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Regional Events Acceleration Fund - Major Event Accessibility and Inclusion Stream

ClosedGrant Closed: 4th of October 2022 Value: $15,000 to $100,000 Run By: Service NSW Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/major-event-accessibility-and-inclusion-stream-three

The key objectives of the Regional Events Acceleration Fund are to:

  • boost the economic and social recovery of regional NSW by attracting new major events to regional areas and supporting existing iconic major events to be bigger and better.
  • enhance the visitor experience by improving accessibility and inclusion at major events.

Stream Three supports improvements to infrastructure that will ensure major events are accessible and inclusive to people with disability.

Funding supports temporary and/or permanent event infrastructure that will improve accessibility and inclusion at major iconic events in regional NSW.

Inclusive tourism enables people with disability and accessibility requirements to participate independently and with equity and dignity through the delivery of universally designed events, services and environments.

Projects that involve the purchase of permanent or portable infrastructure that will improve accessibility and inclusion at events hosted in regional NSW in the future can be supported through Stream Three. 

Purchased event infrastructure must be in place for the event for which the applicant has applied for funding and must remain in regional NSW for the life of the asset. 

Applicants are encouraged to partner with their local council to develop a joint proposal regarding the funded activities under Stream Three to ensure the benefits can be ongoing and dispersed amongst the local community. Applications that are aligned to the relevant local council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan are preferred. 

Last Updated: 26th of March 2022
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