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Community Funding Opportunities and Award Programs - January 2020

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Welcome to our Community Funding Opportunities and Award Programs Newsletter

Welcome to our Community Funding Opportunities and Awards Program Newsletter where you will find details of grant and funding programs that are available for the Northern Inland Region for community based projects and social enterprises.

Due to the number of grants that are available, we send two funding opportunities newsletters a month; one for Business and Infrastructure and another for Community Projects and Award Programs. These newsletters are a free service that we provide, and can you can add the Business and Infrastructure Grants newsletter to your subscriptions by filling your details into on the left hand side of our website: www.rdani.org.au

We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below and if you are looking for a grant between newsletters, have a look at the grants area of our website which is updated weekly: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/grants-and-funding-opportunities.php

If you need some facts and figures for your applications, a range of data for our region is also available on our website here: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/regional-data.php

Please note the below information is intended as a guide only. Closing dates and other details should be verified using the links provided as they are subject to change by the providers without notice.

Bushfire Assistance

There is a wide range of assistance available for individuals, businesses and communities that have been affected by the recent bushfires. If you have been affected by the recent bushfires, a list of available grants and assitance for the Northern Inland is available on our dedicated Bushfire Assistance page of our website and this is being updated reguarly.

Available assistance includes:

  • Disaster Recovery Payment
  • Special Disaster Grant - Bushfires
  • Small Business Bushfire Recovery Grants
  • Disaster Recovery Allowance
  • Disaster Recovery Grants (Not-For-Profits)
  • ATO Support for Bushfire Affected Businesses and Individuals
  • Red Cross Emergency Grants
  • Disaster Relief Loans - Small business
  • Disaster Relief Loans - Primary producers
  • Disaster Relief Loans - Sporting and Recreation Clubs
  • Disaster Relief Loans - Not for Profit Organisations
  • Natural Disaster Transport Subsidy
  • Emergency Relief and Financial Counselling

Featured Grants

Volunteer Grants
Closes: EOI's Close in February 2020
Value: $1,000 to $5,000
Run By: Australian Government's Department of Social Services

Volunteer Grants aim to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering. The grants provide small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers.

The objectives of Volunteer Grants are to:
1.  help community organisations to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers
2.  help community organisations to support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering
3.  encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering.

The intended outcome of the program is to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering.

Applicants must be nominated by the Federal Government Member for their electorate through an EOI Process. Successful EOI's will be invited to submit a full application by the 6th of April 2020.

Funding of up to $66,000 is available per Federal electorate.

New England Electorate (Barnaby Joyce)
EOI's close: 7th of Febraury 2020 5pm
Further Information and EOI Form: http://www.barnabyjoyce.com.au/News/Releases/2019-20-Volunteer-Grants-closing-soon-in-the-New-England/

Parkes Electorate (Mark Coulton)
EOI's close: 14th of February 2020 5pm
Further Information and EOI Form: https://www.markcoulton.com.au/federal-funding-on-offer-to-support-local-volunteers/

Country Show Sponsorship Packages
Closes: Ongoing for 2020
Value: $5,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Premier and Cabinet

Funding is now available to support the costs of organising and running country shows in drought and bushfire impacted areas of regional NSW.

Eligible applicants are show organising committees. Other requirements:

  • The country show must be in regional NSW (outside of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong metropolitan areas) to be eligible for sponsorship
  • Applications are limited to one NSW Government sponsorship per show in a calendar year
  • Only shows that are going ahead in 2020, or combining with nearby shows, are eligible to receive funding
  • If a show has already been cancelled, show organising committees are encouraged to make contact to discuss what other funding support may be available
  • Shows that have received other NSW Government funding support to be held in 2020 are not eligible
  • Applications for funding must be submitted before the show has taken place. No funding can be approved if the application is made after the show has been held.

Shows that are combining with other shows from the surrounding area may be granted a higher amount if requested. Initially, priority will be given to shows being held in the first half of 2020.

Award Programs

Australasian Reporting Awards
Runs: Annually
2019 Awards Close: 6th of December 2019. Entries for reports for the Financial Year ending 31 December 2019 close on 31 January 2020
Value: Awards Program with advice
Run By: The Australasian Reporting Awards
The Australasian Reporting Awards provide all organisations that produce an annual report an opportunity to benchmark their annual reports against the ARA criteria which are based on world best practice.

Australian Small Business Champion Awards
Runs: Annually
2020 Entries Close: 3rd of February 2020
Run By: Precedent Productions
The Australian Small Business Champion Awards is a prestigious and comprehensive program that supports and recognises small businesses across Australia.

The Australian Business Awards
Runs: Annually
2020 Applications Close: 5th of March 2020
Run By: Awardbase
Recognises organisations that demonstrate the core values of business innovation, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, experience management, business sustainability, product and technology innovation via a set of comprehensive award categories.

Prime Minister's Prizes for Science
Runs: Annually
2020 Applications Open: 6th of February 2020
2020 Applications Close: 12 March 2020
Run By: Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
The prizes recognise the achievements and success of Australian scientists and innovators to both Australia and internationally, as well as the critical role science educators play in inspiring and encouraging students to take an interest in science and consider science as a career.

Australian Training Awards
Runs: Annually
2020 Applications Close for Direct Entry: 31st of May 2020
Run By: Australian Government Departement of Education and Training
Commencing in 1994, the Australian Training Awards are the peak, national awards for the vocational education and training (VET) sector, recognising individuals, businesses and registered training organisations for their contribution to skilling Australia.

Closing in January

Increasing Resilience to Climate Change
Closes: 31st of January 2020
Value: $10,000 to $30,000
Run By: AdaptNSW
Supports projects that help communities to take action and manage climate change impacts by being able to better plan, prepare for, and respond to heatwaves, storms, floods, drought and bushfires, to increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Closing in February

Community Futures Grant
Closes: 2nd of February 2020
Value: $25,000
Run By: Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
The RASF invites ideas that deliver strong community benefits and result in enhanced economic and social outcomes for your community.

Community Kitchen
Closes: 2nd of February 2020
Value: Kitchen refurbishment
Run By: Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
Provides rural and regional NSW community organisations the chance to receive kitchen cabinetry and appliances.

Strengthening Rural Communities - Larger Leverage Grants
Closes: 4th of February 2020
Value: $10,001 to $25,000
Run By: Foundation for Rurual and Regional Renewal
The Strengthening Rural Communities program gives small rural, regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds that can benefit and help secure their future prosperity.

The Honda Foundation
Closes: 7th of February 2020
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: The Honda Foundation
The Honda Foundation acts as a charitable trust, providing financial assistance to charities and organisations doing amazing work across a range of social and environmental issues.

Volunteer Grants
Closes: EOI's Close in February 2020
Value: $1,000 to $5,000
Run By: Australian Government's Department of Social Services
Supports the efforts of volunteers as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering by providing small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers.

Defence Family Support Funding Program
Closes: 12th of February 2020
Value: $5,000 to $75,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Defence
Aims to build the capacity of individuals, families and communities to contribute to the local community in which they are posted through the theme of Thriving Communities.

James N Kirby Foundation Small Grants
Closes: 14th of Febrary 2020
Value: $3,000 to $15,000
Run By: James N Kirby Foundation
Provides grants that impact not only towards the future educational and technical development of young Australians, but also on the health and welfare of many Australians in need as well as The Arts and The Environment.

Safe Places Emergency Accommodation
Closes: 14th of February 2020
Value: $100,000 to $10 million
Run By: Australian Government Department of Social Services
Funding to deliver new emergency and crisis accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.

Community Conservation Grants
Closes: 14th of February 2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: The Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife
Funding for both field projects and education programs that have a direct outcome for nature conservation in Australia.

Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 2)
Closes: 20th of February 2020 (extended)
Value: $10,000 to $450,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Agriculture
Assists eligible communities to undertake economic development projects to respond to the impact of water recovery activities under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. In the Northern Inland, Moree, Mungindi and Wee Waa are eligible.

Innovation Program
Closes: 21st of February 2020
Value: Unspecified
Run By: NSW Department of Education
The program partners with schools to test innovative ideas and build the evidence base for what works for our students to improve the learning and wellbeing of students with disability.

Tackling Tough Times Together
Current Round Closes: 25th of February 2020
Value: Up to $150,000 depending on the teir applied for
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
The Tackling Tough Times Together grant program helps communities access the resources they need to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought.

Veteran and Community Grants
Current Round Closes: 27th of February 2020
Run By: Department of Vetrans Affairs
The objective of the program is to maintain and improve the independence and quality of life for members of the Australian veteran community by providing funding for projects that sustain or enhance health and wellbeing.

Grants In Aid
Closes: 27th of February 2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs
Funds discrete projects or activities by national ex-service organisations (ESOs) that address a specific problem or issue and will achieve a clear benefit to the ex-service and Defence community.

Maker Projects: Community STEM Engagement Grants
Closes: 19th of February 2020
Value: Up to $20,000 to $100,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Aims to foster creativity and inquiry-based learning and support the development of STEM skills in students and youth under 18 years of age in design, engineering and programming, through hands-on learning.

Closing in March

Rural, Regional & Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure Grant
Closes: 3rd of March 2020
Value: $5 Million to $100 Million
Run By: Australian Government Department of Health
Provides funding for new and innovative approaches to enhancing and improving clinical trial infrastructure (including facilities, research equipment, systems and services), to extend existing or provide new clinical trials into rural, regional and remote areas.

Broadcasting Development and Operations Grants
Closes: 10th of March 2020
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
Aims to support community media station resilience through core support and support for development projects and necessary infrastructure.

Broadcasting Content Grants
Closes: 10th of March 2020
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
Content grants aim to support the development, production and distribution of content via Australian community media.

Celebrating Diversity Grants – Events
Next Round Opens: 3rd of February 2020
Next Round Closes: 13th of March 2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: NSW Government - Multicultural NSW
The Multicultural NSW Celebrating Diversity Grants Program invests in community projects, events and activities that foster community harmony and celebrate cultural diversity as a precious part of our identity and way of life.

Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital
Round Closes: 24th of March  2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Foundation for Rurual and Regional Renewal
The Strengthening Rural Communities program gives small rural, regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds that can benefit and help secure their future prosperity. Grants are available for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
Closes: 30th of March 2020
Value: Up to $150,000
Run By: Department of Vetrans Affairs
The program aims to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and involve people around the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

Sisters of Charity Community Grants Program
Next Round Opens: 1st of February 2020
Next Round Closes: 31st of March 2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Sisters of Charity Foundation
The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity grants of up to $10,000 to organisations that use clever ways to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering and oppression, but struggle to find funding.

Jetstar Flying Start Programme
Current Round Closes: 31st of March  2020
Value: $30,000 consisting of $15,000 cash grant and $15,000 of Jetstar flights
Run By: Jetstar
Jetstar's Flying Start Program invites community groups and organisations across Australia to apply for a grant to fund a project that will enrich the lives of people in their local community.

The Mazda Foundation
Current Round Closes: 31st of March 2020
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Mazda Foundation
Projects by community based organisations to support children with physical and/or mental disabilities and elderly people suggering mental disabilities or their carers, particularly projects seeking to address social isolation experienced by such children and their carers.

The Harcourts Foundation
Current Round Closes: 31st of March 2020
Value: Unspecified
Run By: The Harcourts Foundation
As the foundation's purpose is “To provide support that helps, grows, and enriches our communities”, they have a clear focus on providing grants to reputable community-based charitable organisations which need funding for projects and initiatives designed to benefit as many people as possible.

Local Sporting Champions (LSC) Program
Closes: 31st of March 2020
Value: $500-$750
Run By: Ausport
Provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships.

Closing Later and Ongoing

Infrastructure Grants
Future Round Opens: 16th of March 2020
Value: Up to $300,000 depending on project area
Run By: NSW Government Office of Responsible Gambling
Funding is available for arts and cultural infrastructure, sport and recreation infrastructure and projects that assist communities with essential infrastructure and disaster readiness.

Small Environmental Grant Scheme
Next Round Opens:  1st of April 2020
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Wettenhall Environment Trust
Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.

Disaster Recovery Payment
Closes: 5 July 2020
Value: $800 per child and $1000 per adult
Run By: Australian Government Department of Human Services
A once-off payment for individuals directly affected by the September 2019 to January 2020 bushfires in Armidale, Glen Innes Severn, Tenterfield and Walcha LGAs.

Disaster Recovery Allowance
Closes: 1st of July 2020
Value: Equivalent of Newstart or Youth Allowance
Run By: The Australian Government Department of Human Services
Provides support for people who can show they lost income as a direct result of the bushfires in New South Wales in August 2019 through to January 2020.

Country Show Sponsorship Packages
Closes: Ongoing for 2020
Value: $5,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Premier and Cabinet
Funding is now available to support the costs of organising and running country shows in drought and bushfire impacted areas of regional NSW.

Active Kids Vourchers
Closes: December 2020
Value: $100 per child
Run By: NSW Government Office of Sport
Active Kids is a program to help NSW families meet the cost of getting their kids into sport and active fitness and recreation activities.

Creative Kids Vourchers
Closes: December 2020
Value: $100 per child
Run By: Service NSW
The Creative Kids Rebate can be put towards the cost of registration, participation or tuition fees for creative and cultural activities such as music lessons, language classes, coding and digital, visual and performing arts.

Community Child Care FundSpecial Circumstances Grant
Closes: Unspecified
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Australian Government Department of Education
Supports continuity of child care, in particular in disadvantaged or vulnerable communities, where service viability is affected by an unforeseen event or circumstance outside the control of the service.

CAGES Foundation Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: CAGES Foundation
The program provides funding with the intention of empowering community and creating an environment where every child has the opportunity to reach their potential.

Thriving People and Places
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $20,000 and over for NSW applicants
Run By: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
VFFF aspires to a stronger and brighter future for people and places experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to reach their educational, social and economic potential and build thriving communities by making grants to charities.

IGA Community Chest
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: IGA
Every day across the country IGA Community Chest raises funds to support local communities, charities and other worthwhile causes. It could be in response to a major event like floods or bush fires or something as simple as new soccer balls for the local under 8’s.

Dreamstarter - Scholarships
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: ING
ING are looking to provide education scholarships for change makers working on an early-stage business that will create positive social impact through trade of a product or service.

Dreamstarter - Grants for Growth
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Unspecified
Run By: ING
Dreamstarter Grants for Growth provides ING Dreamstarter Alumni with access to funding to accelerate the growth of their businesses and increase their positive social impact. 

Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant
Closes: Ongoing rounds through the year
Value: Up to $140,000
Run By: Impact Investing Australia
Provides impact businesses and mission-driven organisations with grants for business, financial, legal and other capacity building support from providers to secure investment.

Youth Employment Program
Closes: Unspecified
Value: Support
Run By: NSW Government Department of Industry
Young people can become work ready or kickstart a fulfilling career by connecting to training, mentoring, work experience placements, and other support to build their skills and experience.

Community Broadcasting Foundation - Quick Response Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Undisclosed
Run By: Community Broadcasting Foundation
These grants will help community broadcasters access funding for eligible projects when their regular grant rounds are closed.

Matana Foundation Grants
Closes: Ongoing
Value: No specified minimum or maximum, most grants are between $1,000 and $10,000
Run By: Matana Foundation
Matana’s focus is on improving the welfare and wellbeing of young people from severely disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds, or whose concerns and issues are not readily funded from other sources.

English Family Foundation - Ingnitor Fund
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $100,000
Run By: Englisht Family Foundation
Under this grant program the foundation are seeking to support Australian social enterprise changemakers who are finding new and innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing issues within their local communities and who are now looking to build capacity to overcome the challenges of taking their concept to scale to be impact investment ready.

Small Grants for Rural Communities
Closes: Various
Value: Up to $5,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Available for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities  in rural, regional or remote Australia. Priority is given to communities of 10,000 or fewer. Applicants must be not-for-profit community organisations with an ABN or incorporation certificate.

Australian Communities Foundation
Closes: Various dates
Value: Dependant on grant
Run by: Australian Communities Foundation
Supports a range of charitable organisations and projects each year. Grants are made domestically and internationally through Australian registered charitable organisations for specific projects, or for purposes that support the ongoing activities of those organisations.

Google Ad Grants
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $10,000 per month
Run By: Google
Empowers nonprofit organisations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on Google search result pages.

Quick Response Grants
Closing date: Applications are Ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Offers funding for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice.

National Cultural Heritage Account
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts
Helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford. Australian cultural institutions can apply for funding. This includes museums, art galleries, libraries, archives, historic buildings, national trusts and local history museums and galleries, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander keeping places for sacred/secret material.

Closes: Various
Value: Dependant on grant applied for
Run By: Club Grants
Clubs across NSW provide support to tens of thousands of local community organisations, sporting groups, and charities that make a difference in their local area.

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $4,000
Run By: Department of Vetrans Affairs
Designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.

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© Copyright 2025 Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland
An Australian Government Initiative