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Community Funding Opportunities and Award Programs - March 2018

Welcome to our new Community Funding Opportunities and Awards Program Newsletter where you will find details of selected grant submissions from around the region for Community Projects and Award Programs.

Due to the number of grants that are available, we will now send two funding opportunities newsletters a month; one for Business and Infrastructure and another for Community Projects and Award Programs, rather than the one combined newsletter.

We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below and if you are looking for a grant between newsletters, have a look at the grants area of our website which is updated weekly: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/grants-and-funding-opportunities.php

If you need some facts and figures for your applications, a range of data for our region is also available on our website here: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/regional-data.php

Featured Grants

Ian Potter Foundation Community Wellbeing Grants

Expresssions of Interest Close: 20th of April 2018
Value: $100,000 and up to an undisclosed limit
Run By: The Ian Potter Foundation

Community Wellbeing is the Foundation’s busiest program area which seeks to identify those projects that are likely to have the greatest impact on some of society’s most complex issues.

Proposals for collaborative, multi-year projects are encouraged, as well as those that share knowledge gained with the broader sector. In general, the recommended minimum grant amount is $100,000.

They encourage all organisations to apply regardless of their size; in the case of small projects, the award can be of small amounts over multiple years, i.e., $35,000 a year for three years.

The Foundation particularly encourages applications in high-need areas that have a strong volunteer component and/or a volunteer Board that is a representative cross-sector of the community.

Applicants must speak to the Program Manager prior to submitting their Expression of Interest (EOI). They strongly recommend you discuss your project with the Program Manager before you start your application.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation
Closes: Next round closes 23rd of April 2018
Value: Up to $500,000 - averages at $50,000
Run By: Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation

The Foundation provides funding for community projects in the Hunter, Central Coast, Central West, Mid North Coast, New England and Northern Rivers areas of NSW.

The Foundation will consider applications from eligible charitable and not-for-profit organisations for important projects, initiatives and programs that address one or more of the following key focus areas:

  • Improved Health and Wellbeing outcomes for the most disadvantaged, isolated and vulnerable in our community;
  • Improved life outcomes for disadvantaged and at risk young people; and
  • Improved social outcomes for the most disadvantaged and marginalised in our community.

Foundation grants generally range from $10,000 to $500,000 with an average grant size of approximately $50,000.

Investing in Women Funding Program
Closing date: 22nd of April 2018
Value: Up to $100,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services

The Investing in Women funding program funds NSW organisations to develop and implement projects that support:

  • the economic opportunity and advancement,
  • participation and empowerment, and
  • leadership of women in NSW.

Projects that support high quality activity, engagement and participation with the following priority groups will be prioritised for funding:

  • women living and/or working in regional NSW
  • Aboriginal women
  • women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • young women
  • women with disabilities
  • older women, and/or
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) women.

Award Programs

Australian Cotton Industry Awards
2018 Applications Close: 5pm 30th of March 2018
Run By: Cotton Australia
These awards celebrate the cotton industry’s achievements and acknowledge the tremendous work, commitment and innovation of people throughout the cotton supply chain, from growers and ginners to product suppliers, consultants, agronomists, researchers and others.

Project Management Achievement Awards
2018 Applications Close: 26th of April 2018
Run By: Australian Institute of Project Management
The Project Management Achievement Awards exist to recognise, honour and promote outstanding achievements in program and project management.

Closing in March

YGAP's First Gens Program
Current Round Closes: 30th of March 2018
Value: In-Kind support and up to $25,000 captial
Run By: YGAP
YGAP is an international not-for-profit that backs impact entrepreneurs. YGAP’s First Gens program supports migrant and refugee led social impact ventures that are improving the lives of people living in disadvantage in Australia.

Jetstar Flying Start Programme
Current Round Closing Date: 31st of March 2018
Value: $30,000 consisting of $15,000 cash grant and $15,000 of Jetstar flights
Run By: Jetstar
Jetstar's Flying Start Program invites community groups and organisations across Australia to apply for a grant to fund a project that will enrich the lives of people in their local community.

Sisters of Charity Community Grants Program
Closes: 31st of March 2018
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Sisters of Charity Foundation
The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity grants of up to $10,000 to organisations that use clever ways to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering and oppression, but struggle to find funding.

The Harcourts Foundation
Closing date: Current round closes 31st of March 2018
Value: Unspecified
Run By: The Harcourts Foundation
As the foundation's purpose is “To provide support that helps, grows, and enriches our communities”, they have a clear focus on providing grants to reputable community-based charitable organisations which need funding for projects and initiatives designed to benefit as many people as possible.

Closing in April

Youth Employment Innovation Challenge
Closes: 10th of April 2018
Value: Undisclosed - total pool of $10 Million
Run By: NSW Department of Industry and the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
The Innovation Challenge will offer $10 million to fund innovative solutions and ideas that support young people to find employment in NSW, with a focus on regional areas.

Grants in Aid
Closing date: 19th of April 2018
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Department of Vetrans' Affairs
The objective of the program is to fund discrete projects or activities that address a specific problem or issue and will achieve a clear benefit to the ex-service and Defence community.

Investing in Women Funding Program
Closing date: 22nd of April 2018
Value: Up to $100,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services
The Investing in Women funding program funds NSW organisations to develop and implement projects that support the economic opportunity and advancement, participation and empowerment, or leadership of women in NSW.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation
Closes: Next round closes 23rd of April 2018
Value: Up to $500,000 - averages at $50,000
Run By: Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation
The Foundation provides funding for community projects in the Hunter, Central Coast, Central West, Mid North Coast, New England and Northern Rivers areas of NSW.

Churchill Fellowships
Closing date: 27th of April 2018
Value: Unspecified
Run By: Churchill Trust

The Churchill Trust will be holding an information day in Armidale on Tuesday, March 6, starting at 5.30pm at the Armidale City Bowling Club. This prestigious award offers Australian citizens the opportunity to travel overseas to investigate a topic or an issue they are passionate about. It is for anyone who, after examining alternatives within Australia, would now like to see what other countries are doing successfully in a similar field to inspire new ideas and innovation.

nib Foundation Community Grants
2018 Opening date: 2nd of April 2018
2018 Closing date: 30th of April 2018
Value: $5,000 to $50,000
Run By: nib Foundation
A Community Grant round is held once each year and applications are invited from eligible organisations across Australia to undertake new or existing projects that run for approximately 12 months.

Closing Later and Ongoing

The Honda Foundation
Closes: Current round closes 10th of August 2018
Run By: The Honda Foundation
The Honda Foundation acts as a charitable trust, providing financial assistance to charities and organisations doing amazing work across a range of social and environmental issues.

Cadbury Fundraiser Community Grants
Closing date: 16th of November 2018
Value: Up to $500
Run By: Cadbury
The intention of the grant program is to support a wide range of community-based projects that increase social inclusion and enhance community engagement in Australia.

English Family Foundation - Ingnitor Fund
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $100,000
Run By: Englisht Family Foundation
Under this grant program the foundation are seeking to support Australian social enterprise changemakers who are finding new and innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing issues within their local communities and who are now looking to build capacity to overcome the challenges of taking their concept to scale to be impact investment ready.

Small Grants for Rural Communities
Closes: Various
Value: Up to $5,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Available for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities  in rural, regional or remote Australia. Priority is given to communities of 10,000 or fewer. Applicants must be not-for-profit community organisations with an ABN or incorporation certificate.

Try, Test and Learn Fund
Closes: Ongoing applications until September 2018
Value: $500,000 to $5,000,000
Run By: Department of Social Services
Funding to deliver trials of new or innovative approaches to assist some of the most vulnerable in society into stable, sustainable employment.

Festivals Australia: Regional Festivals Project Fund
Closing: Various
Value: Dependant on the grant applied for
Run By: Australia Council for the Arts
Supports the inclusion of an arts project at festivals in regional and remote Australia. Grants are available to support the costs to produce and present an arts activity.

Australian Communities Foundation
Closes: Various dates
Value: Dependant on grant
Run by: Australian Communities Foundation
Supports a range of charitable organisations and projects each year. Grants are made domestically and internationally through Australian registered charitable organisations for specific projects, or for purposes that support the ongoing activities of those organisations.

Google Ad Grants
Closes: Applications are ongoing
Value: Up to $10,000 per month
Run By: Google
Empowers nonprofit organisations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on Google search result pages.

Quick Response Grants
Closing date: Applications are Ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Offers funding for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice.

Poverty and Disadvantage Small Grants Program
Closing date: Ongoing
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Sidney Myer Fund and The Myer Foundation
Supports strategies to benefit Australian communities and aims to alleviate the negative effects of poverty and disadvantage; demonstrate new ideas about how to address poverty and disadvantage; strengthen communities’ abilities to deal with poverty and disadvantage.

ANZ Staff Foundation
Rounds Close: 15th of January 5:00PM (AEDT) and 15th of July 5:00PM (AEST) each year
Value: Up to $5,000
Run By: ANZ
The Foundation aims to support projects run by charitable organisations which offer a direct and tangible benefit to local communities.

National Cultural Heritage Account
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts
Helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford. Australian cultural institutions can apply for funding. This includes museums, art galleries, libraries, archives, historic buildings, national trusts and local history museums and galleries, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander keeping places for sacred/secret material.

Closes: Various
Value: Dependant on grant applied for
Run By: Club Grants
Clubs across NSW provide support to tens of thousands of local community organisations, sporting groups, and charities that make a difference in their local area.

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $4,000
Run By: Department of Vetrans Affairs
Designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.

Project Development Grants
Closes: 30th of September 2018
Value: $2,500 tp $7,500
Run By: Museums and Galleries of NSW
Project Development Grants allow community museums and keeping places to carry out strategic and innovative projects with mid to long term outcomes. The grants can also provide an opportunity to work productively with an appropriate museums and/or arts consultant as a skill development opportunity.

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An Australian Government Initiative