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Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities Grants

ClosedGrant Closed: 7th of November 2021 Value: Up to $360,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Social Services Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=db6d5abe-ae78-4fd7-a2e7-12b3eb39ed99

These Grants aim to support vulnerable and disadvantaged people to participate socially and economically through local community-driven solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment. The Grants will focus on supporting people of working age (15-64 years) in geographic areas of high socio-economic disadvantage across all states and territories. This includes addressing barriers to participating in community activities, reducing social isolation, developing soft skills and promoting social and economic participation through funding projects that support:

  • the development of young people aged 12-18 who are, or are at risk of, disengagement, marginalisation and having limited engagement with education/training.
  • people with disabilities and/or mental health issues to participate in their community, and become/remain independent and engaged.
  • vulnerable women who are, or at risk of, isolation or discrimination to participate in their community and increase their sense of self agency and empowerment.
  • people who are unemployed to address individual barriers to employment and increase their capacity to engage with existing employment/training services and/or work towards gaining employment.
Last Updated: 7th of October 2021
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