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March 2018 Newsletter

In This Issue:

Welcome From the Chair

Dear Northern Inlanders,

Welcome back with our first Newsletter of 2018 and we hope you’ve also been receiving our new Grants Newsletters twice a month. This year brings with it some new changes for RDA Northern Inland.

Firstly, we are now solely funded by the Australian Government, rather than a joint arrangement with the NSW Government. This simplifies our operations and ensures we have more time to focus on practical outcomes for the region, as well as allowing an expansion of our Research & Consultancy services and Skilled Migration programs.

Secondly, in a vote of confidence for the performance and direction of RDA Northern Inland over the past 3 years, I am pleased to advise that the Hon John McVeigh MP, Federal Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, has confirmed my reappointment as Chair of RDA Northern Inland for a further 3 year term. I would like to thank the dedicated Committee and Staff who are leading the organisation strongly into the future, as well as the great support from our many stakeholders right across the region. I look forward to seeing you in my travels over the coming months.

Don’t forget there is a heap of State Government money out there as part of the Regional Growth Fund packages for Local Councils, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Not-For-Profits and community groups, for all manner of projects. RDA Northern Inland are currently assisting many grant applicants with the business cases, application forms and the robust economic data required, so be sure to get in touch if we can help. You can read more about the extensive services we offer below.


Russell Stewart


Think RDANI for Evidence-Based Research and Consultancy Services

In order to grow our organisation, add-value to the region and reduce our reliance on government funding, RDANI have formally introduced Research and Consultancy Services for Local Government, Private Sector and Not-For-Profit organisations. Demand for these consultancy services within the region and beyond has been overwhelming, particularly where robust local knowledge, impartiality and lower cost are preferred over a costly metropolitan cut-and-paste approach. Many of our capabilities are unique within the region, with our expertise in impartial economic analysis being used by clients across New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. For various reasons, including confidentiality, a lot of the work is unseen by the public and unsung by RDANI, but rest assured it is playing a critical role in the economic and employment growth of our region and others.

Here are just some of our skill-sets and resources:

  • Networks into all tiers of government and in-depth local knowledge.
  • Economic analysis (benefit-cost analysis, economic impact assessments, feasibility studies, business cases etc.)
  • Financial analysis (business case profitability, cash-flow, return on investment etc.)
  • Access to REMPLAN Economic Impact Modelling Software
  • Access to over 700+ IBISWorld Industry Reports and 2,000+ Company Reports
  • Project management
  • Graphic design
  • Media production (written, sound, video)
  • E-Commerce solutions/Website development
  • Translation services

So how can we assist your organisation?

  • Source funding for infrastructure and other projects
  • Develop business cases for investments and projects
  • Conduct economic analyses of projects and proposals
  • Customised industry research reports
  • Provide research and analysis of data relevant to government and industry decision making
  • Assist councils and industry with funding bids (e.g. supply demographic and economic data)
  • Develop networks and contacts for councils and industry
  • Advocate on behalf of regional issues
  • Make submissions to support council plans and policy positions
  • Provide energy efficiency information for local residents and businesses
  • And many more

For further information, call us on (02) 6771 0700 or see our website here.

Are You Looking for Funding for your Business, Community, or Infrastructure Project?

There are a wide range of grants available for councils, businesses and community groups and they are a great way to get some extra cash flow or to access in-kind support. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find time to discover what funding opportunities are available and whether they might be applicable to you.

To help the businesses, community groups and local councils in our region, we are now providing two specialised funding opportunities newsletters that will be distributed monthly, so you can have a summary of the fantastic opportunities that are available delivered directly to your inbox! All of the opportunities listed have already been narrowed down to those that are available for the Northern Inland and the best part is that it is completely free!

You can sign up to our Business and Infrastructure Funding Opportunities and the Community Grants and Award Programs newsletters through the simple form located on the left-hand side of our website: www.rdani.org.au.

As part of this initiative, we have also expanded the Grants and Funding Opportunities area of our website to include a full listing of current funding opportunities with more detail than we can fit into the newsletters. The website is updated weekly with new listings, so it is a great resource if you are looking for funding for a specific project.

We also have a range of data for our region available on our website that you can use to support your application and our staff can also access a wide range of information, economic impact modelling and industry reports. Please call us if we can assist you on 6771 0700 or by email at rdani@rdani.org.au.

Skilled Migration Benefits Australian Cotton Research Institute

Skilled Migrant Ellen Iramu and Sandra Williams, who is the Team Leader, Agriculture & Food, CSIRO based at the Australian Cotton Research Institute, Narrabri.
Skilled Migrant Ellen Iramu and Sandra Williams, who is the Team Leader, Agriculture & Food, CSIRO based at the Australian Cotton Research Institute, Narrabri.

The 7th Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) skilled migration case study video has just gone online and it highlights the importance of skilled migration for the region, according to RDANI Chair Russell Stewart.

“The Australian Cotton Research Institute is, as the name suggests, of national significance. It is a valued part of the Narrabri district and the local cotton industry. Located 25km west of Narrabri, it is a long way from agricultural scientist labour markets,” he said.

RDANI Senior Skilled Migration Project Officer Gary Fry said that the attraction and retention of skilled labour remains a real challenge for this region and particularly in the North West. “RDANI is bringing skilled migrants to the region to help meet the region’s labour needs. We facilitated a Skilled Regional State Nominated 489 visa for agricultural scientist Ellen Iramu and her husband Peter. The couple have moved from the Solomon Islands to Narrabri. It is a win for them, their employer and the local community that they are enriching and contributing to,” he said. “In Ellen, the Australian Cotton Research Institute has a research assistant with years of crop research experience.”

Sandra Williams is the Team Leader, Agriculture & Food, CSIRO based at the Australian Cotton Research Institute, Narrabri. “We are located in the heart of the cotton industry in NSW, which helps make all the research we do here extremely relevant,” she said.

“With the research station being quite remote, it is sometimes hard to attract skilled employees out here. One of CSIRO’s strategic missions is to embrace diversity and inclusion to create impactful science and enhance our workplace and community. We are thrilled to have skilled migrant Ellen Iramu working here with us,” Ms. Williams said.

Ellen said that RDANI’s skilled migration program has delivered the kind of job and lifestyle that she was hoping for. “I really like my job. It is a continuation of my professional career. I was crop researcher for over 15 years in the Pacific region. I find my job at the cotton Research Institute very interesting because of the type of work that they are doing.

The diversity of her work in the region is a plus for Ellen. “I get to work in the field as well as in the lab,” she said.

From the Solomon Islands to Narrabri is one very big sea-change, and these skilled migrants couldn’t be happier with their move. “My husband and I like it very much here at Narrabri. We have met a lot of wonderful people. The staff at my workplace are also very welcoming and friendly. I’d like to remain here for a long time,” said Ellen.

Ellen’s husband Peter Iramu has secured employment at Walgett Shire Council.

The video is available on YouTube here.

Featured Grants and Funding Opportunities

For a full listing of grants and funding opportunities that are available for the Northern Inland, go to our website at: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/grants-and-funding-opportunities.php.

Churchill Fellowships
Closing date: 27th of April 2018
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Churchill Trust

The Churchill Trust will be holding an information day in Armidale on Tuesday, March 6, starting at 5.30pm at the Armidale City Bowling Club.

This prestigious award offers Australian citizens the opportunity to travel overseas to investigate a topic or an issue they are passionate about. It is for anyone who, after examining alternatives within Australia, would now like to see what other countries are doing successfully in a similar field to inspire new ideas and innovation.

No prescribed qualifications are required in order to apply for a Churchill Fellowship and the subject of the proposed project is limitless provided a benefit to Australia is evident and a willingness to share the knowledge gained is demonstrated.

The Churchill Fellowship is awarded to more than 100 Australians each year and last year 109 Churchill Fellowships were awarded with a combined value of over $2.9 million.

Regional Growth Fund
Closing date: Varies
Value: Unspecified
Run By: NSW Government

The Regional Growth Fund will invest in projects that facilitate regional development through six funds. These funds aim to enable essential infrastructure, support arts and culture, enhance and build sporting infrastructure, improve regional voice and data connectivity, invest in our mining-impacted communities, spur job creation and deliver local infrastructure.

Applications will be open to local government, regional organisations, industry and other community organisations.

The six funds are:

  • Regional Sports Infrastructure
  • Stronger Country Communities Fund
  • Resources for Regions
  • Regional Cultural Fund
  • Connecting Country Communities
  • Growing Local Economies

Community Resilience Program
Closes: 26th of March 2018
Value: Unespecified
Run By: NSW Office of Emergency Management

The Community Resilience Innovation Program (CRIP) is a scheme under the Natural Disaster Resilience Program, funded by the New South Wales and Commonwealth Governments through the National Partnership Agreement on Natural Disaster Resilience.

The CRIP supports a broad range of community-led projects designed to increase all-hazard disaster preparedness and build community capacity and resilience. CRIP projects are based on collaboration and partnership between local community organisations and emergency services agencies.

Projects supported through the CRIP are designed to respond to the specific needs and characteristics of the local community. Projects may involve the entire community or be tailored to the needs of particular groups, such as people identified as more vulnerable to disaster events.

A focus of CRIP is capturing lessons learned about new ways of working, what works and what could be done differently, so that successful projects can be replicated in other communities. For this reason project evaluation must be built into the project.

Projects should be completed within 12 months. Where there is a strong case, projects needing up to 2 years to complete can be considered.

Greater Charitable Foundation
Closing date: 12th of March 2018
Value: $30,000 to $350,000
Run By: Greater Bank

Each calendar year the Foundation will provide approximately $1million to programs, based either in NSW or South-East Queensland, which are designed to improve the life outcomes of their beneficiaries.

The Foundation's two key priority areas for funding are Families and Communities.

Families Projects which may focus on the following:

  • Providing support to vulnerable, marginalised and disadvantaged families.
  • Early intervention services for children and young people;
  • Services and support for older Australians;
  • Improving the health and wellbeing of families;
  • Increasing access and pathways to services for regional and rural families;
  • Strengthening family cohesion.

Communities Projects which may focus on the following:

  • Facilitating social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, training and employment;
  • Enhancing community safety and wellbeing;
  • Responding to the mental health needs of all Australians;
  • Promoting child and youth social inclusion and engagement;
  • Encouraging leadership and diverse educational opportunities;
  • Strengthening community capacity through increasing connectedness;
  • Health promotion initiatives.

Floodplain Management Grants
Closing date: 28th of March 2018
Value: Unspecified
Run By: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

The NSW Government's floodplain management grants support local government to manage flood risk. The funding for these projects comes from 2 programs, the NSW Floodplain Management Program and the Floodplain Grants Scheme (the latter of which is funded by the NSW Office of Emergency Management and Commonwealth Government).

Assistance provided under the program is usually $2 from government for every $1 provided by the applicant. Local councils, county councils or other government bodies with floodplain risk management responsibilities equivalent to those of local councils (such as the Hunter Local Land Services and the Lord Howe Island Board) can apply.

Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade International Relationships Grants

The objectives of these programs are to promote people‐to-people links and a contemporary and positive image of Australia and support for the Australian Government’s international policy goals with other countries.

Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program
Closes: 5pm AEST 9 March 2018
Value: $60,000 per year for up to three years

Council on Australia Latin America Relations
28th of March 2018
Value: $5,000 to $50,000

Australia-China Council (ACC) Grant
Closes: 2pm AEDT 28th March 2018
Value: Up to $40,000

Australia-India Council Grants
Closes: 2 pm (AEST) 29 March 2018
Value: Up to $150,000

Australia-Korea Foundation Grant
Closes: 3rd of April 2018
Value: $5,000 to $40,000

Australia-Japan Foundation Grant
Closes: 6th of April 2018
Value: $5,000 to $50,000

Australia-ASEAN Council Grants
Closes: 5pm (AEST) on Wednesday 4 April 2018
Value: $10,000 to $50,000

What's On in the Northern Inland

Weeks of Speed Festival
Sudnay 4th of March to Sunday 25th of March

Rotary District Conference
Thursday the 8th to Saturday the 10th of March

Friday 9th to Sunday 11th of March
Glen Innes

Walcha Agricultural Show
Friday 9th to Saturday 10th of March

Warialda Honey Festival
Saturday 10th of March

Nundle Country Picnic
Sunday 11th of March

Autumn Festival
Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th of March

Rise – Regional Tourism Innovation
Friday 16th to Saturday 17th of March

Many Cultures – Our History
Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of March
Glen Innes

Manilla Show
Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of March

Uralla Rotary Art Exhibition
Friday 16th to Sunday 25th of March

Emmaville Sheep Races
Saturday 17th of March

27th Annual Gem and Craft Sale
Saturday 17th to Sunday 18th of March

Country Music Muster
Tuesday 20th to Sunday 25th of March

Carnivale: Celebration of Multicultural Music, Dance and Food
Saturday 24th of March

Seasons of New England
Saturday 24th of March

Latern Parade
Saturday 24th of March

Go for Gold Easter Festival
Saturday 31st of March to Sunday 1st of April

Seniors Festival
Wednesday 4th to Sunday 15th of April

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Phone02 6771 0700
Opening Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
(Except Public Holidays)
Postal Address PO Box 72
Armidale NSW 2350
© Copyright 2025 Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland
An Australian Government Initiative