to change.

The Smart Farms Program will run over six years from 2017‑18. It is made up of the following three elements:

  • Smart Farming Partnerships is a $60 million grants program for medium to large scale projects to encourage the development, trial and roll-out of new and innovative tools and farm practices.
  • Smart Farms Small Grants is a $50 million grants program for on-ground projects to support the adoption of practices that improve the management and quality of our natural resources and increases on-farm productivity.
  • Building Landcare Community and Capacity will allocate $24 million to support the sharing of knowledge and achievements in natural resource management and promote community leadership.

There is also information on the nrm website in video format concerning the Smart Farms program.

Growing Local Economies (State Government Grant)

As part of the NSW Government’s $1.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, funding will be made available through the Growing Local Economies fund over four years to turbocharge new regional economic opportunities and enliven local economies.

Growing Local Economies is designed to unlock growth in regional NSW by delivering the infrastructure that supports projects of economic significance. This could include road works, natural gas mains and pipelines, water supply, sewerage connections and telecommunications (including data networks). The program is expected to deliver long–term growth benefits.

More details:

Closing date: Unknown

Closing in November

AgriFutures Research Projects Grants
Closes 01 November 2017
Total Pool: Unknown
AgriFutures Australia is conducting an open call request for quotations for nine cross-sectoral research projects. More details at the link above.

Anzac Community Grants
Closes 11 November 2017 5pm
Total Pool: $125,000
Up to $2,000
Available to Local Government, Not-for-Profit organisations, or Schools for a range of projects that educate local communities and commemorate the history and service of former military servicemen and women. Projects which support veterans are also included.

Export Market Development Grants (Austrade)
Closes 30 November
Total Pool: Unknown
Minimum: $7,500 Max: Unknown
The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the scheme supports a wide range of industries.
The EMDG scheme:

  • encourages small- and medium-sized Australian businesses to develop export markets
  • reimburses up to 50 per cent of eligible export promotion expenses above $5,000 provided that the total expenses are at least $15,000
  • provides up to eight grants to each eligible applicant.

Chobani Food Incubator
Closes 30 November
Total Pool: Unknown
Up to $10,000
Chobani has partnered with Monash University and the Food Innovation Centre (FIC) to create the most robust incubator program in Australia. By combining Chobani’s expertise in sales, marketing and customer engagement with the FIC’s facilities to support new product development, innovation, and quality, our program will help start-ups improve Australia's food industry.

Closing in December

Women’s Leadership Development: Farming and Agriculture
Closes 15 December
Total Pool: Unknown
Up to $8,000
Scholarships are available across three different management levels; early career, mid-level, senior or executive level to undertake applicable courses run by Women & Leadership Australia.


Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Grants
$500 - $5,000
Available to Aboriginal communities and individuals for projects in line with the Foundation’s goals.

Archives in the Bush
Total Pool: $40,000 per State
Assists seven Regional Archive Repositories to manage, preserve, digitise and maintain local State archives stored on behalf of SARA in regional NSW.

Australian Communities Foundation Funding - Support for Charitable Organisations
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-Profit organisations who fit certain criteria for projects in the areas of community development & advocacy, community services & welfare, disability, education, health, overseas aid, arts & culture.

Community Led Grants - Australian Government
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations or individuals in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community for projects in the areas of Education, Employment and Economic Development and / or Community Safety.

Google Grants
Up to USD$10,000 per month in kind
Total Pool: Unknown
Available for Not-for-profits to advertise their mission using Google Adwords.

Poverty and Disadvantage Small Grants Program
Up to $10,000
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-Profit organisations in the support of and aiding to alleviate the negative effects of poverty and disadvantage.

Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF)
Amount Undisclosed
Available to social enterprises to help them grow their business and impact more people with the result of their work.

Sponsorship Grants - Multicultural NSW
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations to support initiatives promoting community cohesion and the benefits of a multicultural society.

Innovation Connections
Up to $50,000
Available to businesses to connect them with an Innovation Facilitator to help identify knowledge gaps and opportunities to grow their business

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An Australian Government Initiative