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August 2017 Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Welcome to our Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Welcome to our new Funding Opportunities Newsletter where you’ll find details of selected grant submissions from around the region.

Our regular newsletter will be along in soon, but this new edition will occur in the middle of the month, every month.

We wish you all the best with the Funding Opportunities below.

Featured Grant: Growing Local Economies Fund

As part of the NSW Government’s $1.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, funding will be made available through the Growing Local Economies fund over four years to develop new regional economic opportunities and enliven local economies.

Purpose of Funds
Growing Local Economies is designed to unlock growth in regional NSW by delivering infrastructure that supports projects of economic significance.
Types of projects that could be funded include road works, natural gas mains and pipelines, water supply, sewerage connections and telecommunications (including data networks).
The Growing Local Economies fund is open to projects that have the capacity to:

  • deliver jobs and economic growth
  • help regional communities capitalise on their strengths or broaden and reposition their industry base
  • demonstrate benefits beyond one organisation
  • have a minimum project size of $1 million
  • align with state and regional priorities and achieve Benefit to Cost Ratio greater than 1.0.

Growing Local Economies will make funding available for projects in regional NSW outside Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. Project applications are invited from:

  • local government
  • Aboriginal Land Councils and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups
  • infrastructure providers, such as telecommunication firms
  • incorporated associations, including business, industry and community organisations
  • cooperatives
  • educational institutions and non–government organisations.

Partnerships between groups are encouraged.

More information: www.nsw.gov.au/improving-nsw/regional-nsw/regional-growth-fund/growing-local-economies/

Featured Grant: Regional Flagship Events Fund

Run by the NSW Government through Destination NSW, the Flagship Event Fund supports the marketing of events that play an important role in bringing visitors to regional NSW.

To receive funding from the Flagship Event Fund, events must have tourism potential, reflect the character and culture of their local area and act as a “flagship” for their region.

The 2018 Flagship Event Fund is for events held in regional New South Wales between 1 January – 31 December 2018. Events must have been running for at least two years to be eligible for funding.

To be considered for funding, complete an expression of interest (EOI) form by the 1st of September 2017. After assessment, EOI’s that sufficiently meet the fund criteria will be invited to submit a full application.

More information: 2018.dnswextranet.com.au

Featured Grant: Cotton Farmers Grow Communities (closes 31 Aug 2017)

Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities is a grant program which aims to help support local communities in 14 Cotton Grower Association areas in New South Wales and Queensland.

People living and working in rural and regional communities are best-placed to determine the groups and projects that most need support. For the fourth year running, farmers have the opportunity to nominate a deserving not-for-profit group to receive one of thirty $5,000 grants.

Community suggestions from not-for-profit groups, charity groups, or individuals can be put forward for a farmer to consider nominating.

The recipient organisation must be a not-for profit community based group that is undertaking projects and activities that offer clear public benefit. They must be operating with a charitable purpose (i.e. not intended to just benefit an individual).

Recipients could include organisations like early childhood centres, playgroups, kindergartens, meals on wheels, neighbourhood houses, agricultural societies or other local organisations.

The recipient not-for-profit group must operate in one of the 14 eligible Cotton Grower Association areas. The Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities website has more information about the program, including examples of the kinds of projects that could be funded.

Cotton farmers are invited to nominate a project or group in their local community to receive a $5,000 grant in one of 14 Cotton Grower Association areas in New South Wales and Queensland.

More information: www.frrr.org.au/grants/Cotton-Farmers-Grow-Communities

Closing in September

Flying Start Programme
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Sep 2017, 31 Mar 2018
Up to $30,000
Available for Not-for-profit community groups and organisations for projects building or enhancing their local community.

Cadbury Fundraiser Community Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 15 Sep, 30 Nov
Up to $500
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-profits and schools for community projects in the realm of social inclusion and community engagement.

Harcourts Foundation Grants
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Sep, 31 Dec 2017
Funding amounts undisclosed
Available to Not-for-Profits who hold a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status for a specific project, item or initiative. Check out the longer list of guidelines and eligibility here.

Jetstar’s Flying Start Programme
Multiple Rounds closing 30 Sep 2017, 31 Mar 2018
Up to $30,000
Total Pool: Unknown
Available for not-for-profit community groups and organisations for projects enriching their local community.

St George Foundation Community Grants
Closes 29 Sep
Up to $50,000
Available to Not-for-Profits for projects helping economically, socially or physically disadvantaged children.

Closing in October

Grants to End Homelessness
Closes 9 Oct
Up to $50,000 (average $20 - $30K)
Total Pool: Unknown
Available for businesses and not for profits for seeding initiatives, services, projects, advocacy and research that will contribute to the goal of ending homelessness by supporting housing first and permanent supportive housing solutions.

Closing 2019

Jobs Action Plan Rebate
Closes 30 June 2019
Total Pool: Unknown
The plan provides eligible NSW businesses with a payroll tax rebate when they employ new workers in new eligible employment.

Small Business Grant
Closes 30 June 2019
Total Pool: unknown
The grant is designed to encourage the nearly 650,000 small businesses in New South Wales that do not pay payroll tax to hire new employees and expand their business.


Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Grants
$500 - $5,000
Available to Aboriginal communities and individuals for projects in line with the Foundation’s goals.

Archives in the Bush
Total Pool: $40,000 per State
Assists seven Regional Archive Repositories to manage, preserve, digitise and maintain local State archives stored on behalf of SARA in regional NSW.

Community Led Grants - Australian Government
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations or individuals in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community for projects in the areas of Education, Employment and Economic Development and / or Community Safety.

Google Grants
Up to USD$10,000 per month in kind
Total Pool: Unknown
Available for Not-for-profits to advertise their mission using Google Adwords.

Poverty and Disadvantage Small Grants Program
Up to $10,000
Total Pool: Unknown
Available to Not-for-Profit organisations in the support of and aiding to alleviate the negative effects of poverty and disadvantage.

Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds (SEDIF)
Amount Undisclosed
Available to social enterprises to help them grow their business and impact more people with the result of their work.

Sponsorship Grants - Multicultural NSW
Amount Undisclosed
Available to Not for Profit organisations to support initiatives promoting community cohesion and the benefits of a multicultural society.

Innovation Connections
Up to $50,000
Available to businesses to connect them with an Innovation Facilitator to help identify knowledge gaps and opportunities to grow their business

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An Australian Government Initiative