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Feedback Wanted for Moree SAP Masterplan

The Moree Special Activation Precinct (SAP) will provide Moree and the Northern Inland region with a unique opportunity to build on its road, rail, and air transport connections, particularly with the development of the Inland Rail. Adam Marshall MP expects that it will create up to 4,000 new jobs in the region.

Special Activation Precincts are a new way of planning and developing industrial and commercial infrastructure in targeted areas of regional NSW. By providing the right planning framework, approvals and infrastructure are put into place quickly and efficiently, allowing for the attraction of businesses, industry and jobs to the area.

The draft master plan for the precinct is open for feedback until the 15th of June. Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor, Katrina Humphries, is encouraging community members to look at the document, ask questions, and have their say about what they do or don’t like.

Once the exhibition period is finished, the opinions and views from the submissions will be assessed and considered to finalise the master plan. All submissions will be published when the master plan is completed in the second half of 2021. There will also be a submission report summarising the feedback received during this exhibition period.

A feedback form and further details about the Moree SAP and the feedback process are available on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment website.

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