Welcome to our Funding Opportunities Newsletter
Welcome to our new Funding Opportunities Newsletter where you’ll find details of selected grant submissions from around the region.
Our regular newsletter will be along in soon, but this new edition will occur in the middle of the month, every month.
We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below.
Featured Grant: Financial Literacy Australia Grants Program (Closes 30 Jun 2017)
The Financial Literacy Australia (FLA) Grants program supports not-for-profit organisations to advance financial literacy in Australia.
In 2017, FLA will allocate about $1.5 million in their “open grants” program. Potential projects include:
experimenting with an innovative financial literacy program and sharing the results
evaluating an existing program to measure its impact and see how it can be improved
scaling-up a successful program so it reaches more people
practical research that will make a real difference
Key dates
For their 2017 grants round, expressions of interest close on Friday 30 June 2017.
Steps in applying
Read the guidelines on suitable projects
Read the eligibility and selection criteria, to check your organisation is eligible and to see what they are looking for in a strong Expression of Interest.
Browse the FAQs and tips for applicants
If you are considering applying for a grant of over $50,000, they encourage you to contact the General Manager – Grants to discuss your proposal.
Fill in the online Expression of Interest form
More info: http://finlit.org.au/grants/
Eligibility and Selection Criteria: http://finlit.org.au/grants/eligibility-selection-criteria/
Closing in June
Cadbury Fundraiser Community Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Jun, 15 Sep, 30 Nov
Up to $500
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-profits and schools for community projects in the realm of social inclusion and community engagement.
Harcourts Foundation Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Jun, 30 Sep, 31 Dec 2017
Funding amounts undisclosed
Available to Not-for-Profits who hold a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status for a specific project, item or initiative. Check out the longer list of guidelines and eligibility here.
Closing in July
Commonwealth Bank Not-For-Profit Treasurers Awards
Closes 28 July 2017 11AM (AEST)
Up to $5,000
Total Pool $15,000
Available to Treasurers of Not-for-Profits. Treasurers can be nominated by others (Category A) or nominate themselves (Category B).
ANZ Staff Foundation Grants
Closes 15 July 2017
Up to $5,000
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-For-Profits in support of charitable projects.
Closing in August
Honda Foundation Grants
Closes 11 August 2017
Funding Amounts Undisclosed
Available to Incorporated charitable organisations to assist with projects in social and environmental space. Who we support:
1. Supporting the disadvantaged, disabled or those suffering from illness
2. Relief for victims of natural disasters
3. Promotion of innovation and new technologies
4. The promotion, development and preservation of Australian culture
Closing in September
Flying Start Programme
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Sep 2017, 31 Mar 2018
Up to $30,000
Available for Not-for-profit community groups and organisations for projects building or enhancing their local community.
Cadbury Fundraiser Community Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 15 Sep, 30 Nov
Up to $500
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-profits and schools for community projects in the realm of social inclusion and community engagement.
Harcourts Foundation Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Sep, 31 Dec 2017
Funding amounts undisclosed
Available to Not-for-Profits who hold a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status for a specific project, item or initiative. Check out the longer list of guidelines and eligibility here.
Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Grants
$500 - $5,000
Available to Aboriginal communities and individuals for projects in line with the Foundation’s goals.
Community Development Grants Programme - Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Closes 30 June 2017
$9,000 - $13,000,000
Available to Businesses, Not for Profit and Schools for the infrastructure required to promote stable, secure and viable local and regional economies.
Community Led Grants - Australian Government
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations or individuals in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community for projects in the areas of Education, Employment and Economic Development and / or Community Safety.
Google Grants
Up to USD$10,000 per month in kind
Total Pool: Unknown
Available for Not-for-profits to advertise their mission using Google Adwords.
Poverty and Disadvantage Small Grants Program
Up to $10,000
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-Profit organisations in the support of and aiding to alleviate the negative effects of poverty and disadvantage.
Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF)
Amount Undisclosed
Available to social enterprises to help them grow their business and impact more people with the result of their work.
Sponsorship Grants - Multicultural NSW
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations to support initiatives promoting community cohesion and the benefits of a multicultural society.
Innovation Connections
Up to $50,000
Available to businesses to connect them with an Innovation Facilitator to help identify knowledge gaps and opportunities to grow their business