Regional Development Australia (RDA) Northern Inland is advising that representatives from the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will be visiting the region from Monday 9-13 May 2011. RDA Northern Inland Chairman, Mal Peters said that the option of sourcing labour from overseas has seen strong demand from both large employers to small businesses, across a broad range of industries, ranging from agricultural to academic. Mr Peters said that with a nationally driven regional development focus, it is all the more vital to help the region to meet its labour demands. “Overseas labour is not the only answer but it is an important option,” he said.
RDA Northern Inland Senior Project Officer, Kim-Trieste Hastings is encouraging employers to book a meeting with the new DIAC Regional Outreach Officer for NSW, Stephen Romano. “It is always better to discuss skilled migration needs, issues and legislation changes face-to-face. Ordinarily, such a meeting would need to be conducted in Sydney and that is costly in terms of time and money,” she said.
“These regular visits are part of RDANI and the Government’s commitment to provide regional areas with services and information readily available in the city. Employers, migrants and anyone with immigration issues should make the most of this opportunity.”
Ms Hastings and Mr. Romano will be meeting with employers in Moree and Inverell on Tuesday 10, May.
A free seminar will take place in Inverell on the Tuesday night from 5 – 7pm at Inverell RSM Club.
Further meetings will occur in Armidale on Wednesday 11, May, followed by a free seminar from 5-7pm that evening at the Country Comfort, Armidale. RSVP is required for these seminars to assist with catering requirements. On Thursday 12, May, they will be meeting with employers in the Tamworth area.
Anyone wishing to arrange an appointment should contact Kim-Trieste Hastings on: 6771 2790 or 0427 008 572.
RDANI is the Northern region’s certifying body for employer sponsored visa applications. “Our work in this area remains vital to the economic growth of Northern Inland NSW. Employers continue to struggle to fill positions. When they cannot meet their business’ needs with local labour, then skilled migration or employer sponsored visas can be a very important option,” Ms Hastings said. “RDANI mainly deals with the regional sponsored skilled migration visa. This enables employers to source a skilled employee overseas. A minimum two year contract is attached to this visa. At the conclusion of the contract, permanent residency is offered.”
Industry and Investment NSW acknowledges the important role that Regional Development Australia-Northern Inland performs as a Regional Certifying body and has continued to provide financial support for this work.
Also visiting the region will be Parliamentary and Ministerial Liaison Officer with DIAC, Ralph Harwood. Northern Settlement Services is encouraging people with family migration, citizenship and general migration questions to come along and talk to Mr. Harwood. One-on-one meetings can be arranged by calling Judith Roberts on 6771 3975.
For further details, please contact:
RDANI Executive Officer, Nathan Axelsson: 02 6771 2790 or Snr. Project Officer, Kim-Trieste Hastings: 0427 008 572.