Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential

Grants and Funding Opportunities

While RDA Northern Inland are unable to directly administer grant programs and cannot directly provide grants to project proponents, there are many grants, awards and other funding opportunities available to organisations and individuals in the Northern Inland.

Our grants library is updated weekly to provide up to date information on the grants that are available for the Northern Inland. Use the links below to discover funding opportunities for your project.

Receive monthly updates on the available grants and funding opportunities by subscribing to our free newsletter service.

A range of data for our region that can be used to support your application is also available on our website here: www.rdani.org.au/our-region/regional-data.php

If you have any questions regarding funding opportunities please contact our office on (02) 6771 0700.

Grant Listings

Our database contains details of over 150 grants, awards and programs that are relevant for the Northern Inland and is updated on a regular basis.

You can view and search our entire database of grants and funding items from the Search for Grants and Funding page.

Select a category below for listings with information on available grants and funding opportunities for:

Community Grants Hub

The Community Grants Hub is maintained by the Australian Department of Social Services and is a searchable index of community based grants offered by the Australian Government.

Go to: https://www.communitygrants.gov.au/

Grant Connect

The Current Grant Opportunity List contains all current Grant Opportunities with the Australian Government that are open for application.

To access a searchable index go to: https://www.grants.gov.au/?event=public.GO.list


Tendering is becoming a vital part of how many businesses in the Northern Inland operate on a day to day basis.

Both state and federal governments often have projects open for tender. For more information on NSW State Government Tenders please go to https://tenders.nsw.gov.au for further information on Federal Government Tenders please go to www.tenders.gov.au

Commercial tenders are also becoming more popular. For more information on the commercial tendering process please go to www.tenderlink.com or www.tenders.com.au

The Industry Capability Network (ICN) creates opportunity for New South Wales and Australian industry. If you are developing a supply chain and need a competitive local source of supply, ICN can help.

ICN bridges the information gap between buyers and sellers by advising on:

  • supply chain development
  • import replacement
  • local industry capability and capacity

For more information please go to http://www.icn.org.au

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Contact Us
Phone02 6771 0700
Opening Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
(Except Public Holidays)
Postal Address PO Box 72
Armidale NSW 2350
© Copyright 2025 Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland
An Australian Government Initiative