Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential
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General Newsletter - 12 September 2023

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In this Issue


Welcome from the Chair

Russell Stewart - Chair

Dear Northern Inlanders,

I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather as the days begin to get warmer. We certainly need some rain though.

The warmth of spring brings an instinctive sense of hope and a fresh start. Like spring, our youth can provide new perspectives and innovative ideas to benefit our communities. If you are a young go-getter with a great idea, or know someone who is, I encourage you to check out the Young Trailblazers program detailed below. This program is a life-changing initiative for participants, allowing them to bring their ideas to fruition.

Working together on community projects is important for project success and I welcome the emphasis of partnerships in the new Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program by the Australian Government. This program provides an excellent opportunity to create community precincts that benefit everyone and foster community spirit. Coming together to create great things is part of what has made our communities so resilient as we endured multiple challenges over the last five years and will be vital in facing future challenges. I encourage anyone applying for this program or any grant to contact our staff and utilise their expertise and resources to assist you with writing your grant application.

Data is an essential tool for understanding what is happening in our region. Census data shows that the estimated resident population for the region grew by 1,327 people between 2016 and 2021. However, this growth was not shared equally amongst our twelve Local Government Areas, with many losing population during the period. Our Senior Economist, David Thompson, has analysed the population migration data, highlighting where people are moving from and to for each of our Local Government Areas. We will be sharing this information with you over three newsletters, and in this newsletter, we look at the migration patterns for our region's northwest corner.


Russell Stewart

Analysing Migration Patterns For Our Region

Population growth is a major objective of all twelve of the Local Government areas (LGAs) in the Northern Inland region of NSW, as evidenced by the objectives in their Community Strategic Local Plans. For our communities and economies to grow and prosper and to attract the level of services communities expect, population and labour force supply are critical.

Net migration (in-migration minus out-migration) is a key contributor to both the population level and the supply of labour, which has been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this three-part series, we will look at the migration patterns between 2016 and 2021 for each Local Government area in our region, commencing with four from the northwest corner: Moree Plains Shire, Narrabri Shire, Gwydir Shire and Inverell Shire.

Moree Plains Shire LGA
The Moree Plains saw a substantial net loss of 1,154 people in terms of domestic migration mostly to Qld, North Coast of NSW, other Northern Inland LGAs and the Newcastle/Hunter region. Only Sydney produced a net inflow of people to the LGA. 157 people moved to the region from overseas.

The estimated resident population decreased by 665 people (a 4.9% decline) between 2016 and 2021 indicating that the net outflow of population to other areas and deaths exceeded the domestic and overseas inflow and births.

Narrabri Shire LGA
Narrabri Shire had a net loss of 690 people in terms of domestic migration mostly to Qld, other Northern Inland LGAs, the North Coast of NSW and the Newcastle/Hunter region. Sydney and the rest of NSW produced net inflows of people to the LGA. 141 people moved to the region from overseas.

The estimated resident population decreased by 558 people (a 4.2% decline) between 2016 and 2021 indicating that the net outflow of population to other areas and deaths exceeded domestic and overseas inflow and births.

Inverell Shire LGA
Inverell is characterised by a net loss of 476 people in terms of domestic migration mostly to Qld, the North Coast of NSW and the Newcastle/Hunter region. Net inflows of people to Inverell came largely from other Northern Inland LGAs and the rest of NSW. 365 people moved to the region from overseas which is quite significant. Foreign workers coming to Bindaree Beef may account for this situation.

The estimated resident population increased by 104 people (0.6%) between 2016 and 2021 indicating that the net outflow of population to other areas and deaths was more than compensated for by the domestic and overseas inflow and births.

Gwydir Shire LGA
Gwydir had a net loss of 190 people in terms of domestic migration with most people moving to Qld, the other Northern Inland areas and the North Coast of NSW. Net inflows of people to the Gwydir LGA came mostly from Sydney, the rest of NSW and the Newcastle/Hunter region. There was a small number of people (15) moving into the region from overseas.

Between 2016 and 2021, Gwydir had a net decrease in estimated resident population of 415 people (a 7.8% decrease – the largest in the region), indicating that the net of population to other areas and deaths exceeded domestic and overseas inflows and births.


Are You A Young Trailblazer?

NSW youth worker, Carlee Heise is calling on young people aged 18 – 28, who have started social, educational, and economic development projects in their regional communities to apply for the ABC’s 2024 Trailblazers program. Carlee, a participant of the 2023 Trailblazers program, is the driving force behind YAAS! (Young, Authentic and Social), an arts program for 12–24-year-olds with diverse abilities and identities living on Darkinjung Country on the Central Coast.

“Being selected as a 2023 Trailblazer has opened up so many doors and given me opportunities to experience things I never would have imagined I would be doing in my 20s. The support I've received from the ABC Trailblazers program has helped me to see what strength I already possess and use this to make change in my region.”

Hayden McDonald is a 2023 Trailblazer living on Kepa Kurl Country, Esperance, WA. Growing up on the spectrum, Hayden felt like sometimes the world wasn't built for him. So, he combined his twin passions of aviation and promoting real inclusion for people on the spectrum by starting Wings Without Barriers. This month Hayden will solo circumnavigate regional Australia in a light aircraft stopping to present to schools along the way to show other young people that the sky’s the limit.

The Hon. Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, and Local Government, passionately champions the involvement of young leaders in regional Australia. “I’ve seen firsthand how the Trailblazers program empowers young people from rural and regional areas. It provides participants with opportunities to strengthen and inspire both themselves and their communities. Alumni from the Trailblazers program have gone on to achieve amazing things. I’d really encourage future leaders in the regions to get involved – you just don’t know where being a Trailblazer will take you, or what you’ll achieve.”

The Director of ABC News, Justin Stevens encourages young rural innovators to get involved in the 2024 Trailblazers program. “Since Trailblazers launched in 2017, we have seen talented young leaders take part each year who are doing incredible work in their regional communities. I continue to be inspired by them and the impact they are having and look forward to seeing what great projects our young leaders are working on this year. The ABC is proud to bring back Trailblazers in 2024 and celebrate these talented changemakers on a national stage.”

Applications are now open for the ABC's 2024 Trailblazers program, where the spotlight shines on the brightest new leaders making a difference in their communities. The program is an opportunity for these young entrepreneurs and changemakers to have their work celebrated nationally and to receive an incredible package of support.

Applications close Wednesday 4 October 2023. To apply, visit the ABC Trailblazers Website

Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program Now Open

The Australian Government’s $400 million regional Precincts and Partnerships (rPPP) grants program is now open for applications. This program will provide grant funding for precincts that seek to deliver transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the aims of unifying regional places, growing their economies and serving their communities. With a focus on a partnership approach, it aims to bring together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision for how that precinct connects to the region.

Regional precincts or ‘places of purpose’ are areas with a specific shared need or theme. They support better land-use integration and ensure infrastructure investment considers and complements the broader region, its surrounding communities, spaces, transport and activities.

The program will be delivered through two streams supporting both the development of precincts and delivery of construction-ready precinct projects:

  • Stream One: Precinct Development and Planning - Grants of between $500,000 to $5 million will be available for master planning, consultation, design, business cases and partnership establishment.
  • Stream Two: Precinct Delivery - Grants of between $5 million and $50 million will be available to help deliver one or more elements of a precinct. This could be enabling public infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), open spaces between elements, or a building that catalyses or complements other investment within the precinct.

Applications are open to state, territory and local government agencies or bodies, regional universities (which may be for-profit), and incorporated not-for-profit organisations.

“I know how vital it is to have productive, equitable and resilient spaces for our regions and the communities who call them home – myself included.” said Catherine King, Minister for Infrastructure, Regional Development and Local Government. “Partnerships are part of the fabric of regional Australia and the rPPP capitalises on successful collaboration, setting it apart from typical grants programs. It will bring together eligible entities including local, state and territory governments, universities and not-for-profit agencies, as well as other local stakeholders such as First Nations groups, Regional Development Australia committees and private enterprise. By tapping into their knowledge, the Government can deliver transformational infrastructure projects that communities can use and enjoy for generations to come.”

Share Your Feedback With Inland Rail

The Inland Rail Community Engagement Team want to understand how they can better work with their communities to ensure they have the needed information and the opportunity to provide feedback as Inland Rail progresses.

To do so, they are conducting a quarterly communication and engagement survey to allow community members to provide anonymous feedback on how they can improve future communication and interactions. The survey is open until Friday the 22nd of September 2023, and it will take approximately 10 minutes of your time. All information will remain confidential, with only summary responses reported to Inland Rail by Ipsos, who administer the survey on their behalf.

If you would like to complete the survey by phone, or if you have any questions regarding this survey, or about Inland Rail in general, please call the Inland Rail Community Engagement Team on 1800 732 761

Contribute To The National Housing and Homelessness Plan

The Australian Government is continuing to implement its housing reform agenda by taking a significant step forward in developing a new National Housing and Homelessness Plan. The Plan will help set out a shared national vision on tackling the country’s housing challenges across the responsibilities of different levels of Government, and how best to support those experiencing housing stress and homelessness.

Minister for Housing Julie Collins officially launched the Plan’s Issues Paper stating that the Plan was a crucial part of the Government’s broader housing reforms. “Too many people are struggling to find a safe and affordable place to buy, to rent, or to spend the night,” Minister Collins said. “Through the National Housing and Homelessness Plan, we will set out how these issues can be tackled head-on by governments across the country with short, medium and long-term reforms.”

The Plan is being developed in close collaboration with state and territory governments and local government associations. People are now encouraged to share their experiences to help inform the development of the Plan. Local governments, not for profit and civil society organisations, industry bodies, superannuation funds and other experts in housing, finance and urban development are also invited to participate.

Minister Collins said meaningful consultation with the Australian community and housing sector is key to ensuring this new Plan achieves real change in improving supply of housing, including social and affordable housing, and improves housing outcomes for Australians. This public submission process, which will run for six weeks to the 20th of October, and nationwide consultations will help determine the priorities in the Plan.

Further information about the submission process and a copy of the issues paper are available on the Department of Social Services Website.

Recognising Digital Innovation

As the organisation behind Australia’s digital backbone, nbn have developed the Innovate with nbn Grants Program. Now in its fourth year, the program aims to help regional-based businesses and individuals transform their great ideas into game-changing achievements. Run in partnership with the Regional Australia Institute (RAI), the Innovate with nbn Grants Program is part of their commitment to lift the digital capability of people and business in regional Australia.

They are looking for businesses that are harnessing the benefits of the nbn network to develop products or solutions that improve digital participation, productivity or social outcomes for regional and remote Australians.

There is $125,000 in total funding up for grabs to support regional and remote businesses drive the development and adoption of their ideas. $15,000 will be awarded to each winner in seven categories:

  • Agriculture
  • Arts
  • Education
  • Health
  • Indigenous Business
  • Tourism
  • Women in Regional Business

The overall Innovate with nbn Champion will be awarded an additional $20,000 grant to help take their idea to the next level.

Applications close at midnight on Friday the 29th of September and further information can be found on the nbn website.

Featured Grants and Funding Opportunities

Below are some featured grants and funding opportunities from the multitude of open grants listed in our Grants and Funding Opportunities Database on our website. Our website is updated weekly with new listings and updates and all are applicable to our region, so it is a great resource if you are looking for funding for a specific project.

You can also sign up to our free Business and Infrastructure Funding Opportunities and the Community Grants and Award Programs newsletters through the simple form located in the footer of our website, www.rdani.org.au, to receive monthly summaries of current grants.


Sapphire Wind Farm Community Fund
Closes: 22nd of September 2023 - 4:00 pm
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Sapphire Wind Farm

The Sapphire Wind Farm Community Fund is one of the commitments by Sapphire Wind to give back to the community in a tangible and long term way. The Community Fund is intended to provide funds from Sapphire Wind Farm to enhance and enrich community initiatives throughout the local community.

The Community Fund will provide financial contributions to community projects and initiatives such as equipment purchases, facility construction, renovation/rehabilitation projects, new programs or special funding that will enhance the community's quality of life and wellbeing.

Incorporated or Not for Profit Community based groups, funds, projects/programs or facilities that are located within, or provide a direct benefit to, the community within the Inverell Shire Council local government area are eligible to apply.


Cultural Grants Program - 2023-24
Closes: 9th of October 2023 - 11:00 am
Value: $500 to $20,000
Run By: Aboriginal Affairs NSW

The Aboriginal Affairs NSW Cultural Grants Program supports Aboriginal community organisations across NSW to celebrate Aboriginal culture and hold key cultural events and activities. 

Funding can be used for projects that meet the objectives of the Cultural Grants Program. The following are examples of the types of activities that may be funded, where they are aligned with the program objectives:

  • women’s or men’s gathering on Country
  • delivery of a culture and wellbeing camp for Aboriginal youth
  • creation of a digital installation showing Aboriginal history of the local community
  • statewide music or cultural festival
  • a series of online and/or face-to-face workshops

2023-24 Cultural Grants Program is a non-competitive program where applications will be assessed in the order they are received.


Regional Skills Relocation Grant
Closes: 15th of December 2023
Value: Up to $12,500 per worker
Run By: NSW Government Department of Regional NSW

This grant assists regional NSW businesses in identified industries attract skilled and specialised employees from NSW metropolitan areas, interstate or internationally, to regional NSW.

Eligible costs covered by this grant, include the following relocation expenses:

  • furniture removal including removalist services or trailer/truck or ute hire to relocate the employee’s home/residence
  • pet boarding for up to three months
  • travel for employee and immediate family to relocate
  • temporary accommodation for up to three months, including hotel, motel, Airbnb and boarding house accommodation
  • furniture storage for up to three months

Up to $1000 of the grant may be accessed to support an in-person candidate interview, or pre-employment site-visit (payable if candidate is successfully employed). Eligible businesses can also claim up to $2500, as part of their total grant, to access qualified recruitment services, or HR professionals, to provide tailored recruitment assistance for the pre-approved role/s. The business can apply to be reimbursed once a candidate has been successfully employed.


Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grants Scheme - 2023
Closes: 30th of September 2023
Value: Up to $20,000
Run By: Transport for NSW

CPTIGS provides subsidies to support the construction or upgrade of bus stop infrastructure (generally owned and maintained by local councils) across country NSW. The Scheme aims to maximise benefits to country passengers through supporting:

  • more accessible passenger transport, focusing on better connections between bus stops and surrounding communities;
  • an increase in the use of passenger transport in country areas through improved awareness of bus stop locations, kerbside information and improved security (e.g. tactile ground indicators and lighting); and
  • the development of minor infrastructure  to complement passenger service development.

Funding is allocated regionally to facilitate an equitable distribution of the grant support and projects. All Northern Inland LGAs are eligible for this program.

What's On in the Northern Inland

A Night With the Blokes of Armidale
Thursday 14th of September

Fit Farmers DAY - R U OK?
Thursday 14th of September
Glen Innes

Gather With the Women of Armidale
Thursday 14th of September

Shear 4 Life Speed Shear Sport
Saturday 16th of September

Calala Cottage Spring Fair
Sunday 17th of September

Coaching Unlimited: Indigenous Netball Coaching Workshop
Sunday 17th of September

Victoria Park Open Day
Sunday 17th of September

Murder Mystery Night
Tuesday 19th of September

Martin’s Gully Public School Centenary
Friday 22nd of September

Tamworth Pride Inc Fair Day
Saturday 23rd of September

Sunday 24th of September

Tamworth Classic Fire Engine Club Open Day
Sunday 24th of September

WTTC Tennis Come & Try Day
Sunday 24th of September

Guyra TroutFest
Friday 30th of September to Sunday 2nd of October

Uralla Dance Group Birthday Dance
Friday 30th of September

Sapphire City Festival
Sunday 1st to Saturday 28th of October

Green Street Markets
Wednesday 4th of October

Gunnedah Working Dog Championships
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of October

GLENRAC Rural Womens' Day
Friday 13th of October
Glen Innes

Masquerade Charity Ball
Saturday 14th of October

2023 AMSAG Walcha Rally
Saturday 14th of October

New Residents Event
Sunday 15th of October

Recalibrate My Business Workshop
Tuesday 17th of October

Dungowan Village Fair
Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of October

Fiesta La Peel
Saturday 21st of October

Pigs in Pink Pig Races
Saturday 21st of October

Warialda Honey Festival
Saturday 21st of October

Homestead Series 1 – Chevy Chase Homestead
Sunday 22nd of October

Cyber Security Workshop
Monday 23rd of October

Pitch Perfect Narrabri: Media & PR Workshop
Thursday 26th of October

Wee Waa Small Business Month Dinner 2023
Thursday 26th of October

Halloween in the Mall
Friday 27th of October

Tamworth Ute Show 2023
Saturday 28th of October

Thunderbolts Festival
Saturday 28th of October

Homestead Series 2 – Eathorpe Homestead
Sunday 29th of October

Narrabri Shire Annual Business Summit 2023
Monday 30th of October


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Opening Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
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Postal Address PO Box 72
Armidale NSW 2350
© Copyright 2025 Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland
An Australian Government Initiative