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December 2018 Newsletter

In This Issue

Welcome from the Chair

Dear Northern Inlanders,

Welcome to another bumper edition of our main Newsletter. As the year comes to a close, we have taken the opportunity to look back at all we have achieved this year.

From over 200 skilled migrants who now live and work in our communities to Skills for the Future, our Glen Innes Shearing School, numerous consultancy-based Business Plans and Economic Feasibilities, the Regional Employment Trials, together with a win of over $15m in grant funding for our stakeholders, we certainly feel we’re punching above our weight within our fantastic region. On top of that, with the bulk of our income now coming from non-government sources, we are also proud of our commercially-focused organisation, which now employs six staff and reinvests dollars and in-kind support back to where it’s needed most.

After ten years, we have chosen to pass on the baton of promoting innovation in our region, deciding to bring the Northern Inland Innovation Awards to a close with the awards that were held in November last year. Last year was the 10th anniversary of the awards program, which was established to encourage and promote innovation and innovative approaches in our region, and this mission has now been accomplished. We are pleased to be reflecting on the end of the Innovation Awards with satisfaction, positivity and a tingle of sadness.

We wish all our readers a fantastic Christmas break. I hope we see some good moisture levels in the coming months and we look forward to working with you in 2019!


Russell Stewart

Innovation Mission Accomplished

RDANI’s Committee has determined that the Northern Inland Innovation Awards have now fulfilled their mission with the final awards night held in Armidale on the 24th of November 2017. Last year also marked the 10th anniversary of the awards, and we looked back on what this highly--specialised, regional awards program has achieved, what we’ve really done and what we set out to do. The awards were established to meet a need to encourage and promote innovation and innovative approaches in Northern Inland NSW, and this mission has now been accomplished. Through NIIA, we have raised awareness of the importance of innovation to our region’s growth.

Innovation is now a category in local business awards around the region, as well as in regional and state business chamber awards. Our business communities are certainly more pro-active and innovative than when NIIA began. Today, there are more local business representative bodies and business awards than ever. RDANI put the spotlight on innovation and those who have achieved through being innovative and it is time to pass the baton.  We remain focused on business and jobs growth, together with the general development of the region’s economy. With innovation being a key ingredient to growth and advancement, we are currently investigating new ways to promote it.

The awards will remain a source of inspiration through the inspiring videos can be viewed via the Awards website, www.niia.com.au and on our YouTube channel. These home-grown innovation stories are well worth a look and illustrate how diverse and innovative our region is on national and international levels.

Each year, the awards featured professionally produced videos about the award recipients, which were shown on a big screen at the gala awards night, held in a different location in our region each year. Those videos are great case studies of innovation, by a broad range of businesses and organisations. There are shorter clips about finalists and category winner videos that average two to three minutes. We especially encourage people to checkout the Innovation of the Year recipients:

  • The Mailler family’s Chillamurra Solar Farm at Boggabilla in 2017,
  • Gunnedah’s Wholegrain Milling Company in 2016,
  • The value-adding exporter Lively Linseed in 2015,
  • UNE’s Smart Farm in 2014
  • ICT International of Armidale in 2013
  • ZooWhiz by Edalive of Armidale in 2012 and
  • Photo Create at Glen Innes in 2011.

We are proud of the Northern Inland Innovation Awards legacy. RDANI was the major sponsor and we worked hard to get the entries in from throughout the region. We could not have produced them without generous support from public and private sponsors over the years, including:

  • Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science,
  • Prime Super
  • University of New England
  • White Rock Wind Farm
  • Local Councils
  • Optus and
  • Telstra.

In these difficult times, the attraction of sponsorship dollars and people with the time to promote their innovations are increasingly challenging. It is timely that we feel the Northern Inland Innovation Awards achieved what we set out to do. We are pleased to be reflecting on the end of the Innovation Awards with satisfaction, rather than sadness. To anyone out there, with a Northern Inland Innovation Awards trophy or Highly Commended certificate, the RDANI Committee and staff congratulate and thank you for your valued contribution to our region.

Public Hospital Investment Provides More Than Better Health Care

A recent study conducted by the Regional Australia Institute investigated the economic impact the Tamworth Hospital Redevelopment Project has had on the local economy. They found that the value of hospitals for communities goes far beyond the provision of healthcare, and the capital investment produces significant economic benefits.

Hospitals are not only major employers in their communities, but they also account for a high proportion of high wage jobs. The report highlights that the healthcare sector makes up 10% of Tamworth’s workforce and accounts for up to 21% of high wage jobs. Investment in public healthcare infrastructure leads to growth in health jobs and improves the ability to attract and retain medical and clinical staff. The investment in Tamworth was also found to have provided more than $79 Million Gross Regional Product (GRP), $180 Million in flow-on GRP and over $110 Million of annual flow-on impact.

The community benefits that emerged from the study were:

  • Improved healthcare capability and access
  • Increased attractiveness of the area to live and work
  • The formation of health precinct

The Regional Economic Impacts of Hospital Investment report is available on their website.

Australia’s First Large Windfarm Community Co-Investment

CWP Renewables is proud to be providing residents the opportunity to co-invest in the Sapphire Windfarm. The Sapphire Wind Farm is the largest in New South Wales and comprises of 75 turbines that are 200m tall,  generate enough power for 115,000 homes and will displace 700,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The opportunity for the local community to invest is an Australian first for a large-scale wind farm.

With construction nearing completion, the community co-investment will open in December and a series of Open House events will be held in Glen Innes, Armidale, Wellingrove and Inverell as follows:

Wednesday 5th of December
Glen Innes Services Club
Drop in anytime: 1:00PM - 7:00PM
Information session: 5:30PM - 6:30PM

Thursday 6th of December
Armidale City Bowling Glub
Drop in anytime: 1:00PM - 7:00PM
Information session: 5.30PM - 6.30PM

Friday 7th of December
Wellingrove Hall
Drop in anytime: 3:00PM - 7:00PM
Information session: 5.30PM - 6:30PM

Saturday 8th of December
Inverell RSM Club
Drop in anytime: 10.30AM - 4:30PM
Information session: 11.00AM - 12.00PM

If you have any question please email: investment@sapphirewindfarm.com.au

Researching the Wellbeing of People in Rural and Regional Areas

Each year the University of Canberra conducts the Regional Wellbeing Survey, which supports research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life of people living in rural and regional Australia. The survey allows residents in rural and regional areas of Australia to have their say on issues ranging from how your community is changing to your health and wellbeing. This year, the survey research will also be looking into the experiences of past and present droughts.

The survey is currently open and closes at midnight on Friday the 14th of December and can be accessed on the Regional Wellbeing website.

All responses to the survey will be held confidential and treated anonymously, and paper copies can be supplied by contacting the university by email at regionalwellbeing@canberra.edu.au, or by phone on 1800 981 499.

Christmas Holidays Closure

Our office will be closed for the Christmas Holiday season from 5pm on Friday the 21st of December until 9am on Wednesday the 2nd of January.

During this period, we will be unable to provide assistance for any grant applications that are due. If you have an application that you would like our assistance with, or require a letter of support for, please contact us before the 14th of December so we can assist you.

There will also be no processing of Skilled Migration Certifications during this time period. While applications may still be submitted as usual during this time, the six-week processing time will not commence until the 2nd of January, and it will not be included in the processing timeframe of applications received before we close. The NSW Government will also cease nominating applicants between 18th Dec. 2018 until 7th Jan. 2019. Please keep this in mind if you have an application that needs to be processed by a specific date.

We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas season and a happy 2019!

Featured Grants and Funding Opportunities

Below are some featured grants and funding opportunities from around 75 open grants listed in the Grants and Funding Opportunities area of our website. Our website is updated weekly with new listings and updates and all are applicable to our region, so it is a great resource if you are looking for funding for a specific project.

You can also sign up to our Business and Infrastructure Funding Opportunities and the Community Grants and Award Programs newsletters through the simple form located on the left-hand side of our website: www.rdani.org.au, to receive monthly summaries of currently open grants.

Regional Employment Trials Program
Closing date: 30th of June 2020
Value: $7,500 to $200,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business

The Northern Inland is one of only ten regions across Australia to be selected for the Regional Employment Trials Program. The Regional Employment Trials program provides local stakeholders in selected regions, including businesses, not-for-profits and local government agencies, with grants to trial local approaches to delivering employment related projects.

The objectives of the program are to deliver:

  • strong connections between regional stakeholders, including employment services providers
  • employment initiatives that meet local needs
  • improved awareness of local labour markets
  • the potential for improved regional employment outcomes

Grants are for between $7,500 and $200,000, for up to 75% of eligible project costs. Projects must be completed by 30 June 2020.

Applicants should contact the Employment Facilitator for the Northern Inland, and they will help determine if the project is aligned to local employment priorities, and connect applicants with an employment services provider if needed.

Before applying, applicants must submit information about their project to RDANI using the RDA project proposal template. RDANI will committee will provide you with written feedback using the RDA project proposal template which must be attach to the full grant application.

Drought Communities Programme - Extension
Closing date: 30th of June 2019
Value: $1 Million per declared council (All Northern Inland Councils are included)
Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities

Funding is available to eligible councils for local infrastructure projects and other drought-relief activities. Project funding is intended to provide short-term support, including by boosting local employment and procurement, and addressing social and community needs.

Funding will target infrastructure and other projects that:

  • provide employment for people whose work opportunities have been impacted by drought
  • stimulate local community spending
  • use local resources, businesses and suppliers
  • provide a long-lasting benefit to communities and the agricultural industries on which they depend.

Increasing Resilience to Climate Change
Closes: 1st of March 2019
Value: $30,000 to $120,000 for individual projects and $50,000 to $300,000 for regional projects
Run By: Local Government NSW and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Local Government NSW (LGNSW) and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) will assist councils to increase their resilience and adapt to climate change in NSW by directing financial assistance to address identified climate risks and vulnerabilities.

IRCC has been established with the following objectives:

  • Implementation of treatments for identified climate risks, reducing future climate impacts and reducing potential liability for local and regional decision makers
  • Regional and/or sectoral consideration of climate change impacts in decision making
  • Implementation of climate change adaptation actions beyond business as usual projects and programs
  • Enhanced adaptive capacity through the development of a community of practitioners and resources from across sectors and disciplines with practical experience in implementing adaptation responses  across NSW.

Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy Trial
Closes: Ongoing until 1630 sign ups
Value: Up to 75% of award wage
Run By: Australian Apprenticeships

The Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy trial aims to support apprenticeships in skills need occupations in rural and regional areas and encourage participation in apprenticeships by employers who have not previously engaged apprentices, as well as re-engaging employers who may have disengaged from the system.

Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme
Current Round Closes: When available funding for 18-19 is exhausted
Value: Varies depending on stream applied for
Run By: Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

The Inspiring Australia - Science Engagement Programme seeks to achieve:

  • engagement of the wider Australian community with the sciences, including through major activities and events such as National Science Week
  • public recognition and national awareness and pride in the achievements of our best scientists and innovators
  • effective communication on key science issues, between scientists, the general public and Australian decision makers in business and government
  • enhanced focus on building skills and capability in STEM and digital literacy, in Australian schools and communities.

It includes the following elements which offer grants or prizes through open application processes:

  • National Science Week Grants
  • Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science
  • Maker Projects Stream A
  • Maker Projects Stream B
  • Citizen Science Grants
  • Sponsorship Grants for Student Science Engagement and International Competitions.

What's On in the Northern Inland

Christmas Carnival
Thursday 6th of December

Culture Festival
Thursday 6th of December

Drought Relief Concert

Thursday 6th of December

Lighting of the Community Christmas Tree
Thursday 6th of December

Christmas Carnival

Friday 7th of December

Carols in the Park
Friday 7th of December

Carols on the Oval
Saturday 8th of December

Carols in the Park
Saturday 8th of December

Xmas Fair
Saturday 8th of December

Christmas Shopping Weekend
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of December

Christmas Carols

Sunday 9th of December
Glen Innes

Community Carols
Sunday 9th of December
Wee Waa

Carols by Candlelight
Monday 10th of December

Carols by Candlelight
Wednesday 12th of December

Carols on the Green
Friday 14th of December

Christmas on the Plains
Friday 14th of December

Christmas at Twilight
Friday 14th of December

Spring Ridge Christmas Tree
Sunday 16th of December
Spring Ridge

Christmas Mardi-Gras
Tuesday 18th of December
Wee Waa

Carols in the Park
Thursday 20th of December
Willow Tree

Gwabegar Christmas Party
Friday 21st of December

NYE Beach Party
Monday 31st of December

NYE Fireworks
Monday 31st of December

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Phone02 6771 0700
Opening Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
(Except Public Holidays)
Postal Address PO Box 72
Armidale NSW 2350
© Copyright 2025 Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland
An Australian Government Initiative