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Leaders Invited to Join RDA - Northern Inland

Community volunteers are being sought to join the Regional Development Australia Northern Inland Committee to fill the Deputy Chair and Committee positions.

RDA is a national network of committees made up of local people volunteering their time and energy to develop local solutions to local issues.

Leaders with the skills, experience and knowledge to build networks within the business community, industry, education and all levels of government are required to facilitate wide consultation and develop local solutions for regional economic development.   They will identify infrastructure projects which contribute to long term economic growth of the region and have been identified as priorities.

RDA Northern Inland Chair Russell Stewart said Expressions of Interest were being sought for the positions of Deputy Chair as well as for Committee Members who will contribute to regional plans that focus on increasing investment, improving infrastructure and boosting business activity.

“This is a great opportunity for people within the region who care about economic development and jobs to step forward and commit to making big decisions about our future,” Mr Stewart said.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our regional economy so we are seeking innovative people with solid hands-on business experience.

“The Northern Inland is a large and diverse region and potential committee members will therefore need a good knowledge of the entire region,” he said.

EOIs are encouraged by 5pm Tuesday 7th of April 2015.

Further information, including an Expression of Interest form and information booklet, can be found at www.rda.gov.au or by contacting 1800 505 938 (Mon–Fri 9am-5pm AEDST) or email rdaeoi@infrastructure.gov.au

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An Australian Government Initiative