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Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI)

ClosedGrant Closed: 12th of February 2021 Value: Unspecified - Total pool of $5.5M Run By: National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Further Information: https://www.nhvr.gov.au/about-us/heavy-vehicle-safety-initiative

The Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative program aims to support projects that deliver tangible improvements in heavy vehicle safety.Funding from the five previous rounds is supporting a wide range of projects across the country.

For Round 6, the NHVR is again engaging broadly with heavy vehicle industry participants to identify heavy vehicle safety projects to put forward to the Commonwealth Government for consideration. Funding forRound 6 is $5.55 million.

The NHVR is calling for submissions detailing implementable, value-for-money projects that will deliver significant heavy vehicle safety benefits. Round 6 funding relates to the 2021–22 financial year. Projects must commence in the 2021–22 financial year and be completed by 30 June 2024.

It is recommended that submissions directly address one of the following three themes aimed at more closely aligning initiatives with the National Road Safety Strategy and associated state and territory road safety strategies, as well as the goals of the ongoing Heavy Vehicle National Law Review:

  • Safer drivers
  • Safer vehicles
  • Safer road use


Last Updated: 30th of November 2020
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