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Looking for Solutions to Northern Inland Freight Problems

A study to find ways to improve the condition of our local and regional roads to increase freight efficiency
has been commissioned by Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) and the 13 Local
Councils in the region. The project will look at the benefits of increased investment by governments and
the private sector in road freight infrastructure and demonstrate the economic benefit to the region.

RDANI Chair Mal Peters said “The study will look at both infrastructure and non‐infrastructure projects
and will focus on identifying barriers that are constraining freight movement and importantly will conduct
a cost‐benefit analysis demonstrating what Government and the private sector gain through increased
investment in road freight infrastructure”.

Following recent meetings with the Mayors and General Managers of all 13 Local Government Areas in
the Northern Inland, it was obvious that the condition of rural and regional roads was their top priority.

“The Northern Inland contains some of the wealthiest and most productive agricultural land in the
country yet we are relying on sub‐standard roads to get our products to market”, said Mr Peters.
RDANI and the 13 Councils have joined forces and pooled funds to undertake a comprehensive study on
the current state of the road infrastructure in the region and PEECE Pty Ltd, a highly respected company in
transport and particularly rural and regional roads research, have been selected to do the project.
PEECE Pty Ltd will consult with Councils to identify individual needs at a Council level and will also liaise
with key stakeholders across the region to determine the main issues that are being faced by various
industries in the Northern Inland in relation to road freight infrastructure.

“This study is the first step towards getting the state of our roads up to the standards that are enjoyed by
our city cousins. Working with all of our Councils in the Northern Inland will also give us a much larger
voice so that the projects that get identified in the study have a better chance of being funded.

“The ultimate aim of this project is to demonstrate to governments and the private sector that investment
in our roads is not money down the drain, but rather a way in which we can improve our regional
economy as a whole. The status quo of road funding simply has not worked and cannot continue”, Mr
Peters concluded.

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