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Welcome to our Community Funding Opportunities and Awards Program Newsletter where you will find details of grant and funding programs that are available for the Northern Inland Region for community based projects and social enterprises.
Due to the number of grants that are available, we send two funding opportunities newsletters a month; one for Business and Infrastructure and another for Community Projects and Award Programs. These newsletters are a free service that we provide, and can you can add the Business and Infrastructure Grants newsletter to your subscriptions by filling your details into on the left hand side of our website: www.rdani.org.au
We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below and if you are looking for a grant between newsletters, have a look at the grants area of our website which is updated weekly: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/grants-and-funding-opportunities.php
If you need some facts and figures for your applications, a range of data for our region is also available on our website here: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/regional-data.php
Please note the below information is intended as a guide only. Closing dates and other details should be verified using the links provided as they are subject to change by the providers without notice.
Featured Grants
Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program
Closes: 2nd of September 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: $20,000 to $10 Million
Run By: National Recovery and Resilience Agency
The objective of this grant opportunity is to support the recovery efforts of communities in eligible Local Government Areas (LGAs) affected by the 2019-20 bushfires and enables them to apply for projects that address community recovery needs within their own timeframes. The Australian Government will directly fund successful applicants to conduct a range of projects designed to support the social and economic recovery, and restoration of the built environment in those communities.
A funding envelope has been allocated to each eligible LGA to ensure all LGAs have the opportunity to receive funding. Eligbible LGAs have been grouped into two categories, based on the impact of the bushfires on the LGA. If the project is located in multiple LGAs the amount of funding assigned to the LGA would be commensurate with the cost of activities being undertaken within the LGA.
For the Northern Inland, the following LGAs are eligible under the following categories:
Category 1 - A funding envelope of up to $4.5 Million per LGA:
- Armidale
- Glen Innes
- Tenterfield
Category 2 - A funding evelope of up to $1.6 Million per LGA:
- Gwydir
- Inverell
- Narrabri
- Tamworth
- Uralla
- Walcha
Before and After School Care Fund - Transport Grant
Current Round Closes: 24th of September 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: Up to $85,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Education
The Transport Grant funds transport solutions to increase access to Before and After School Care services. Access for students in small, regional, and rural schools is a particular priority with this grant.
The objectives of the Transport Grant are to:
- Support transportation solutions that can reasonably be expected to increase or maintain the number of approved before and after school care (BASC) places for NSW government primary school children
- Support transportation solutions that can reasonably be expected to increase access to BASC places for NSW government primary schools
There will be a second round for 2021-22, which will open on the 25th of October 2021 and will close on the 28th of January 2022.
Award Programs
National Economic Development Awards for Excellence - 2021
Closes: 30th of July 2021 - 5:00 pm (extended)
Run By: Economic Development Australia
These awards recognise individuals who are demonstrating leadership and excellence in economic development.
Regional Achievement and Community Awards
Closes: 11th of August 2021
Run By: Awards Australia
These awards encourage, acknowledge, and reward the valuable contributions individuals, communities and businesses make to regional NSW.
IMAGinE Awards 2021
Closes: 26th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Run By: Museums and Galleries NSW
Highlights the resilience, innovation and creativity of museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres and recognise the people who work in them.
Workplace Giving Excellence Awards
Closes: 30th of August 2021
Run By: One Million Donors
Recognises the most outstanding workplace giving programs and performers in Australia.
Landcare Awards
Closes: 31st of August 2021
Run By: Landcare
Recognises individuals and community groups for their contributions to preserving the unique Australian landscape.
UNE Alumni Awards - 2021
Closes: 31st of August 2021
Run By: UNE
Recognises the diverse achievements of UNE graduates in their lives, careers and communities.
Closing in July
NAB Foundation Community Grants
Closes: 30th of July 2021
Value: Up to $10,000
Funding for community projects that prepare for natural disasters, support long-term recovery and build resilience against future disasters.
Future2 Make the Difference
Closes: 30th of July 2021
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Future2
Funds grassroots programs that support young Australians who are experiencing social, financial or physical hardship
ARTC Sponsorships and donations
Current Round Closes: 31st of July 2021
Value: $1,000 to $4,000
Run By: Australian Rail Track Corporation
Supports short-term or one-off initiatives for the communities that are home to Inland Rail.
Local Economic Development Support Fund
Closes: 31st of July 2021
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Glen Innes Severn Council
Financial support to acheive local economic outcomes in alignment with the Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Action Plan 2020-2025
Closing in August
The Harcourts Foundation
Current Round Closes: 3rd of August 2021
Value: Unspecified
Run By: The Harcourts Foundation
Provides grants to reputable community-based charitable organisations which need funding for projects and initiatives designed to benefit as many people as possible.
Safer Communities Fund – Infrastructure Grants
Closes: 5th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: $10,000 to $500,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
Funds infrastructure that aims to reduce crime, violence, anti-social behaviour and/or other security risks driven by racial and/or religious intolerance.
Safer Communities Fund – Early Intervention Grants
Closes: 5th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: $200,000 to $1.5 Million
Run By: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
Support for organisations with demonstrated experience in providing early intervention activities to youth at high risk to prevent them from engaging in criminal activity or anti-social behaviour.
The Honda Foundation
Closes: 6th of August 2021
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: The Honda Foundation
The Honda Foundation acts as a charitable trust, providing financial assistance to charities and organisations doing amazing work across a range of social and environmental issues.
AFL NSW/ACT School Grants
Closes: 8th of August 2021
Value: Unspecified
Supports local schools, teachers and school sport associations in having Australian Rules Football accessible to all students.
Regional Tourism Activation Fund
Closes: 11th of August 2021
Value: $50,000 to $5 Million
Run By: NSW Government Department of Regional NSW
Supports the development of unique and high impact tourism and events infrastructure that helps to boost local economies, create jobs and attract visitors.
Tackling Tough Times - Large Grants
Closes: 12th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: $60,001 to $150,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Provides a larger amount of funding to help communities access the resources they need to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought.
Community Broadcasting Foundation - Content Grants
Closes: 17th of August 2021 - 2:00 pm
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
Content grants support the development, production and distribution of content via Australian community media.
Development and Operations Grants
Closes: 17th of August 2021 - 2:00 pm
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
Funding to support community media station resilience by strengthening governance, building community, sustainable operations and technical capacity.
Specialist Radio Programming Grants
Closes: 17th of August 2021 - 2:00 pm
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
Supports stations producing content that meets the needs of particular communities.
Heywire Youth Innovation Grants
Closes: 19th of August 2021
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Funding to implement one of the five ideas generated by youth leaders at this years Heywire program.
Schools Plus - Smart Giving
Closes: 20th of August 2021
Value: Up to $60,000
Run By: Schools Plus
Support for schools to design and deliver projects that explore innovative, creative and progressive approaches in education.
Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital
Current Round Closes: 24th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Provides small rural, regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds that can benefit and help secure their future prosperity.
Tackling Tough Times Together
Current Round Closes: 24th of August 2021
Value: Up to $60,000 depending on the tier applied for
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
The Tackling Tough Times Together grant program helps communities access the resources they need to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought.
Before and After School Care Fund - Establishment Grant
Next Round Closes: 27th of August 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: Up to $40,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Education
Funding to support the establishment of new before and after school care services.
Closing in September
Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program
Closes: 2nd of September 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: $20,000 to $10 Million
Run By: National Recovery and Resilience Agency
Supports projects in bushfire affected communities that address community recovery needs within their own timeframes.
Before and After School Care Fund - Transport Grant
Next Round Closes: 24th of September 2021 - 5:00 pm
Value: Up to $85,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Education
Funds transport solutions to increase access to Before and After School Care services
Local Sporting Champions
Closes: 30th of September 2021
Value: $500 to $750
Run By: Sport Australia
Provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships.
Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants Program
Runs: Twice a year
Opens: 1st of August 2021
Closes: 30th of September 2021
Value: Up to $15,000
Run By: Sisters of Charity Foundation
Supports organisations that use clever ways to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering and oppression, but struggle to find funding.
The Mazda Foundation
Current Round Closes: 30th of September 2021
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Mazda Foundation
Projects by community based organisations to support children with physical and/or mental disabilities and elderly people suggering mental disabilities or their carers, particularly projects seeking to address social isolation experienced by such children and their carers.
Closing Later and Ongoing
Westpac Youth Impact Challenge
Closes: 19th of November 2021 - 1:00 pm
Aims to help students identify a UN Sustainability Development Goal and problem in their local communities.
Active Kids Vouchers - 2021
Closes: 31st of December 2021
Value: Up to $100
Run By: NSW Government Office of Sport
Helps NSW families meet the cost of getting their kids into sport and active fitness and recreation activities.
Creative Kids Vouchers - 2021
Closes: 31st of December 2021
Value: Up to $100
Run By: Service NSW
This voucher for school kids can be put towards the cost of registration, participation or tuition fees for creative and cultural activities such as music lessons, language classes, coding and digital, visual and performing arts.
Australian Communities Foundation
Closes: Various dates
Value: Dependant on grant
Run By: Australian Communities Foundation
Supports a range of charitable organisations and projects each year. Grants are made domestically and internationally through Australian registered charitable organisations for specific projects, or for purposes that support the ongoing activities of those organisations.
CAGES Foundation Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: CAGES Foundation
The program provides funding with the intention of empowering community and creating an environment where every child has the opportunity to reach their potential.
Closes: Various
Value: Dependant on grant applied for
Run By: Club Grants
Clubs across NSW provide support to tens of thousands of local community organisations, sporting groups, and charities that make a difference in their local area.
Community Broadcasting Foundation - Quick Response Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
These grants will help community broadcasters access funding for eligible projects when their regular grant rounds are closed.
Community Child Care Fund Special Circumstances Grant
Closes: Unspecified
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Australian Government Department of Education
Supports continuity of child care, in particular in disadvantaged or vulnerable communities, where service viability is affected by an unforeseen event or circumstance outside the control of the service.
Dreamstarter - Scholarships
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: ING
ING are looking to provide education scholarships for change makers working on an early-stage business that will create positive social impact through trade of a product or service.
Google Ad Grants
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $10,000 per month
Run By: Google
Empowers nonprofit organisations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on Google search result pages.
IGA Community Chest
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: IGA
Every day across the country IGA Community Chest raises funds to support local communities, charities and other worthwhile causes. It could be in response to a major event like floods or bush fires or something as simple as new soccer balls for the local under 8’s.
Matana Foundation Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: No specified minimum or maximum, most grants are between $1,000 and $10,000
Run By: Matana Foundation
Focuses on improving the welfare and wellbeing of young people from severely disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds, or whose concerns and issues are not readily funded from other sources.
National Cultural Heritage Account
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: Up to $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford.
Quick Response Grants
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Offers funding for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice.
Thriving People and Places
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $20,000 and over for NSW applicants
Run By: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
Supports people and places experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to reach their educational, social and economic potential and build thriving communities by making grants to charities.
State Heritage Emergency Works
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $1,000 to $10,000
Run By: Heritage NSW
Supports the protection or repairs to gazetted Aboriginal Places, items listed on the State Heritage Register, or items with a current Interim Heritage Order that have been damaged by unexpected events.
Small Environmental Grant Scheme
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Wettenhall Environment Trust
Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.
Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $1,000 to $6,000
Run By: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Aims to enhance recreational freshwater fishing opportunities, to support local communities in the stocking high value native fish species, to assist in the development of regional aquaculture industries and to increase community and industry involvement in, and awareness of responsible stocking.
Judith Neilson Institute Grants for Journalism
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Judith Neilson Institute
Provides journalists and media organisations with the resources they need to produce quality journalism and helps them cover wide-ranging topics and under-reported issues and enable them to test approaches to reach new audiences.
Disaster Relief Loans - Not for Profit Organisations
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $25,000
Run By: Rural Assistance Authority
Low interest loans assist voluntary non-profit organisations directly affected by a declared natural disaster including flood, fire or storm damage.
Disaster Relief Loans - Sporting and Recreation Clubs
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Rural Assistance Authority
Assistance for sporting and recreation clubs directly affected by a declared natural disaster including flood, fire or storm damage.
Before and After School Care Fund - Viability Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $30,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Education
Financial relief to existing services that are experiencing financial stress and are at risk of closing in the short-term.
Qantas Regional Grants
Expected to be opened in June 2021 and close in August 2021
Value: Combination of cash, in-kind flights and marketing support
Run By: Qantas
Provides financial, flights and marketing support to community groups and organisations to help further their causes and set them up for success.